Topic: Incremental Search

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Button1 on Tablegrid1 has an incremental search for data in the table Medicijnen, witch data is presented in Tablegrid2 on Tabsheet1 on Pagecontrol1. That works perfect.

Button5 on Tablegrid1 has an incremental search for data in the table Zorgbehandeling, witch data is presented in Tablegrid3 on Tabsheet2 on Pagecontrol1. That works also perfect when I change Button1 to Button5.

What I want: when I choose a person on Tablegrid1 I want to see the data presented in Tablegrid2 (Medicijnen) AND the data presented in Tablegrid3 (Zorgbehandeling)

Is this possible?

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Re: Incremental Search

In this case, instead use Increm.Search, you should use this simple script

procedure dash2_TableGrid1_OnCellClick (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer);

Re: Incremental Search

OMG, that simpel? Dmitry, thanks very much, it works perfect.