Topic: Dictionary table explaination

Hi there, I tried to figured out in the document what a dictionary table means within myvisualdatabase with no success.

Could someone explain very clearly and using simple words the purpose and the use of a dictionary table in myvisualdatabase?

Re: Dictionary table explaination


It is very common when it is required to have dropdown (cmboboxes) lists pre-populated and all information for those comboboxes usually is stored in so-called reference (dictionary) tables. In case you need to select available colour for painting a car the list should at least have n 7 basic colours: Red, Orange, Green, ......




-New York
-Los Angeles


Re: Dictionary table explaination

Thanks Dmitry for the simple explaination, if I understand it well, this is a static table like a view actually? Would a dropdown list work without a dictionary table?

Is there any other case where a dictionary table would be needed or required in myvisualdatabase?

Re: Dictionary table explaination

This is a common table.
This is not necessarily an option, it is necessary in rare cases to work properly.
The dropdown list will work without a dictionary table.


Re: Dictionary table explaination

Ok, so if it is a common table, what does the "dictionary table" flag does actually? Does it add a key?

Re: Dictionary table explaination

Does nothing, it is necessary for a internal algorithm of the program.
