Topic: Horizontal scroll bars

Hello Dmitry,
I have a form that displays 2 tablegrids;  both table grids have been created in exactly the same way with identical object properties. 
The columns in both tablegrids are spaced so that horizontal scroll bars are not needed. 
But whenever I run the project, one tablegrid has the horizontal scroll bar showing, the other tabegrid does not (see attached screen shot).
I have also seen this happening on forms with just 1 tablegrid but it is more obvious with 2 grids on the same form.  The functionality is perfect but cosmetically, it is inconsistent.
Any idea why this is happening?

Also, do you have a timetable for when the new tablegrid object properties that were introduced in MVD2.3 but which haven't been implemented yet, will be available?


Post's attachments

Attachment icon horizontal scroll bar in tablegrtids.jpg 87.97 kb, 312 downloads since 2016-02-22 

Re: Horizontal scroll bars


Thank you for the bug report.

Also, do you have a timetable for when the new tablegrid object properties that were introduced in MVD2.3 but which haven't been implemented yet, will be available?

About which properties you talk about?


Re: Horizontal scroll bars

Hello Dmitry,
There seems to be a lot of new tablegrid object properties within "Options" that don't seem to do anything or maybe I am misunderstanding what they should be used for.
But there are 2 tablegrid properties that I am particularly interested in.  These are:
1.  Options/goInput
2.  Options/goInPlaceEditEvents
If I understand their meanings, both of these object properties should move MVD significantly towards in-grid editing.  Any news on when they might be available?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon tablegrid object properties.jpg 183.32 kb, 291 downloads since 2016-02-22 

Re: Horizontal scroll bars

I would also be interested in grid properties to set the size of the result columns at least for auto-sizing on header or content  smile

Re: Horizontal scroll bars

It's planned, but right now I working on WebGrid


Re: Horizontal scroll bars

tcoton wrote:

I would also be interested in grid properties to set the size of the result columns at least for auto-sizing on header or content  smile

You can do it only using script, auto fit columns width, depending on their content or header, example:

procedure Form1_TableGrid1_OnChange (Sender: string);
    Form1.TableGrid1.BestFitColumns(); // AutoFit to contents of the cells
    Form1.TableGrid1.BestFitColumns(bfBoth); // AutoFit to contents of the cells and column names
    Form1.TableGrid1.BestFitColumns(bfHeader); // AutoFit columns by name

Re: Horizontal scroll bars

Look forward to seeing the new properties soon.  Thank you for the update.

Re: Horizontal scroll bars

Is there a way to choose which column should have a specific resizing against a global setting?

e.g: A want all column to autosize on header except the last one which should fit the content.

Re: Horizontal scroll bars

tcoton wrote:

Is there a way to choose which column should have a specific resizing against a global setting?

e.g: A want all column to autosize on header except the last one which should fit the content.

No, but you can specify width of columns except the last one, example you have three columns:

procedure Form1_TableGrid1_OnChange (Sender: string);
    Form1.TableGrid1.BestFitColumns(); // AutoFit to contents of the cells
    Form1.TableGrid1.Columns[0].Width := 150;
    Form1.TableGrid1.Columns[1].Width := 150;

Re: Horizontal scroll bars

Hello Derek

To answer your questions about new options of TableGrid from MVD,
as Dmitry don't use conventional DbTableGrid from Embarcadero RAD XE3, but NextDBGrid from BergSoft (a super component),
you could find any informations about it following this link :

It helped me to understand some of new properties :

Hope this helps you


Re: Horizontal scroll bars

Hi Jean,
Part of my problem is that
1.  I'm not sure which of the new tablegrid properties have not yet been fully implemented
2.  I'm misunderstanding what the new property is supposed to do
3.  The new property HAS been implemented and IS working but I'm simply doing something wrong (the most likely option!!!).
Thanks for the link - it will be very useful to read up on some of the options and get better informed.