Topic: mass changing propriéties

is it possible to change the font size or width or any  other propriéty of many controls at the same time?
when i tried that  only the first selected control will be changed.

thanks .

Re: mass changing propriéties

Hi Hichame,
I don't think something like this can be done.
The best you can do is set the initial font, size, color etc of a particular control to how you want it to display and then copy and paste.

Re: mass changing propriéties

Можно скриптом привязать размер текста к конкретному компоненту
You can script to bind the text size to a specific component

Re: mass changing propriéties

Hello Hichame, hello Vladimir, How are you Derek ?

As Derek points out, you have to make changes to each of the components used in your project.
I've already done this for some of mine:
In any text editor, I open the forms.xml file, search (CTRL+F) for the keywords FontName and FontSize, replace them with the font and size of my choice (via Search -> Replace) . It's long and tedious, but there is no ready-made solution. but it works.
Obviously, if you replace with a font that is not present on your users' PC, you must provide it to them (TTF or other) and tell them that they must first install it on their machine.

Hoping this can help you !


Re: mass changing propriéties

This solution works very well. You have to modify the font with an editor, and in the "Replace all" function add the new font and all that in 5 minutes.
For the controls, it is better to display the size during the creation of the program, it takes less time.


Re: mass changing propriéties

Thank you all for ypur interest in answaring .
i will try them . but i think the easyest is coping.

Re: mass changing propriéties

Hi Hichame, Jean, Destiny, Vladimir,
If it is any help, what I usually do is start every project with the same empty application template (see attached).
One of the forms in the empty application template ('formcomponents') contains all the standard objects (grids, panels, labels, edit fields,  rich edits etc) that I commonly need - all set to the font, size, colour, style, tool tips etc that I use in most of the applications that I write.
So then when I am designing new forms, I can just copy the required components from 'formcomponents' to wherever I need to place them.
I tend not to delete 'formcomponents' once the application is finished - the user never gets to see it when the application runs and you might need it again if you have to make any future modifications.
No only does it save a bit of time but also it also gives your applications a consistent 'look and feel'.
Maybe this helps.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon empty 345.63 kb, 153 downloads since 2022-11-22 

Re: mass changing propriéties

thanks Derek it's a good idea for futur projects.

Re: mass changing propriéties

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for sharing these different methods for this common task.  We will have to rely on such methods...


"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

Re: mass changing propriéties

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I thank them enormously for that and it is together that we will be able to progress.
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Ce forum est là pour permettre à tout le monde de partager et d'émettre de nouvelles idées afin que les novices comme moi puissent apprendrent et avancer grâce aux personnes présentent ici et notamment les "anciens" que l’on retrouve fréquemment sur la plupart des sujets.
Je les remercie énormément pour cela et c'est ensemble que l'on pourra progresser.
