Topic: error in saving combobox with properties set to multiselect = true

Someone help me. I have a combobox to allow user to select several options from dropdown. In properties i have set the mutliselect property of the combobox = true. When i run app and try to save a record am recieving an error " Not permitted to use ComboBox with the property MultiSelect = True for saving record."

Re: error in saving combobox with properties set to multiselect = true

It is a common misunderstanding of how 'multi-select' works.
Its use is ONLY to allow multiple values to be selected when filtering records in a table grid;  to define a combobox as 'multi select' on an edit form where you are trying to save the record is illogical (please see attached example)..
1.  On Form1, the search combobox is defined as 'multi select' to allow you to filter records by more than a single colour.
2.  On Form 2, the search combobox is defined as a 'single select' (the default) so that the record can be saved;  it makes no sense to save a record for a car that is both red AND blue - it can only be one value.

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