Topic: Help finding a post
Hello MVD friends,
This is an unusual request... Within the last few weeks or so, I stumbled upon a useful project that I forgot to save. I want to say that it was one that derek uploaded, but I could be wrong.
I remember the way the forms looked, and that's about it.
I have searched the forum in many different ways for an hour or so trying to locate it. So, I thought I would post and describe what I remember about it in hopes that someone else may remember more about it and where it may be.
It was a service type project storing dates for certain types of equipment. And depending on which type of equipment it was, only a certain page was visible from a page control.
It seems like there was a hydraulic and electronic page and also another that I don't remember. Each page had at least two date fields and maybe some other fields.
The thing that stood out to me is how the database was structured. It had all the date fields together on a single table. So some of them would be null when that entry didn't need that type of service.
The problem is I don't know what the topic question was and the terms that I could think of are so broad that it returns too many results.
I am not expecting anyone to help me search for this, but rather if someone that was involved in that thread recognizes the description above, I would greatly appreciate if they would respond.