Topic: script like pressing with mouse in tablegrid


I use this script to show the first Row of a table. The other I wanna  do is to select this row by script, like I use the mouse to press it, But I falid.
Any idea??

Re: script like pressing with mouse in tablegrid

What 'event' are you attaching your script to?
If you use form1_onshow or form1_tablegrid1_onchange it should highlight (in blue) the selected row as if you had clicked on that row using the mouse (see attached).

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Re: script like pressing with mouse in tablegrid

Hi, I just tried Derek's code "" and here is the error message that comes up. My table contains data and when I select the rows with the keyboard keys the error message appears.

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Attachment icon Lignes.jpg 10.2 kb, 66 downloads since 2022-06-18 


Re: script like pressing with mouse in tablegrid

Hi Derek, Destiny

Derek's code has nothing to do with it.
As far as I remember, you have errors in the OnKeyUp event for TableGrid when using SQLExecute.