(4 replies, posted in General)


Once again thanx for your educational reply & post !!

There are definitely things to be learned here... not sure how I want to proceed but some ideas are beginning to take form.
I see others have an interest too.



(4 replies, posted in General)

Hi Derek,

I tried a Panel and then put a Label within and then put a series of Underlines to make a Horz Divider but the Label disappeared on me and I could not get back to it.  That happened when I tried to shrink both the Label & the Panel, in any case.

I wanted to make both Horizontal & Vertical lines, I presume unless you can enter a hi-bit ALT-### character there are no corner pieces so you can make single line boxes around objects, either.

Have nothing to show at the moment....
Trying to figure out how I want this form I am working to look in the end.



(4 replies, posted in General)

Hi All,  Happy New Year !!

Can you put lines and boxes outlining controls on your forms?

If so how is it best done?

I have played with Panels & Group Boxes but not gotten the desired effects, I am looking to partition controls on a rather large form and was looking for some visual markers to logically divide up the form without resorting to making a series of forms if it could be avoided.


(8 replies, posted in Database applications)

ehwagner wrote:


Forgot to mention that you need a special dll for this to work. You can download the following sqlite3.dll, which was posted here in the forum. Place this downloaded dll in your project folder. It will replace the existing dll. If you also place it in the main MVD program folder, it will automatically use it for all projects.

Here is the link for the download:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/k831y7goyc5dj … 3.dll?dl=0

QUESTION... how current is this .dll, is it updated with most current releases of the Sqlite3.dll and will is work properly with
MVD v6.4 and beyond?



(0 replies, posted in General)


Looking for the experts here that have been down this path and have experience and recommendations.  I have no specific tie to any particular VCS/RCS system and I am looking for something that works and is simple... at this time my projects are small enough that will most likely not need branches or merging initially... so what works well with MVD development?  In the beginning I would like to host internally and since there is only 2 involved I could use a web-based system, preferably free while learning the ropes.

I would expect the following files would be under control
The app EXE, sqlite3.dll & initial sqlite3.db

Then the main editables... (pieces to check out & in)
settings & tables.ini

not sure if any other pieces exist as I have not crossed them to date.

Anyone care to recommend?  Any reasoning might help in the decision, too.



(2 replies, posted in General)

OK, I see....



(0 replies, posted in General)


I know you can see the functions available when in the script tab buy the button in the upper right of that form....
Is there a way to export that list ?  I am more interest in the categories of functions but would be happy to have the
entire list, too.



(2 replies, posted in General)


As it seems Pascal & MVD is pretty much totally event driven ... (OnShow, OnClick, OnEnter, etc) and having the code for each event, what if you have a common calculation that has to be preformed many times, but you do not want to code into each event but would rather have is appear in Script.pas one time for maintenance purposes...  how do you call if from each of the events to the common subroutine... can some provide a simple example of how two events can call the same single instance of a subroutine.



(1 replies, posted in General)

Does what I want  !!

Thanx !!


(4 replies, posted in General)


Yes it did fix the problem so the Button would execute the code properly...  it was never on the EditBox code
and if placed there does not seem to cause any issues either ???



(4 replies, posted in General)

Don't know why it didn't attach the first time,
there now...



(1 replies, posted in General)


I was play with the Forum Example called "Tray icon with PopMenu" which is helping understand how to manage programs put in the SysTray.
My question is there a way to ( Close, Terminate, Kill - your choice) the program from the SysTray.  Per Delphi is would appear to be the "HALT()" command but that is not supported by MVD AND I cannot find some similar that will do the job.

Anybody know a way to do this, I understand that any cleanup needs to be done before invoking such an option.



(4 replies, posted in General)


I am a newbie so this may totally be on me or have I found something?

I have been playing with Date & Time Examples and wanted to make a more specific demo to hold on to while I start my project.  I have been working off Form1 from an EditBox, simply using the OnClick Event to launch the code and everything was displayed via ShowMessage displays as to the results.

In the process I decided to move my code to a Button from the EditBox as no input is actually need, just a way to trigger the code.  However I get an error  "List index out of bounds (1)" when I run the exact same code that functions properly when deployed from the EditBox.

In my case is there really anything different about running the code between the EditBox and the Button?  I don't think so, but do not understand either.

See all info in project attached... I would like to understand why one work and the other doesn't.



(10 replies, posted in General)

DriveSoft wrote:

Book is updated.

Like the book !!  Gives a new user a jump start.

Have a few Manual Corrections/Suggestions, my latest copy was downloaded on Nov 29, 2020

pg 21 ... identify the TableGrid on Form1
pg 38 ... 2.2.8 [Cancel] Button Form1  s/b frmRent   ???
pg 73 ... Figure 63  and wording start using the word/term Cust where as you have been using Client
exclusively to that point..
pg 74 ... line spacing before "Configuring the frmCustTypeAdd"
pg 90-93 ... the Report Writer uses the term "bands", why change the terminology to "block"?

Follow On thoughts for the book to really finish up the Rent2 example

Introduce the script to:

calculate the date difference between rent start & rent end
use that to calculate total rent rather than user doing that

how to right-align COST column on "Rented Equipment" Report
to dress it up.

Advanced Idea...  Allow for Manual Override of Total Cost ... just an idea.



(5 replies, posted in General)

Yes Sir, that does indeed fix things  !!



(5 replies, posted in General)


Thanx for the reply and info... while I was looking at the Function List I just never equated "copy" at being the function I wanted !!

While you might not like this style of programming, my example, can you or anyone explain the oddity here.

//days := 'Sunday   Monday   Tuesday  WednesdayThursday Friday   Saturday ';

days := ''   + format('%9s',['Sunday']) +  format('%9s',['Monday']);
days := days + format('%9s',['Tuesday']) + format('%9s',['Wednesday']);
days := days + format('%9s',['Thursday']) +format('%9s',['Friday']);
days := days + format('%9s',['Saturday']);

ShowMessage('Days String =>' + days +'<=' + IntToStr(Length(days)));
showMessage('Day 5 is Thurs...' +copy(days,((5 * 9)-9)+1,9) +' OR '+
            copy(days,((5 * 9)-9)+1,3));

if you un-comment the first sting (days) this works fine,
however using the format() option the first copy in the final ShowMessage works but the second
one is off by one char.  Even adding a Trim() to the loading of Wednesday does not fix the issue.
Is there something I am missing with either the Copy() or the format() functions?



(5 replies, posted in General)

10-4 !!



(1 replies, posted in General)

Found out how to do....

On the Form1 or any form you desire this, look in Properties for  Minimize To Tray...
The only thing that it does not be able to do is Close from the Tray, you have to restore the Form and then Close it.



(5 replies, posted in General)

brian.zaballa wrote:
kweatherhead wrote:

I would like to add, from the pages of the gurus... if these libraries are capable to be done, do you suffer loading the entire library or only the code you need (more of a Link time functionality?  Is there a way to manage pieces within a library, etc....


You can only use the "Uses" and include .pas file which is a raw code of your libraries.


Again a great example  !!   I presume that you must distribute your Libs with your app if deploying on another system, correct?
MVD does not make a lib.dcu  correct?



(2 replies, posted in Script)

brian.zaballa wrote:

Good day keith,

Here's a sample to give you an idea on the keydown event


Excellent Example !!

Thanx !!


(5 replies, posted in General)

Does MVD support a subString, mid, extract  type of function to get a piece of an existing string?
Also Left() or Right() functions?



(2 replies, posted in Script)


Does MVD has a built-in help facility that a developer can tap into?
if so where do you access it and what is the field help key?

Can you define Custom Key assignments, trap the use of those key triggers in your scripts, such as pressing the F1 key?



(5 replies, posted in General)

I would like to add, from the pages of the gurus... if these libraries are capable to be done, do you suffer loading the entire library or only the code you need (more of a Link time functionality?  Is there a way to manage pieces within a library, etc....



(5 replies, posted in General)

While I am still new to MVD (and Pascal in general) I am sure I will use the terms in an improper manner, but hopefully can get across my desired point.

I have some routines (code) that I would like to share across multiple projects.  I would like to put the routines in a "common code" file and then include them wherever I want to use those functions & procedures.  In MVD can this be done and what is the proper terminology I should be using to accomplish this?



(0 replies, posted in General)

While I am fairly new to MVD I am willing to set off on an adventure but wanted to make sure I wasn't duplicating someone else's noble efforts... to that avail I thought I would ask if anyone has developed a library of date / time processing routines?  I need to be able to increment & decrement all aspects of dates & times (hours, minutes, seconds, days, months & years.  While the xxxBetween routines are great and would also be used, I need to be able to do extensive date/time processing... has this bridge been crossed any anyone?
