(3 replies, posted in General)

Hello sparrow

Thanks for answering.

I managed to get the cell colored (it wasn't column 52, but 53) but those below 102 are also being selected, especially fractions ("98.2", "88.7", "99"... ), and some greater than 102 are not selected ("112.1", 106..). It must be some detail I haven't figured out yet.


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hello everybody.
In my database I have recorded the measurements, in centimeters, of the waist circumferences of both men and women. I need a procedure that makes the tablegrid's waist circumference cell turn yellow when men's is greater than 102cm and women's is greater than 88cm.

I tried this code but without success:

procedure frmStart_TableGrid1_OnChange (Sender: TObject);

   i,c: INTEGER;

    c := frmStart.TableGrid1.RowCount - 1;
     for i := 0 to c do

        IF (frmstart.TableGrid1.Cells[4,i] = 'MASCULINO') AND (StrToInt(frmStart.TableGrid1.Cells[52,i]) > 102) Then frmStart.TableGrid1.cell[52,i].Color := clYellow
        ELSE frmStart.TableGrid1.cell[52,i].Color := clWhite;

Is it possible to do that?


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hello Mr. Dmitry
I don't think it's relevant to me what happens in your life.
But I think you are important to mi life.
Thanks to your efforts, developing this wonderful tool that is the MVD,
I continue in my work, feeding my family.
From what I see on the forum, nobody knows if you'll be back (I'm sure I would be tired too).
Wherever you are, I offer my most sincere thanks for the learning you have given me.
Health and peace my friend.
Very, very thankfull!!!


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hello scribtx

Take it here:


Sorry, but if you have a antivirus, uninstall the Malwarebytes.


(11 replies, posted in General)

I found this example that I downloaded a long time ago. I hope it helps.

https://www.4shared.com/rar/0OAgh7Bcea/ … n_Loa.html

Да, это возможно.
Я использую программу Color Sizer, чтобы получить шестнадцатеричный цветовой код для Delphi.
Просто возьмите ручку и подведите ее к желаемому цвету и код будет получен.
Вы можете получить его здесь:

Извините, перевел гугл.

     Form1.TableGrid1.InactiveSelectionColor := $006845ED;

Hello Derek
It exceeded my expectations.
Thank you very much.
You are an ace.

Hi Derek
Great solution.
I will study it.
Thanks a lot.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Hello Derek.
Thank you very much for your reply. Always helpful.
I thought about the solution you proposed, and it is quite valid.
But the records are inserted on an earlier date and on the day of the patient's care he has the records of all of them on the screen.
In the example you gave me, an edit of the record would be made with the choice of the status "attended" and "no show".
I would really like to make this step faster, so I thought about using the ChekBox.
I found the attached example on the forum that awakened this possibility.
I'm sorry for the english of the google translator.


(8 replies, posted in General)

Hello Jean
Thanks for your answer.
In fact what I would like to implement is to save a record on another table by clicking a checkbox inside the tablegrid.
I would like a script that made it possible.
Thanks a lot.

Hello everyone

In my project for a medical clinic I need to refer patients who have not attended.
I would like to know if it is possible to create a CheckBox in the TableGrid and, when selecting it, the record of patients who did not show up would be sent to another TableGrid.



(4 replies, posted in General)

Thank you very much CDB
As soon as I have a result I will inform you.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hello Wood.

I tried as you suggested but I still haven't been successful.
Something is not right.
Still very grateful.

Hello everybody.
I have a medical application distributed to many users.
I am using MySQL.
Only I can register a new patient.
When I register the patient in the database I would like the user to be able to view the new record as well, but that does not happen.
Only when the application is restarted.
How do I get users to access the new record without restarting the application?


(30 replies, posted in General)

Welcome back Dmitry!

Thank you so much guys.
I got it.

Thanks Sib

I try it

reg.WriteDate('StartDate', Now+365); 

But the message does not change. See the image https://ibb.co/F0GqtFh

Only stay 10 days .

Hello everyone.

I used the 10-day trial period, ran the app, Ok.
Now I try to use a 365 day period and I can't. It always appears 10 days.
How do I change the date range?

Apologies for the google translator.


(17 replies, posted in General)

Hello friends.
Looking at my old posts I saw that I forgot to indicate how I solved this problem of mine, without forgetting the valuable contribution of Derek, Sibprogsistem, Thezimguy and Ehwagner.
I used the SQLite code, which Derek very kindly made for my project, on the code translation website https://www.jooq.org/translate/.
Just paste the SQL code and choose the output reference, it solved perfectly for me.
I hope I've helped.
Greetings from Brazil.

Thank you very much for your patience, Derek.
I will put your suggestions into practice. I think it will be all right.
Thanks a lot!

Hi Derek.
Here it is.
I tried several ways but none worked as I need.
Thanks for helping.

Hello Derek, how are you?
I'm using MySQL, can I send you the dump?

What I need is that it looks like this, as in the image, when editing the record.

Hello. Health and peace to all.
I would like to know if there is any example on the forum that helps me because I am not finding it.

1. In my project I used 5 comboboxes to register the code of the tests that the patients did.

2. When I click on show record, all comboboxes receive the first code, even if I have filled in 1 or 2 comboboxes.

3. Thus, the fields with the description of the exams are also not filled.

4. I tried to create a form edit but the problem remains.
The image shows the editing form.

Thnks a lot.

(by google translator)