Topic: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

Creating your own menu item "About" and a window with information.

procedure Form1_OnShow (Sender: string; Action: string); // event OnShow
   Form1.mniAbout.OnClick := @MenuClickAbout;

procedure MenuClickAbout (Sender: string); // click in About menu item



Download project: … download=1


2 (edited by AD1408 2016-08-18 20:49:40)

Re: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

Thanks a lot Dmitry......

Could you also add End  Users License Agreement (EULA) window to About window sample project please. It's important on legal front when we pass apps. we design to others as I'm sure you are aware of. Before application start (on first use only) EULA window displayed where user must click on "I agree" button for the application to run.

It'd be a nice template project to use to start a new projects for non coders like myself.

Adding sample URL and Email links on about form would also be a nice touch where we can just replace sample URL and Email.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

I made an example for you:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon About form and 6.86 kb, 1066 downloads since 2016-08-22 


Re: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

Great Stuff,,, Thanks a lot Dimitry...

Appreciated very much.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

5 (edited by AD1408 2016-08-28 08:02:11)

Re: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

Hi Dmitry,

Could you be so kind to add couple more items to template project file "About form and EULA" please...

1. Help menu item on the menu bar that opens application help file placed within project folder. Therefore, current Help menu would have Help and About menu items. I'm only asking for menu and link, creating, compiling and and adding .chm file to project folder task will be mine / users.

2. Ability to display splash screen.

It'd be a great help for nobs on coding like myself, adding comments to script such as:

//This function shows about
//This function shows EULA with agree and disagree buttons on application first use
//This function displays splash
//This function launches application help file etc.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

Hello Ad1408

Please find in attachment a script to add a splashscreen managed by a timer


Post's attachments

Attachment icon SPLASH AVEC 5.59 kb, 923 downloads since 2016-08-27 

Re: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

Hello Again AD1408,  Hello JB
Please find attached a simple project.  This is the way I do my splash screens (easy and quick!).
In this example, I have 1 splash screen at  the start of the application and 1 when the application closes but you can actually have as many as you want at the start and at the end  (when 1 splash screen closes, then call another and another ......... and so on).
Hope this helps.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ad1408 892.36 kb, 1106 downloads since 2016-08-27 

Re: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

Hello Derek

Thanks for this other kind to display a Splash (welcome and goodbye)


9 (edited by AD1408 2016-08-29 06:40:44)

Re: [Script] Creating your own menu item "About" and a window About.

Thanks a lot guys for splash examples....

Now, hopefully Dmitry does the mentioned menu item and puts it altogether.

Derek, once again interestingly nice approach.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.