1 (edited by domebil 2020-01-24 07:24:30)

Topic: Script to export and import the entire database

I need scripts to export and import the whole database CSV


Re: Script to export and import the entire database

I will try to do an example in a few days.


Re: Script to export and import the entire database

Thanks so much Dmitrij.


Re: Script to export and import the entire database

Please download latest beta version
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gczabpgu8tyei … a.zip?dl=0

Now you can export whole the database to csv files, example:

if ExportAllToCSV('e:\temp\') then ShowMessage('Done') else ShowMessage('Error');

Also you can use other parameters

function ExportAllToCSV(Path: string; OverwriteIfExists: boolean = True; ShowProgress: boolean = False; FirstRowFieldsName: boolean = True; Separator: string = '',''; Enclosing: boolean = True; EndOfLine: TCsvEndOfLine = ceCrLf): boolean;

Re: Script to export and import the entire database

Please my save record cannot be saved and display in the table grid view...please any help

Re: Script to export and import the entire database

obengappiah1 wrote:

Please my save record cannot be saved and display in the table grid view...please any help

Can you upload your project?

Or describe more what you are trying to do and what error you are getting.

On a clear disk you can seek forever