
(5 replies, posted in General)

Hi Cujos,
Not a silly question at all.
If you set up a filter directly in the grid (as it sounds like you're doing), then it's 'fixed' so you can't select anything different when you run your program.  One solution would be to display 2 grids - one with a fixed filter showing all invoices and one with a fixed filter showing all receipts.
However, I think the better way to do it is to use the 'search' facility which allows you to filter records according to the value selected in your search criteria field.
Please have a look at the attached.  In this example, the search criteria is a combobox but depending on what you are searching for, it could just as easily be an edit field, a date or another tablegrid.
Just shout if anything's not clear.

Hello Indigen,
Вы можете просмотреть файл, как это.
Это помогает?


(6 replies, posted in General)

Please find attached a sample program that uses an auto-generated number that shows on all forms and in a report.
I've done this in 1.44 so you should be able to open it and see what's going on.
If anything's not clear, then just ask and someone will know the answer.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hello Kalyan,
Attached is an example of how to tackle this sort of project (but with MVD there are many options).


(12 replies, posted in General)

Hello Reteinformatica, Thierry
Another way to approach the problem:  in the attached example, the second date field is automatically set to be 30 days ahead of the first date field;  this is done with a small (1 line) script. 
Is this the sort of thing you were meaning?  Even if not, it shows one approach you could take.

That's great - everything working as I wanted it to now.
Thanks as always for the quick response.

Hello Dmitry,
I have my own procedure that I want to use to avoid repeating a section of code many times in the script.
However, it shows an error ('not enough actual parameters');  please see the attached screen capture.
Can you tell me what is missing and what I can do to fix it?


(7 replies, posted in General)

In any form, the path from one field to the next should follow a logical sequence so you can set the 'tab order' to reflect this.
If, however, you want to move around the form 'out of sequence', you can define keyboard short-cuts to do this.
In the attached example, I use ctrl+1, ctrl+2 etc to move directly to the associated field (you can also use numbers or letters, 'ctrl,  'alt' etc etc).


(2 replies, posted in General)

Welcome to MVD.
Basically, if your amortization calculations follow set rules, then MVD will be able to calculate the monthly payments;   typically, you'd achieve this by using 'calculated fields' or by using MVD's coding script.


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Anakin,
I couldn't easily work out how to get rid of the items with no values using 'report', so I used 'report(sql)' instead;  anyway, it's probably a bit more efficient to get rid of them in the initial selection rather than take them into the report only to subsequently remove them.


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Anakin,
I hardly use Fast Report but I had a quick go at creating a 'salary slip'.
I'm sure you'll want to change the layout to better suit your own requirements but the data is all there and the figures seem to add up, which is the main thing that I was concentrating on!


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Anakin,
Added 'quantity' and 'amount' to give a Payroll Item total.
The way I've done it is that if a 'quantity' and 'amount' is entered, then the 'item total' is calculated.  But it is also possible to not enter anything in 'quantity' and 'amount' and just enter a value directly into the 'item total'.  If you don't need that flexibility, then you could force the user to always something in 'quantity' and 'amount' and make the 'item total' read-only.
Not sure why you would be getting a database locked error - changing the text of the payroll item doesn't touch anything critical in the table structure.  Is the error repeatable or was it just a 'one off'?


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hi Eddie,
I'd probably try and do it something like the attached, using the same lookup (tags) table for however many tags I wanted to hold against the website and then concatenate the tags into a calculated field to use for my search.


(2 replies, posted in Russian)

Привет Agatlogic,
Прикреплен пример и скриншот сортировки по 2 столбцам (национальность по возрастанию, фамилия по убыванию).
Может быть, это помогает.
С Уважением,


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hello Anakin,
Attached is an update of the project with the 'basic pay' showing as a discrete column.
A couple of other changes:
1)  all the numeric column headings, cells and footers are now right-aligned.
2)  the 'search' field accepts first name, last name, payroll id or position (basically, anything that you can see in tablegrid1 you can search on).
Hope this enables you to move things along a bit.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Heribertom,
Yes, using icons instead of buttons is not a problem.
Every object in MVD is 'clickable' so you can place pictures, labels etc on your form and then write a bit of script to instruct it what to do when the object is clicked.
Please look at the attachment. 
In the example, I use icons which, when clicked, click an associated hidden button.  And to make it look more 'interactive', I 'nudge' the icon when it's clicked. 
I also use a label ('?') which changes color when you hover over it and which 'nudges' when it's clicked.
However, with regard to changing color of an icon, you would need to use 2 identical icons (for example, 1 blue and 1 red) and switch them when they are hovered over - you can't actually change the color of the icon itself.
Anyway, I hope this gives you some ideas.


(5 replies, posted in Russian)

Надеюсь я правильно понял ваш вопрос (гугл переводчик).
Возможно, вы могли бы сделать это так? (смотрите вложение). Нажмите «01», «02» и т. Д., Чтобы выбрать или отменить выбор. Кроме того, поместите мышь на «01», «02» и т. Д., Чтобы увидеть «подсказку».
С Уважением,


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Teco,
Please have a look at the attached - it's not sophisticated(!) but it works.
I don't think the overhead of storing the same field in .txt format is that great (it's the .rtf itself that will, if anything, take up space).

Hello Again,
Немного другой способ (лучше?) - меньший скрипт и меньше столбцов, которые можно скрыть в таблице, так что, может быть, более эффективный?

Привет Mikhail, ,
Если я правильно понимаю ваш вопрос, возможно, вы можете сделать это так?
Надеюсь, это поможет,
С Уважением,


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hi Anakin,
Had a quick look at your warehouse spreadsheet.
I've made a few (well, a lot actually - LOL!) assumptions but I'd probably tackle it this way (please see attached).
I've used 'weighted average' for valuation of stock and have associated items with a specific warehouse location rather than allocate the location on delivery (it doesn't have to be that way but I'm guessing you'd hit problems taking an item from different locations on the same dispatch note).
Again, a small script but it's only cosmetic (and it would work just the same without it).
Anyway, hopefully you can use it as a bit of a guide, if nothing else.


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Anakin,
Please find attached 2 versions of your payroll project to give you some ideas how you might want to tackle it.
Version 1 is more straightforward with hardly any script.
Version 2 uses more script to make the application more 'interactive' - it's more to show you the sort of things that you can do with MVD when you get more comfortable with it.
But just as with your 'maintenance' project, the basic principle of a hierarchy of tablegrids and forms is the same;  it's a principle that underpins pretty much any MVD project.
I'll try and have a look at your 'warehouse' question but from a quick glance at the spreadsheet, it will be much the same approach. 
One thing I'd suggest would be to use just one table ('movements') to hold all deliveries, despatches, stock adjustments etc with each row being identified by a 'movement type'.  It should simplify things greatly when showing things like stock holdings etc.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hello Anakin,
I had a quick look at your project and made a few changes.
Of course, it's based on my understanding of what you're trying to do so some of what I've suggested may be invalid.  But at least it may give you some ideas.
In your data structure, you had relationships going in both directions between tables (many:many relationship) but I don't see that being needed with your data.  Also, you had a couple of currency / value fields defined as 'integer' (so these would only have displayed whole numbers rather than the precision (normally 2 decimal places) you need).
With some of your forms that hold 'lookup' data  (which in your project is pretty much everything except the 'service' and the 'article's tables), it's probably easier to set those up as 'editable grids'.  Even the 'asset' table itself is being used just as a 'lookup' for the Maintenance Department, as I understand it.  I've grouped all of these together on just one form (which should make your project slightly quicker to load).
Other than that, I've just used the standard MVD approach of listing all 'service' records in a tablegrid and maintaining individual 'service' records on a discrete form.  And likewise for the 'articles' table.
Unfortunately, your report is messed up a bit now but than can be corrected once everything else is set up as you want it.
Lastly, there is a small script to initially 'click' the search button (now hidden) on Form1 but that's really just a cosmetic thing.
Again, apologies if some of my assumptions for what you're after are wrong but at least the approach might show you a way to proceed.
Hope this helps,


(2 replies, posted in Russian)

Привет Sibprogsistem,
Попробуйте это так.
Надеюсь, это поможет,
С уважением
(с гугл переводчиком)


(14 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry, David,
Thanks for the latest update.
Just for information, it works correctly with XP (I've added a look-up table to convert the numbers to something more meaningful).