1 (edited by yoel.torres.v 2016-10-20 19:31:49)

Topic: Filtering a combobox (free version)

Hello DriveSoft and everyone

I can't buy this excellent application, for a lot of reasons (not money) so I'm using the last free version (1.44) I ran into this problem:

I need a combobox not show certain value that correspond to a record that has a certain bool field checked. I know this is already implemented in new versions, but you know the story. Is there any other way to do this?

Thank you all.

Re: Filtering a combobox (free version)


You can apply filter for ComboBox in the section begin end. at the end of script, example:

  Form1.ComboBox1.dbFilter := 'boolfield=1';

Re: Filtering a combobox (free version)

Thank you very much! It worked flawlessly. I'm impressed for your quick answers and kindness.