Привет Evgeniy,,
Я не думаю, что это возможно, если вы используете более новые версии Windows (после WindowsXP).
Другой способ сделать это - разместить панель (bevelwidth = 0) с меткой в верхней части группового окна - см. Вложение


(5 replies, posted in Reports)

Please see attached.
I don't use FastReport very much so there may be some sort of template you can use to match the layout to Avery J8160.
Failing that, it's just a case of adjusting the spacing etc within FastReport until it all fits correctly (my example has the 3x7 matrix but I don't know the label dimensions to align the data to).


(5 replies, posted in Reports)

Is this the sort of thing that you're meaning (please see attached).
If I understand your question, all you need to do is specify the active/inactive combobox as the search criteria associated with the 'report' button.
No script is required for something like this.


(12 replies, posted in General)

Just add this line to the script
  form1.tablegrid1.selectedrow := 0;
This places the cursor on the first row in the (hidden) tablegrid and tells the program which record ID to use (you can make the tablegrid visible to see how it has highlighted the row and then make it invisible again).


(12 replies, posted in General)

Yes, the instruction is in the script.
Remember that in MVD, the first column in the tablegrid starts at Column 0 and the first row in the tablegrid starts at Row 0 (this is what [0,0] in the line of script...... form1.tablegrid1.cells[0,0] refers to).  It is the co-ordinates of the cell value that we want to use.
So, in the script, the line 
if form1.tablegrid1.rowcount > 0 then form1.edit2.text := form1.tablegrid1.cells[0,0] else form1.edit2.Text:= ' ';
takes the contents of the cell in Column 0 and Row 0 in the tablegrid and copies the contents to form1.edit2.text.
Hope that's clear.


(12 replies, posted in General)

Hi Reteinformatica,
I downloaded your project but there is just a form - there is no script with it so I can't see the problem with clicking twice or the result not being saved.  Nor is there a tablegrid.


(5 replies, posted in Script)

This is how it could work if you do it with comboboxes - the association between keywords and categories is taken out of the script and can therefore be maintained by anyone.
This is okay if you need to analyse activity at both 'keyword' and 'category' levels, but if you just only to see activity at the 'category' level, I think I'd just use a single combobox, selecting values manually;  you can always make your combobox 'searchable' to speed things up, if that's your concern.


(5 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Hedan,
You could try doing it like this (see attached).
However, I'm not sure how practical your approach of trying to automate a combobox selection from a list of keywords hard-coded into your script can be. 
Rather than scripting, perhaps a better approach might be to use a sort of 'reverse' parent combobox where you manually select your keyword value from the child combobox (rather than in the parent, as is usual) and it automatically fills in the corresponding value from the parent combobox. 
But even then, it's a rather unusual requirement.


(12 replies, posted in General)

A couple of ways to do it.
1)  use 'sqlexecute' and select the value from the table;  as there can only ever be one row in your table, there is no need for a 'where' clause.
2)  copy the value from the tablegrid cell (as there is only one row and one column, you can hard-code the cell location ([0,0]).  Perhaps this is a slightly better option as it avoids making an extra call to the database.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Again,
Perhaps do it like this (see attached) but there are lots of other ways too, I think.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Place your label on a form and then create an 'on click' event (please see attached).
In the example, you click on the label and it takes you to a website.
You can do extra things to make it more user-friendly - in my example, I 'nudge' the label so it looks like it has been clicked, I change the cursor from an 'arrow' to a 'handpointer' when it hovers over the label and I add a text hint.
You can also do all of these things with images, icons etc.


(6 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Just a final thought - if you wanted to see which customers have weekend delivery schedules (ie Saturday or Sunday), you could add something like this to the script:
  if form1.edit1.text = 'W/E' then
      form1.tablegrid1.dbFilter := '(sat = "1") or (sun = "1")';
      form1.tablegrid1.columns[6].visible := true;
      form1.tablegrid1.columns[7].visible := true;

Посмотрите на прикрепленный пример и скриншот.
Вы можете разместить его в фиксированном месте или вы можете разместить его относительно других форм
(form2.top := form1.top + 50
form2.left := form1.left + 150) etc etc
С Уважением,


(6 replies, posted in SQL queries)

I take your point about loading times.
Attached is a slightly different approach you could try (I've replaced the multiple tablegrid approach in my earlier suggestion with a single tablegrid and a script that filters/hides columns as required.  Probably it's a more efficient way of doing it.
Just enter 'MON', 'TUE', 'WED' etc to get your daily delivery schedules or 'blank' to see everything.


(6 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Quite a few different ways to approach this, I imagine.
The easiest way of all would simply be to use a tablegrid and have filters on each of the days - click the appropriate filter for whatever day of the week and the rows in the tablegrid adjust accordingly.  And you shouldn't need to use a script with this approach.
But if you want to see a delivery schedule for discrete days in a separate tablegrid, then I think I'd try it this way (see attached);  I've tried to keep the script to a minimum.
As per your write-up, when you run the program, it defaults to the current day of the week and customers who have deliveries for that day.
But I imagine someone is always going to want to know about tomorrow etc etc (LOL!), so just enter a different day number (Monday = 1 - Sunday = 7) and you can see different schedules for different days.  And if you enter a space, it shows ALL schedules.  Deleting the number (or the space), clears the tablegrid.
Perhaps this gives you some ideas.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hi Again,
Can you attach the project example please.

Просто добавьте эту строку в конце процедуры для Button1

procedure Form1_Button1_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);



(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Jean,
Ca va bien?
Have you checked the 'searchable' property for the combobox object?  (please see the screenshot in the attachment).
In my example, I can enter 'ford' or 'mondeo' etc, and it finds the relevant rows correctly.
Hope this helps,

Привет Vit007,
Если я правильно понимаю ваш вопрос, вам не нужно использовать скрипт. Связывание таблиц является частью стандартной функциональности MVD (см. Прилагаемый пример).
С уважением
(с гугл переводчиком)


(9 replies, posted in General)

Hello Eyeman,
I don't even remember writing that, it's been so long ago - LOL!
I have since written a couple of alternative appointment calendar programs that I think (hope!) are an improvement (I just wanted something that was quick and easy to use and not weighed down with lots of features I didn't need).
I've attached the most recent one which may be of interest to you - I think it should be possible to use it as a 'front-end' to your specific requirements (in effect, replacing your A1_cal_date).  Feel free to use/change/improve anything and if you have any questions, just let me know (for info', I use a 'bounce-bar' in this program so just take the cursor down to the bottom of the form to reveal the buttons).

There are several ways of restricting access to specific users but yes, it is possible (and straightforward).
You could, for example, make your entire tablegrid non-editable for anyone and then restrict access to a maintenance form to 'admin'.  Or, if your tablegrid is editable, certain columns can be made view-only (or hidden completely) to 'basic' users.

Привет Andrei, K245,
Другой вариант - использовать tablegrid (вместо таблицы).
Это уменьшает количество обращений к базе данных, а также дает дополнительную возможность фильтрации таблицы и возможности вычислять разницу между двумя последними строками отфильтрованной tablegrid.
С Уважением,
(с гугл переводчиком - извиняюсь!)


(4 replies, posted in Script)

As per your description of the requirement, I'd probably do it something like this (see attached).
The user doesn't have to do anything except enter readings (the program creates a new row automatically for the current date (if it doesn't already exist) and puts readings into the correct 'morning' or 'evening' field depending on the current time). 
For information, the last week's worth of readings are displayed and there is also an option to manually maintain dates/times/readings to correct for any errors or omissions (mistakes are bound to be made!).
Perhaps this approach gives you some ideas.


(4 replies, posted in Script)

One simple way might be to remove the problem and only have one datetimestamp field and then use calculated fields to display morning(AM) and evening(PM) - see attached.
This option requires no script but does set the datetimestamp when you OPEN the form rather than SAVE the form - I don't know if this is critical to your requirement.
But there are other ways to do it as well if the above option doesn't suit.

It should work with variables in the same way - I just used checkboxes on the form because it's easier for testing.