(10 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Derek.
The purpose of procedures 'FrmInputPresence_Edit1_OnKeyDown' and 'FrmInputPresence_Edit1_OnKeyUp are  to read the barcode by barcode scanner from the member card, as a sign of entering existing activities.


(10 replies, posted in Script)

Hi MVD, I send to you example my project.
I need your helping for print report member presence
and ajust time barcode scanner automatically.
thanks you



(2 replies, posted in General)

Thank you pavlenko.vladimir.v for your attantion and your book library project.


(2 replies, posted in General)

hello MVD, can we make book reader  with MVD like book reader in https://fliphtml5.com/?


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hi MVD developer friends, I have a question. Can MVD run on Linux?

  SQLQuery('SELECT name FROM table',tmpDataSet);
    // some code for get data from dataaset...

k245, thanks you.. I wil try this code
tcoton, thanks you for your advice  I will try use MySQL too

How to free DataSet right after using??

I use multiuser, the database uses sqlite. does sqlite not allow for LAN network?

I am using the MVD application in a LAN network and the result is having a problem with the database being locked when one of the users inputs data. is there a solution to my problem?


(22 replies, posted in General)

mybe this link can help for make progressbar

http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/viewt … 020#p25020


(12 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Sparrow, thanks you for your information


(12 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Sparrow, can help me again?
can I write My Variable in report Sql Script from component in form?

select distinct      
akun.kodeakun as Kode,
akun.namaakun as nama_akun,  
((select sum(debet) from jurnal 
  where jurnal.id_akun = akun.id                             
  and jurnal.tanggal >= DATE({DateTimePicker2}, 'start of month')  
  and  jurnal.tanggal <= DATE({DateTimePicker2}) ) 
 (select sum(kredit) from jurnal 
  where jurnal.id_akun = akun.id 
  and jurnal.tanggal >= DATE({DateTimePicker2}, 'start of month') 
  and  jurnal.tanggal <= DATE({DateTimePicker2})) )  as The_Month,
((select sum(debet) from jurnal                                      
  where jurnal.id_akun = akun.id 
  and jurnal.tanggal >= DATE({DateTimePicker1})                                          
  and  jurnal.tanggal <= DATE({DateTimePicker1}, 'start of month', '+1 month', '-1 day') ) 
  (select sum(kredit) from jurnal 
  where jurnal.id_akun = akun.id 
  and jurnal.tanggal >= DATE({DateTimePicker1})      
  and  jurnal.tanggal <= DATE({DateTimePicker1}, 'start of month', '+1 month', '-1 day')) )  as Last_Month
from akun                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
left outer join jurnal on jurnal.id_akun = akun.id                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
where  jurnal.tanggal >= {DateTimePicker1} and 
    jurnal.tanggal <= {DateTimePicker2} and  akun.NRCLR = 'NRC'                                         
/* can I write myvariable? example 

order by akun.id  

and how to make footer Sum from Curency LastMonth or The Month  in tablegrid??


(12 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Sparrow, I am very grateful for helping.
If in the future there is a problem, I will ask again.
thank you very much


(12 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Sparrow, Thank you
I want user choose datetimeepicker1 and datetimepicker2  for one month, but outcome value for the mont for today (september) and last month (agustus)

thanks you


(12 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Destiny thank for your example.
Sparrow, I want value in Septemer and Agustus defferent,, for your script value still same in september  and Agustus
I want have value like in  the picture.
Sparrow, can you help me again?


(12 replies, posted in SQL queries)

hello Anyone can help me?? bacuse i dont know to do it..
.thanks you


(12 replies, posted in SQL queries)

hello friends, can you help me to create 2 views on a tablegrid with data from different months in one table? For example, I display balances from August and September in parallel. 
that is my project

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-coDmO … d0Qij/view

thanks you

I've tried and it works, so it's not detected as a virus...

please replace sqlite3 in MVD with new sqlite3 from this link
https://www.mediafire.com/file/8szjezh7 … 3.rar/file


(2 replies, posted in Script)

Hello Everybody,
can i get sample gammu sms gateway with MVD ??
Thanks you verry much


I have 3 tables in cascade and it seems that it isn't possible to retrieve the data from the first level.
I have sex -> user -> agenda.
In the tablegrid output of the search, I cannot retrieve the sex of the user.(I have 4 records represented instead of 2).
If someone could look at this simple project and help me to solve the issue.
Many thanks,


I tray fix your project maybe can help you.  you must add calculated field in table user

see attactment


(2 replies, posted in Reports)

derek wrote:

Hello Agusecc,
I don't use Fastreport very much so I'm probably not the best person to ask, but it looks like it's objecting to the format of the dates that are being passed through.
I'm sure there is a way to correct this within FastReport but I prefer to change it within MVD (because it's what I understand a bit better).
So I've created calculated fields for all of your date fields, formatting them as 'text' in the format dd/mm/yy. 
I then pass the calculated fields through to FastReport and use them in your reports rather than the original date fields.
I've created calculated fields for most of your date fields but I may have missed a couple (I was in a rush!) but I'm sure you can follow the logic.

Derek, Thank you very much.  I really appreciate your kindness to help in this forum. and now i got the solution for my project improvement. May you always be successful in every way of your life



(2 replies, posted in Reports)

Hello Derek, can you help me to see my project??
The problem I'm having is that I can't print the date from the database. in tablegrid visible but print out time is empty..
I send my project..
tthanks you


(8 replies, posted in General)

Derek, Thanks you Very Much
now i understand about your idea in the sample project you sent me. and my project has worked well
You are excelent


(8 replies, posted in General)

derek wrote:

Hi Yandi,
As Sibprogsistem wrote, if you want to see 'age' in the tablegrid, use a calculated field.
If you also need to see 'age' change real-time on the form where you enter the date of birth, you also need to use a script.
Perhaps try it like this (see attached).

How is filter old '0' from tablegrid in form3?
I want to hidden 0 age from tablrgrid when searching birthday...

thanks you