Topic: Memo.AllowHTMLTags Not Support <p> in report

I try input string in memo and check AllowHTMLTags  = True
but  tag <P>

 <p>This is some text in a paragraph.</p> 

not support
how to Fix  ???

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Re: Memo.AllowHTMLTags Not Support <p> in report

FastReport 4 User's Manual

The “Text” object does understand some simple HTML tags. Tags can be located within the text of the object. Tags are disabled by default, but to enable them either select “Allow HTML tags” in the object context menu or enable the “AllowHTMLTags” property in the object inspector. Here is the list of supported tags:

<b> : bold text
<i> : italic text
<u> : underlined text
<sub> : subscript
<sup> : superscript
<font color> : font color
<nowrap> : text which is not split when "WordWrap" is enabled, the whole text is shifted to the next line

Please note that only a few tags are supported, but this should be enough for the majority of applications. It is not possible to modify the font size or name by means of HTML tags.

3 (edited by sparrow 2022-09-29 13:23:07)

Re: Memo.AllowHTMLTags Not Support <p> in report


replacing <p> </p> and highlighting paragraphs with empty lines above and below with the possibility of indenting at the beginning of the line

Below is an example with two options

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