Re: News about the future of myvdb

By the way, I'm now studying a free utility that serves to execute scripts and build reports. … ils-fsexec

On the one hand, it is very primitive, and contains only a script editor. On the other hand, there are several hundred components on board, including FastReport. But it is hardly more convenient than Lazarus.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: News about the future of myvdb

I put it here as just an idea and thank you for responding. Lazarus users are quite advanced so I have been wondering about an easier way for MVD users to enter their world. It's just an idea that maybe has no value, maybe it does. People also meet up on Zoom for this sort of thing. There are possibilities. Maybe someone has some experience in this area?

I acknowledge the report writer issue and using LazReport is some steps up from what we're used to.

It is worth monitoring … t-lazarus/
regarding FastReport in Lazarus.

Re: News about the future of myvdb

vovka3003 wrote:
v_pozidis wrote:

DataExpress is a great software, but if it had a help file in english it would be much better.

Неужели так не проканает..?
Вообще, поднимите руку те, кто всегда начинает работу в какой-нибудь программе с чтения справки? smile

v_pozidis wrote:

A minus the it has no executable file and no database file.

Firebird (Embed/Server).

I had a look a their website and I do not read or speak Russian so I had quite the headache just by surfing on their website, wiki and forum. The software looks promising but it might be for Russian speakers only. Google translate does a very poor job at translating huge volume of text from complex languages and so does DeepL but with better language refinement.

29 (edited by k245 2023-06-07 06:00:43)

Re: News about the future of myvdb

I would love to translate documentation and examples into English, but my economic situation does not allow me to do so much time to create the necessary volume in a reasonable time. Perhaps I would supplement my basic training course with practice for DataExpress, but I don’t understand how many English-speaking users will want to master it ...

I would like to take this opportunity to ask: who would be interested in comparing the two systems in practice after completing a basic course on creating no-code applications in My Visual Database & DataExpress?

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: News about the future of myvdb

Hi k245,
if there was a DataExpress manual, which I haven't found, I could try to translate it. The comparison between the two programs is not because I'm not so expert, indeed I tried to take a look at DataExpress and honestly I understood little.

Re: News about the future of myvdb

Does anybody know more about the company behind DataExpress? Is this another One Man Show or a company who will keep the product longer alive as MVD?

Before I take a look to this new Software I need more background information. I can not waste time to look at another One Man Show.

Sorry to be strict, but switching from MVD to Lazarus was time consumting and than switching to another mayfly will cost to much time and turnover to start thinking about.

Re: News about the future of myvdb

Текст свободно переводят браузеры...
yandex brawser может переводить видео
The text is freely translated by browsers...
yandex browser can translate video

Re: News about the future of myvdb

pavlenko.vladimir.v wrote:

Текст свободно переводят браузеры...
yandex brawser может переводить видео
The text is freely translated by browsers...
yandex browser can translate video

The main issue is the translation by the browser, it is not always accurate or even effective. I got my headache while using the auto translate feature of my web browser. Some paragraphs of the wiki are not translated for some reason and the images that contain examples cannot be translated. Translation is time consuming. Most of us already speak at least 2 languages if not more but few are from Eastern Europe.
Yandex is a Russian web browser which might not be trusted in Western countries.

Anyway, as mentioned by tec049, switching to another software requires some time and documentation not to mention the maintenance of the software itself. Abandonware are a nightmare. In some companies, it is even mandatory to provide information about the development tools used to develop bespoke apps and that is not possible with current state of DataExpress.

Re: News about the future of myvdb

А не судьба задать все эти вопросы на форуме программы?

Re: News about the future of myvdb

Hello. What is the difference between Lazarus and MVD? In screenshots the interface looks very similar and it seems they're both based on something called Delphi? Can someone explain?

Re: News about the future of myvdb

dhekabai wrote:

Hello. What is the difference between Lazarus and MVD? In screenshots the interface looks very similar and it seems they're both based on something called Delphi? Can someone explain?

The difference is that MVDB is a specialized environment optimized for creating a specific class of applications, namely: applications for working with databases MySQL and SQLite. It has a built-in report builder (FastReport) and database structure editor. And Lazarus is a universal development environment for any applications. As a result of these differences, development approaches and the speed of creating applications differ. In Lazarus, you can do everything, but slowly. In MVDB you can do fast, but only the above types of applications.

In a sense, MVDB is similar to Access - you can create data structures and forms to manage them.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.