
Rich text edit controls let the user enter text that includes variation in font attributes, paragraph formatting information, images, tables and etc. RTF (Rich Text Format) storage format is used. As a rule, this component is assigned to a specific database field through the TableName and FieldName properties.

Component properties




 Determines which database table a component belongs to.


 Determines which field of the database table this component belongs to.


 Allows you to set the default value when creating a new record.


 Determines whether the user can change the text of the edit control.


 Defines the presence of a horizontal ruler.


 Allows you to customize the visibility of buttons for the first row of the toolbar.


 Allows you to customize the visibility of buttons for the second row of the toolbar.


 Allows you to customize the visibility of buttons for the third row of the toolbar


 Specifies the name of the component.


 Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the left edge of a component relative to its parent.


 Specifies the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of a control, relative to its parent or containing control in pixels.


 Specifies the horizontal size of the control in pixels.


 Specifies the vertical size of the control in pixels.


 Indicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order.


 Determines if the user can tab to a control.


 Specifies whether the component appears onscreen.


 Specifies how the control is anchored to its parent. More info.

Additional properties




 Specifies the size constraints for the component.  It makes sense when using the Anchors property.


 Controls whether the component responds to mouse and keyboard events.