Topic: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

In the near future, it is planned to create training courses of three levels:

1. Basic
2. Advanced
3. Professional

Obtaining general information about the goals and methods of automating business processes. Basics of storing information in databases. Basics of designing and creating desktop applications. Creating an application without writing code.
• Basic concepts and terms
• Database
• Data types
• Normalization
• Windows application
• User interface
• Components and properties

Creating applications with enhanced functionality and improved interface. Writing simple SQL queries. Creating a calculated fields. Building reports in the FastReport system. Creating an application using FastScript.
• SQL query language
• Events and Event Handlers
• Application Class Hierarchy
• Programming structures
• Procedures and functions
• Introduction to FastReport

Designing and creating multi-user applications in the client-server architecture. Using complex SQL queries and additional components to create full-featured applications. Creating complex reports in FastReport
• SQL features for MySQL
• Multi-user databases
• Using Delphi components
• Building reports from multiple datasets
• Updating database structure
• Installer
• User's manual

In the future, specialized courses are planned in certain areas (user-friendly interface, query optimization, FastReport, code optimization, team development, graphs and charts, etc.), as well as individual lessons.

I invite everyone interested in the VK group - I ask you to take part in the voting. Questions and suggestions can be written in the VK or here.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

k245 wrote:

In the near future, it is planned to create training courses of three levels:

1. Basic
2. Advanced
3. Professional

Obtaining general information about the goals and methods of automating business processes. Basics of storing information in databases. Basics of designing and creating desktop applications. Creating an application without writing code.
• Basic concepts and terms
• Database
• Data types
• Normalization
• Windows application
• User interface
• Components and properties

Creating applications with enhanced functionality and improved interface. Writing simple SQL queries. Creating a calculated fields. Building reports in the FastReport system. Creating an application using FastScript.
• SQL query language
• Events and Event Handlers
• Application Class Hierarchy
• Programming structures
• Procedures and functions
• Introduction to FastReport

Designing and creating multi-user applications in the client-server architecture. Using complex SQL queries and additional components to create full-featured applications. Creating complex reports in FastReport
• SQL features for MySQL
• Multi-user databases
• Using Delphi components
• Building reports from multiple datasets
• Updating database structure
• Installer
• User's manual

In the future, specialized courses are planned in certain areas (user-friendly interface, query optimization, FastReport, code optimization, team development, graphs and charts, etc.), as well as individual lessons.

I invite everyone interested in the VK group - I ask you to take part in the voting. Questions and suggestions can be written in the VK or here.

Wow!  Very interesting!  I'm excited smile

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

I want to join de BASIC and INTERMEDIATE courses.  Please

4 (edited by k245 2019-05-06 06:43:36)

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

gonpublic2k wrote:

I want to join de BASIC and INTERMEDIATE courses.  Please

I sent you an answer by e-mail. Check your inbox, please.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Sounds exciting, how much is it going to cost?

6 (edited by k245 2019-05-26 15:40:32)

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

tcoton wrote:

Sounds exciting, how much is it going to cost?

Basic course currently available for $ 89. Others will cost about as well. Actual information about the cost and content of the courses is on the website:

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

First Form

How to create an application working with a database? The answer seems obvious: we have to design a database whose purpose is to solve a specific problem. This article will be devoted to the creation of the base of any application developed with the My Visual Database program. The purpose of such a creation is to ensure the possibilities of bringing extensions to features with minimal costs.

My Visual Database allows you to create applications compatible with SQLite or MySQL databases. This article is about using SQLite, but most solutions can also be used with MySQL.

Read the full article:

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Interested, but how do this courses work? Is it like a livestream etc.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Good job. Thanks

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

g0dmenuelz wrote:

Interested, but how do this courses work? Is it like a livestream etc.

Methodical instructions

The objectives and topics of the course: obtaining general information about the goals and methods of automating business processes; the basics of storing information in databases; basic design and creation of desktop applications; creating an application without writing code.

During the course you will study the following topics:

  • Basic concepts and terms

  • Database

  • Data types

  • Normalization

  • Application Design

  • Terms of reference

  • User interface

  • Components and properties

The course is divided into 10 chapters. At the end of each chapter are practical tasks. The recommended time for independent study of each chapter and the execution of tasks is one hour. Completed tasks must be sent to e-mail in the form of an archive. It is not necessary to include the executable file of the project (with the exe extension) into the archive. The answer from the teacher comes within one working day. It includes an analysis of the assignment, recommendations, answers to your questions on the topic being studied and the next chapter to be studied. The recommended course time is 30 days. This will allow you to use the trial period of the My Visual Database development environment for learning.

The practical part includes the work on two projects. One of them is typical, the second you need to come up with yourself, according to your needs and level of study.


1, Overview of MVD features.

1.1. MVD application area

1.2. What tasks can be solved using MVD?

1.3. What DBMS can MVD use?

1.4. Single-user and multi-user applications

1.5. What data can be stored in the database?

1.6. Data storage structure

1.7. Methods of data entry and display

1.8. Overview of the main components of MVD

1.9. Overview of the supporting components MVD

1.10. Components Properties

2. Basics of software design

2.1. Application Design

2.2. Input data

2.3. Output data

2.4. Data processing

2.4. Making a prototype

2.5. Terms of reference

2.6. Time. Money. Quality

3. Relational databases

3.1. What are a relational databases?

3.2. Primary key

3.3. External key

3.4. Relationships between tables

3.5. Maintaining data integrity

3.6. Row order

3.7. Normalization

3.8. First normal form

3.9. Second normal form

3.10. Third normal form

3.11. Operations on tabular data

3.12. Relational data model

3.13. Stored data

4. Creating the database structure in MVD

4.1. Rules and Agreements

4.2. DBMS selection

4.3. Creating tables

4.4. Creating fields for data storage

4.5. Making a link

4.6. Creating a calculated field

4.7. Editing the database structure

4.7. Data schema

4.8. Connection setup

5. Forms and buttons

5.1. Forms and components

5.2. Common properties of components

5.3. Main form

5.4. Modal forms. Form Hierarchy

5.5. Alternative solutions

5.6. Form properties

5.7. Buttons. Action property

5.8. Other button properties

5.9. GUI Design Basics

6. Display of tabular data

6.1. TableGrid Component

6.2. Columns setup

6.3. Totals

6.4. Sort by default

6.5. Data Filtering

6.6. Editing data in the table

6.7. Pop-up menu. Search and copy

6.8. Appearance customization

6.9. Behavior setting

6.9. Manual sorting

7. Editing form. Components for data entry.

7.1. Data source

7.2. General properties

7.3. Text and numbers input

7.4. Long text input

7.5. Date and / or time input

7.6. The calendar

7.7. Logical input

7.8. Link fields

7.9. Counter

7.10. Setting components

8. Editing form. Additional components

8.1. Static text

8.2. Panel

8.3. Group

8.4. Multi-page panel and tabs

8.5. Images

8.6. Image storage

8.7. File storage

8.8. Combining editing form and table view

8.9. Google map

8.10 Text Editor

9. Search and filtering.

9.1. Filtration mechanisms

9.2. Filtering tabular data.

9.3. Automatic filtering

9.4. Composite filter

9.5. Filtering related tables

9.6. Search data by columns

9.7. Search data in the drop-down list

10. Tree view. Export data. Summarizing.

10.1. Tree data structures and the TreeView component

10.2. Configure data source

10.3. Data editing

10.4. Data filtering

10.5. Sorting

10.6. Additional properties

10.7. Export tabular data

10.8. Summing-up

10.9. What's next?

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Hi I want to join the ADVANCED LEVEL
Thank's in advance

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

v_pozidis wrote:

Hi I want to join the ADVANCED LEVEL
Thank's in advance

I recommend registering with the Visual Programming group ( in order to receive timely notification of the availability of advanced and professional courses.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Second Form

The second standard form of the application can rightly be considered as a form containing information about the software product and its author. «About» — this menu item may be the only part of your application, but it must be, even if you are developing a program for yourself.

Programming is the art of translating ideas into the binary space of computer systems. Always remember that and be proud of what you create. That's why it's so important to have a form on which your name will appear.

Of course, besides its name, this form must contain complete information about the application : name, purpose, version, information about the license agreement, license holder, etc. It is possible that the proposed version of the «About» form seems too complicated for some. But if you plan a long life for your brainchild, treat this information with the utmost seriousness.

This project takes into account a wide variety of licensing options, reveals the secrets of the database file placement and offers a bonus backup procedure. But first I would like to say a few words about copyright and licenses.

Read the full article: … econd-form

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen


If your application has more than one form, (there are already five in our basic project), you will definitely need a main menu. In addition to the function of displaying various forms and call procedures, the main menu does a very important job: it presents the user with the functionality of the application. A structured, well-thought-out and easy to understand main menu is one of the features of a user-friendly interface.

The visualization of the main menu can be different: from the classic text at the top of the form to the animation on the whole screen. In this article, the focus will be on menu functionality...

Read the full article:

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen


Our small project already has more than 800 lines of code, while we have not yet started creating the basis of functionality. In My Visual Database there are no restrictions on the number of lines in a script, but it is very inconvenient to scroll through source codes that occupy several screens. In real projects, the number of lines of code can reach several thousand. How can I clean up the scripts to make reading and editing comfortable?

Read the full article:

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen


After the main menu, the second most popular element of the user interface is the toolbar: buttons for quick access to individual items in the main menu.

Because the standard My Visual Database component palette does not have a TToolBar component, you can only implement the necessary features using scripts. In order for the buttons to appear based on the role of the user who entered the program, you must use the rights management system when creating the toolbar.

Read the full article: … -tools-bar

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Main Form

We finally come to the main form of the application. The article "First Form" describes in detail how the main form differs from the main form. From the point of view of the simplicity of presentation of the object, the main form is often called Main form and in some projects it is the same form. Therefore, in this article, these two terms will refer to the same form of frmMain.

Knowing that our main goal is to create a universal base from which we can build all the applications (simple and complex) in the future, it is necessary to carefully examine the architecture. After analyzing the current solutions for the user interface, I concluded that at this point, it would be necessary and sufficient to create several panels in the main form, whose configuration (visibility and functional load) can be modified with several settings in the application settings.

Read the full article:

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Data Form

It is time to define the internal content of our project: we will create several forms that will fulfill two important functions in our project: manage a list of parameters and manage a list of users.

For users, we will add the ability to independently change the temporary password set by the password of the administrator. We will add a password generator to the function collection and improve the mechanisms for building the main menu and storing the images.

Read the full article:

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen


Multilang is a simple and convenient tool for creating localization files used by applications created in the My Visual Database development environment. With Multilang, you can work with several of your projects. The number of languages into which you will translate string resources is unlimited. Localized string resources are grouped by the forms on which they are located. Perhaps both manual editing of the list of resources, and automatic extraction from the project file.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Settings: base vs code

Our project supports the ability to keep project settings in code and database. This is to configure the main menu and rights system. However, a detailed analysis of the current implementation has revealed a problem: deleting all pre-creation data with code and using the built-in database integrity support mechanism may cause loss of manually entered data or blocking deletion due to the presence of associated data. This is to configure the main menu and the rights system. To eliminate the "conflict of interest" between the data added by the script and the data added by the database via the user interface, adjustments must be made to the project.

It is possible that in a real project, you do not need to use both data capture mechanisms at the same time, but some of the techniques described in this article may also be used in applied tasks.

Read the full article: … se-vs-code

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.


Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

k245 wrote:

Main Form

We finally come to the main form of the application. The article "First Form" describes in detail how the main form differs from the main form. From the point of view of the simplicity of presentation of the object, the main form is often called Main form and in some projects it is the same form. Therefore, in this article, these two terms will refer to the same form of frmMain.

Knowing that our main goal is to create a universal base from which we can build all the applications (simple and complex) in the future, it is necessary to carefully examine the architecture. After analyzing the current solutions for the user interface, I concluded that at this point, it would be necessary and sufficient to create several panels in the main form, whose configuration (visibility and functional load) can be modified with several settings in the application settings.

Read the full article:

This panel layout is great! I really hoped this was possible with MVD but i didn't know if it was! Do you plan on doing more 'layout' tutorials in the future? Is there a source project file for learning purposes? Thanks for your effort.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

dbk wrote:

This panel layout is great! I really hoped this was possible with MVD but i didn't know if it was! Do you plan on doing more 'layout' tutorials in the future? Is there a source project file for learning purposes? Thanks for your effort.

Thanks to the help of JB, ready-made translations of several articles, including the articles about creating an advanced user interface. Coming soon smile

Link for downloading projects is at the end of the article. For storage used Google-disk (archiver Win-RAR) - … Hh9pM/view

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen


It's time to create custom roles and assign them object rights. To achieve a comfortable process, we need several interface forms with which the configuration process will be as convenient as possible.

In addition to the rights on forms and buttons, the role configuration includes the default form, which will open after the user logs on.

Read the full article:

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Grow a tree

In addition to the tabular view of the data that My Visual Database provides, there is a component for displaying trees: TdbTreeView. It inherits the TdbStringGridEx class. As a result, many of its properties and methods work similarly, allowing you to create universal event handlers that are suitable for both the tree and the table.

In our project, the menu_ table, which stores information on the main menu, is designed to be displayed using the TdbTreeView component, but changing the tree has its own nuances. In addition, we have an order_num field, which is responsible for ordering items in the tree, but you can not specify a sort in the tree view component settings.

This article examines the functionalities of using visual components, as well as algorithms for changing the display order when displaying tree data.

Read the full article: … row-a-tree

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Training courses for developers. Articles about application developmen

Tool box

For the work to progress, all tools must be within reach. In our program, there is a toolbar. Despite the fact that the panel table has a very simple structure (see the article "Toolbar. The toolbar_ table"), when displaying it, it would be nice to see which image is attached to a button.

The location of the buttons is also important, so we need a mechanism to easily change the location of the buttons. Unfortunately, My Visual Database does not support Drag & Drop technology, but inside the table you can drag lines with the mouse.

Read the full article:

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.