Topic: Unable to disable a particular cell in a gridtable

I'm trying to make a table grid cell not editable once it has a value in it.

The below code works for checking if a cell is empty and allows in this case a date to be entered. It also allows the date to be changed again just by clicking on column 5, which what I don't want to happen. Note this is not using the datetimepicker  as a visible component.

if Acol = col then //check if column 5 has been clicked
     //If column 5 has no tick in the checkbox 
        if frmMain.grdOrders.Cell[col,ARow].Empty = false then

        // update the grid with the date in column 4
            frmMain.grdOrders.Cell[(col-1),ARow].asDateTime := dt;  {dbdate function does not work here}
 // update database
            sqlexecute('UPDATE requests SET rec_date = "' + DBDateStr(dt,1)+'" WHERE id =' +

However if I write this, the complete grid table no longer allows the date to be entered on the empty date column 4.

if (Acol = col) AND (frmMain.grdOrders.Cell[4,Arow].AsString = Null) then 
        if frmMain.grdOrders.Cell[col,ARow].Empty = false then
            frmMain.grdOrders.Cell[(col-1),ARow].asDateTime := dt; 
            sqlexecute('UPDATE requests SET rec_date = "' + DBDateStr(dt,1)+'" WHERE id =' +

I've tried using frmMain.grdOrders.Cell[4,Arow].AsString = '', I've tried removing this part of the code from AND and using an If statement instead and I've tried changing  frmMain.grdOrders.Cell[4,Arow].Empty = True.
None seem to do what I'm hoping for.

On a clear disk you can seek forever

Re: Unable to disable a particular cell in a gridtable

Can you do it something like this? (I don't bother to put the date into the tablegrid initially because it gets put there after the sqlupdate anyway).

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Re: Unable to disable a particular cell in a gridtable

Thanks Derek,

I don't know why I keep making things so difficult for myself!

On a clear disk you can seek forever