Excellent solution Derek (as always!) I wanted to try calculated fields at first but i wouldn't know how to begin, how do you come up with those syntaxes!?

@Asifmute: i would advise to follow Derek's solution, using a calculated field is (in my opinion) much easier to maintain, oversee, and plan in your application. Debugging is much faster, and doesn't (really) break any other code if you would make small adjustments here and there, if it does then a calculated field is quickly adjusted.
I also tried to make a solution based on a report sql query by concatenating (which i learned from Derek) using '||' between the fields, have a look as attached.
STRFTIME('%d', date)
case strftime('%m', date) when '01' then ' January ' when '02' then ' February ' when '03' then ' March ' when '04' then ' April ' when '05' then ' May ' when '06' then ' June ' when '07' then ' July ' when '08' then ' August ' when '09' then ' September ' when '10' then ' October ' when '11' then ' November ' when '12' then ' December ' else '' end
STRFTIME('%Y', date)
FROM dates
WHERE dates.id = $id;
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