1 (edited by CDB 2020-05-21 07:31:16)

Topic: A button has gone missing after DB error

I have just suffered a weird experience, I clicked on a button to save a record and a DB error appeared (correctly) and now the button has disappeared off the form.

It is still listed in the XML file as visible and shows as visible in the Object Inspector - and yet, on the form it is not!

Any thoughts how I can find it again without having to rewrite code?

<TdbButton Name="btnEditSave" Left="632" Top="472" Width="81" Height="25" dbAnchors="2211" FontName="Segoe UI" FontSize="9" FontColor="8421376" FontStyle="0" TabOrder="5" TabStop="True" dbEnabled="True" dbVisible="True" Cursor="crDefault" BiDiMode="bdLeftToRight" Hint="" ShowHint="False" Caption="Save Edit" dbActionType="adbNone" dbReportOpenIn="rpoPreview" dbExportTo="exptExcel" dbListControls="DBImage1" dbGeneralTable="products" dbSQL="UPDATE productsupplier SET description = "{frmEditPart.edtEditDescription.text}" WHERE id = "{frmEditPart.grdEditPart.sqlValue}";\r\n" dbIconName="Save" dbConfirmDelete="True" dbCloseFormAfterSave="False" dbCheckNotNull="True" dbSortAsc="True" Cancel="False" Default="True" ImageAlignment="iaLeft" Style="bsPushButton" WordWrap="False" Roles="" RoleBtnBehavior="rbbDisabled" RoleMessage="" dbOnClick="frmEditPart_btnEditSave_OnClick"/>
Post's attachments

Attachment icon button_awol.PNG 189.99 kb, 105 downloads since 2020-05-21 

On a clear disk you can seek forever

2 (edited by CDB 2020-05-21 11:05:14)

Re: A button has gone missing after DB error

I'm such an idiot!! I've found the button, it had somehow moved off the form into invisible space.  How a corruption occurred in the running program and filtered back to the design mode I have no idea. Maybe just a coincidence.

I wish there was a property to lock a component to its position as is possible in Delphi.

Either way I have now found it smile

On a clear disk you can seek forever