Topic: Next Button

Hi friends,
              Can any one help or guide to use next button function. Next>? Any project sample?

Re: Next Button


What you need is something along the lines below. I don't normally have a button, I tend to use an 'on_cell_click' event of a tablegrid, so you'll need to play around with the code below.

I'm sure there is an easier way, but it isn't springing to mind at the moment.

You need to set up a dataset and then use your next button to action the function

Here is some code:

procedure next(nextrow: integer);
  index,count : integer; //loop counter
 ds : TDataSet;   //dataset to read your database
count := SQLExecute('SELECT count(*) FROM tablename); //get maximum rows in table

  SQLQuery('SELECT column(s)_you_want FROM table', ds); //read in your database and hold it in DS
 ds.first; // make sure you are at the beginning of the data

 for index := 0 to count-1 do
     //here you need an array a table grid or edit boxes whatever you are viewing the table in
  array[index] := ds.fFieldByName('a _field_in_your_database').asString;; // this is the bit you need to have in your button click

What you could do, is have the index increment in the button click event, and call your next procedure. In the procedure remove the for loop and pass in the index  parameter and then use 'nextRow'  instead if index above. In other words it would be array[nextRow] := .......  instead of array[index].

Sorry I'm a little unclear, I'm trying to get my project running some extra stuff for tomorrow and it is past 8pm here and I'm running out of time.

On a clear disk you can seek forever

Re: Next Button

I've just had a further thought.  If you are using a tablegrid to view your records, you could use the ARow parameter from the cell_on_click event  as your counter and just add 1 to that.

On a clear disk you can seek forever