Hello Rhyacm,
Try testing your conditions this way (see attached).


(4 replies, posted in General)

The search button can either be manually clicked or automatically triggered (in which case I usually hide it).
In order for the search button to automatically trigger, you need to set the increm. Search property of form1.combobox1 to the relevant search button (form1.button1) - have a look at the screen capture.


(9 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Carlo,
Is this the sort of thing you want? (see attached).
Just enter the number that you want to randomize up to (in your example, 45) and press 'Enter'.


(4 replies, posted in General)

If I understand your question correctly, then I'm not sure why you need to use a script.
It seems that all you are wanting to do is filter tablegrid1 by customer which is a standard MVD search with no script required and the result can either be output to the same tablegrid (tablegrid1) or, as you are doing, to a separate tablegrid (tablegrid2).
Please have a look at the objects that I added to your project as an example.

Привет Igor,
Самый простой способ - использовать вычисляемые поля.
Пожалуйста, посмотрите на прилагаемый пример, который вы можете адаптировать к вашим собственным требованиям.
С Уважением,


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Manixs,
Try putting this between the 'begin.....end' at the bottom of your script.
   form1.tablegrid1.dbPopupMenu.Items.Find('Show Record').enabled := false; 
In this example, 'Show Record' is the right-click item that I want to disable. 
You can do this for any or all of the right-click context items.
Please see also the attachment.


(3 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Hi Riplex,
If I understand your question correctly, there is perhaps an easier way of doing it rather than using sql query.
Please have a look at the screenshots (riplex1.jpg and riplex2.jpg) and the example project in the attachment.
In it, using the same 'provider' table, the comboboxes 1 and 2 are filtered depending on 'provider.type' being either TYPE='PRODUCT' or TYPE='SUPPLY' in the combobox filter property.


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hi Manixs,
Not sure what your requirement to do something like this could be, but perhaps you can do it like this?


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hi Manix,
I'd do it like this (maybe other ways too).


(7 replies, posted in General)

Please look at the two screenshots in the attachment which shows how to configure your images to be stored as a 'linkfile'.
You may have images that are stored in many different locations on your PC - this doesn't matter as the link is specific to that image. 
However, you can also choose to have all of the images from all the different locations copied and stored all in one location (for convenience). 
To do this, set the 'type' to LinkFile and then specify a folder in 'CopyTo'.  If, as in my example, you specify 'store' this will search for a folder within the application called 'store' and save the images there;  this is part of the application but NOT part of the database. 
Alternatively, if you specify a full path in 'CopyTo' it is stored completely outside of the application.
I hope this is clear.


(10 replies, posted in Russian)

Если я правильно понимаю ваш вопрос, возможно, вы сможете сделать это следующим образом (см. Приложение).
Вы можете добавить свою информацию либо по городу, либо по человеку; в обоих случаях он запомнит ваш выбор.
Извините, но мои экраны и тестовые данные на английском языке.
надеюсь, это поможет
(с гугл переводчиком)


(4 replies, posted in General)

Aha!  It makes more sense now.
Thanks JB.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hi Jean,
You are quite right - I have checked in my other projects where I use a 'splash' form and the object property is 'poscreencenter'. 
Why I changed it to 'pomainformcenter' - I have no idea!  Maybe I'm getting too old for all this - LOL!
Still, it is a bit strange that it doesn't work with 'pomainformcenter' - I would have thought it would do the same thing.
Thanks, as always, for your help.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry,
I use 'formsplash' to display logos, messages etc at the start of an application, using a small script. 
It should open, centred on Form1 for a set number of seconds and then close (I have had this working correctly on other applications).
However, even though the 'position' property of the 'formsplash' form object is set to 'pomainformcentre', the actual position, when the application runs, is incorrect - it is always top and left of the entire screen.  Changing the property to 'podesigned' and manually specifying the coordinates relative to Form1 has no effect.
Can you have a look at see what is wrong? (please find attached an example;  I am using WindowsXP and MVD 5.1 beta).
Also, is it possible to do the same thing with a panel instead of a form - for example, something like
  panel.visible := true;
  panel.visible := false;


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
It's funny (and a bit embarrassing!!) how I sometimes miss things when the answer is right in front of me!
Strangely, Ctrl+A doesn't work for me (but I can right-click and then choose 'Select All'), so it's not a problem.


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
At the moment, I create a panel that is the same size as the form and then add all my objects so that they are subordinate to the panel - then all I need to do is copy / paste the panel.  But using a panel for this purpose is an overhead and the new form must still be created and set up to the correct size, colour etc.
An option to copy an entire form would, I think, be a better way.  Is this something that you might consider?


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Adam,
If I understand your question correctly, couldn't you set the 'type' object property of the dbfile object to 'linkfile' instead of 'storefile'?
Please see the attached (any rows of test data that I've left in will need to be deleted as they're pointing to various files on my PC).

Can you attach your project and describe what is wrong?
I use the 'incremental search' feature in most of my projects and have never had any problems.


(6 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Again,
Forgot to mention that you will also need to change the 'copyto' object property of dbimage1 to your own choice of folder.


(6 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Cujos,
Had a quick look at your message.
In answer to your original question -

In my application i rename files on disc to a unique filename and then i want to load it in to my "DBImages" object.
When i do this the image displays correctly, but... When i save the form and open it up again, the image is gone..

This is because when you use the linkfile option, it stores the path+file name in a field (in your example - main_table.bild_filename).  If you then rename the file as you are doing, you need to update main_table.bild_filename at the same time otherwise MVD can't find the image.
If you didn't need to rename the file, it would be very simple, using the 'copyto' object property of dbimage1.
But if it is a requirement to choose an image from the source folder, copy the image to another location, rename the image and then delete the image from the souce folder, I would perhaps do it like this (see attached);  obviously, you will need to change a couple of things in the script where I have hard-coding pathnames (I was in a hurry!) but the approach should work for you.
Hopefully, it will give you a few ideas,


(4 replies, posted in Script)

Для меня нет ошибки (см. Скриншоты).
Возможно, у вас плохая загрузка.
Какую версию MVD вы используете?


(4 replies, posted in Script)

Привет Nikolai,
Поможет ли это вам? Нажмите на каждое имя в ячейке, чтобы отобразить подсказку.
С Уважением,


(23 replies, posted in General)

Hi Fabio,
Now that your data is structured more logically (data.arrivo and data.scadenza in the arrivomerce table), there is no reason why you cannot search for the dates - you can have more than one search button on the same form.
In your project, one button searches anagrafica records, the second button searches arrivomerce records.  And, of course, you have the button that filters arrivomerce records depending on the row in your grdfornitore tablegrid.
And if you use the 'incremental search', the User does not even see that there is more than one search button, he just enters values in the search boxes and it is automatic.  Multiple search buttons can be very powerful (and if you are not careful, a bit confusing - LOL!)


(23 replies, posted in General)

Glad it's working now how you want it to.
Attached are a couple of suggested cosmetic changes to your original program - it's more to show you the sort of things that you can do with MVD - it's very flexible.
Good Luck,


(23 replies, posted in General)

In FastReport, it does not use tablename+fieldname, it uses 'report' +  fieldname (eg, report.indirizzo, report.telefono etc). 
Because you are using anagrafica.record_count and arrivomerce.record_count, this would cause a duplicate in FastReport, so it names them report.record_count, and report.record_count_1. 
It depends on the sequence in which you select fields from the database in MVD - if arrivomerce.record_count is selected before anagrafica.record_count, then it becomes report.record_count.  If you select anagrafica.record_count first, then that becomes report.record_count instead etc etc.
Please have a look at the attachment (in the screenshot, I show that I have changed the sequence of the two fields) and see how the change of sequence now affects the report.