Topic: System popups

I want to write a Dutch application. But is it possible to translate the English system popuptext to a Dutch text? See the two images.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon DeleteEmptyRecord.PNG 3.82 kb, 469 downloads since 2016-12-16 

Re: System popups


You can replace this dialog.
Example, how to replace this dialog and a dialog for confirmation of delete record:

You should create event OnClick for a delete button, also you need to disable option "Ask for confirmation to delete the record" in the setting of the button:

procedure Form1_bDeleteButton_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
    // custom message, when record in tablegrid not selected
    if Form1.TableGrid1.dbItemID=-1 then
        MessageDlg('Your message here.', mtInformation, mbOk, 0);
        Cancel := True;

    // custom message for confirmation of delete record
    if MessageDlg('Your message here.', mtConfirmation, mbYes+mbNo, 0) = mrNo then
        Cancel := True;


Re: System popups

Thanks voor your quick answer. I will try your solution and then (if it works for me) I will order.

Re: System popups

Can you please help me, I'm a beginner and donot understand your solution. I enclosed my application/

Re: System popups

My application

Re: System popups

akkerhof wrote:

Can you please help me, I'm a beginner and donot understand your solution. I enclosed my application/

Please attach you project (zip file without exe and dll)


Re: System popups

My application

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 4.33 kb, 614 downloads since 2016-12-16 

Re: System popups

akkerhof wrote:

My application


In your project you just copy and paste script from forum,but you should create an event  OnClick for the button.
Here you can see how to create an event: … rview.html


Re: System popups

It seems I cannot make it working. Can you please adapt my aplication, so I can check how it works. Please!

Re: System popups

akkerhof wrote:

It seems I cannot make it working. Can you please adapt my aplication, so I can check how it works. Please!

Sorry, I just forgot to attach fixed project.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 5.47 kb, 636 downloads since 2016-12-16 


Re: System popups

Thanks very much, now it is clear and working. Have a nice weekend.

Re: System popups

The next problem that rises is that I cannot translate the text of the Caption and the Yes and No button

Post's attachments

Attachment icon messagedlg.PNG 4.49 kb, 458 downloads since 2016-12-18 

Re: System popups

akkerhof wrote:

The next problem that rises is that I cannot translate the text of the Caption and the Yes and No button

In the next release I will add new version of dialog, where you can change caption, and buttons will be translated automatically depends on regional setting of Windows.


Re: System popups

Dmitry, that's very good news. I can't wait. Happy holidays for you and your family.

Re: System popups

akkerhof wrote:

Dmitry, that's very good news. I can't wait. Happy holidays for you and your family.

Thank you.
Please download latest beta version: …


    if IDYES = MessageBox('Message', 'caption text', MB_YESNO+MB_ICONQUESTION) then
        ShowMessage('Selected yes');
MessageBox('Message', 'caption text', MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION);