
Search for the substring s in the document.

function SearchText (s: String; MatchCase: boolean = False; Down: boolean = True; WholeWord: boolean = False; MultiItem: boolean = True; SmartStart: boolean = False): Boolean




 Search string.


 Optional parameter. If True, a character case is taken into account when comparing strings.


 Optional parameter. If True, the search is performed to the end of the document. If False, it is performed to the top of the document.


 Optional parameter. If True, the searched string matches only whole words.


 Optional parameter. If True, the search can match substrings of several text items. If not included, the text is searched in each text item separately. For example, if the document contains the text Hello, the substring 'Hello' can be found only if this option is included, because 'He' and 'llo' belong to different items.


 Not used.


   if Form1.RichEdit1.SearchText('string') then 
      ShowMessage('Not found');

   if Form1.RichEdit1.SearchText('string', True) then // case-sensitive search
      ShowMessage('Not found');