Topic: the SendMail function does not go on windows 10

the SendMail function does not go on windows 10


2 (edited by domebil 2019-06-17 13:59:14)

Re: the SendMail function does not go on windows 10

it does not work

Post's attachments

Attachment icon prova.gif 17.62 kb, 225 downloads since 2019-06-17 


3 (edited by sibprogsistem 2019-06-17 14:32:52)

Re: the SendMail function does not go on windows 10

domebil wrote:

it does not work


Re: the SendMail function does not go on windows 10

don't go on this version of windows 10
Windows 10 pro - version 1903


5 (edited by domebil 2019-06-19 14:24:09)

Re: the SendMail function does not go on windows 10

hello! vovka3003
how can I adapt your script to my project?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test.rar 294.63 kb, 423 downloads since 2019-06-19 


Re: the SendMail function does not go on windows 10

thank you so much
