Hi Gonpublic2k,
Sorry - didn't see your earlier post.
One way I've used before is to have 2 buttons, (almost) overlaying each other (I set the one button 1 pixel to the left and 1 pixel lower) and then one button has the caption in normal, the other has the caption in bold (not very sophisticated but I like to keep things simple - LOL!).
One other thing you might also consider is to change the pointer when the mouse enters the button - in my attached example, I change it from an 'arrow' to a 'hand' (this is a standard feature and requires no script - it's in the button object properties - additional - cursor).
So the affect when mousing over, is that it turns bold, it looks like it's being clicked and the pointer changes.
Please have a look at the attachment - you can see it working far better than I've explained it!!
oops!  I think I attached the wrong thing - here it is again!


(6 replies, posted in Reports)

Hi Dmitry,
Thanks for information about <font color=?> - reports look much better now with combinations of color and highlighting.


(6 replies, posted in Reports)

Hi Jean,
Yes, it's possible to add other properties - <b><u><i> xxxxxxx </i></u></b> etc etc.
But I haven't found a way yet to get <color=?> xxxxx</color> or <size=nn> xxxxx </size> to work.
Perhaps you can find a way.
But to 'bold' was my main requirement so what Dmitry has explained is very useful.

Здравствуйте zc13569,
Надеюсь, я понял ваш вопрос.
Возможно, вы можете сделать это так (пожалуйста, посмотрите на приложение - извините, но это на английском).
это смесь фильтров и небольшой скрипт.
Надеюсь, это поможет.
(с переводчиком google)


(6 replies, posted in Reports)

Hello Dmitry,
Wow - it works great.  I didn't realise you needed to enable HTML tags as well.
Thanks for sorting it and for the quick reply.


(6 replies, posted in Reports)

Hi Dmitry,
Could you help me please?
In Fastreport, I have a field (counties.description) that can hold a large amount of text.
In my example, I want to highlight wherever the word 'Coventry' occurs (in the attachment, it should find and highlight 'Coventry' two times).
Any ideas how I can do this?


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry,
Thanks for the alternative way of choosing 'copy all' and the update.


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
Perfect - much more straightforward now for the user.
(for general info' - depending on your set-up,  it might not always be form1.tablegrid1.dbpopupmenu.items[5].click.  For example, on my version, it's  form1.tablegrid1.dbpopupmenu.items[4].click)


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry,
A bit of help, please.
I know I can copy ALL rows in a tablegrid to the clipboard by right-clicking and selecting Copy All - Shift+Ctrl+C.
To make it easier for users, I would like to automate all of this by clicking a button instead.  I have tried to do this using 'SelectAll' and then 'CopyToClipboard' but this only seem to work with 'edit' fields.  Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong.
If this can't be done using 'CopyToClipboard', is it possible to send 'right-click' followed by 'Shift+Ctrl+c' by script instead?
I hope I've explained this clearly enough and thanks for your help.


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Chrisyoco,
You have a couple of options - one without a script and one with a script.
1.  Without a script.
Use a calculated field - have a look in the 'datatables'section at the 'cfexipirydate' field to see the syntax.  There is no possibility for the user to edit the expiry date because it is calculated rather than input and stored.
2.  With a script.
The script is triggered whenever the inspection date is changed.  In this example, I have placed the expiry date on Form2 (so you can see how it changes as the inspection date is changed) but I have set the 'enabled' property of the expiry date to 'false' so that the user can't amend it.
Hope either of these two approaches helps and if something isn't clear, just leave a message in the Forum and someone will get back to you.

When you do it the standard MVD way, MVD passes through the person.id to the 'numbers' table each time the form is opened.  But do it repeatedly without closing and re-opening the form, then the person.id is not passed through on second and subsequent occasions - hence the error message you get.
But you can add it to the form manually.  A slight complication comes when you are adding multiple phone numbers to a person who is currently being created so you have to find the very latest person.id with a bit of sql.
Have a look at the attached and see if it helps (and, as always with MVD, there will be other (better?) ways to do it).
(attachement now 'attached' - LOL!)

There are a couple of ways to disable the close(x) buttons involving the form object properties so it's worth trying combinations till you find the one that suits you best.
For me, I would select 'bsdialogue'  from the 'borderstyle' property and remove the ticks from all the 'bordericons' property (see attached screen shot and project).

Hello Ravshanmirzoyev,
С MVD всегда много разных способов.
Думаю, я бы сделал это так. Может быть, это поможет вам дать некоторые идеи.
Извините, но на английском
С Уважением,
Derek (с переводчиком google)

Попробуй это.
Теперь вы можете очистить все 4 поля с помощью кнопки 1 или каждого поля отдельно.
form1.edit1.setfocus помещает курсор обратно в edit1 (вы можете сделать это, щелкнув мышью, но это лучше для пользователя, я думаю).
Но вы можете удалить form1.edit1.setfocus из сценария, если вы этого не хотите
С уважением,
Извините TroNaDor - я не видел, что вы уже ответили

Hello Shiriyev20,
Посмотрите прилагаемый пример и снимок экрана.
Вам нужно связать «button1» с «событием» (в этом примере, дважды щелкнув событие «onclick»).
Когда вы это сделаете, в скрипте автоматически создается пустая процедура. Затем вы добавляете свой код между «begin» и «end» в рамках процедуры.
Надеюсь, это поможет.
(с переводчиком google)

The problem with the 'companyprice' and 'sellingprice' columns is that the fields (I'm guessing) are defined as 'real';  I would change these to 'currency' and make sure that 2 decimal places (the default) is checked.
Please have a look at the script in the attachment which may help. 
In the script, I've added lines to right justify the headings for numeric columns (I just think it looks neater), which may be something you're also interested in doing.
Also, I've added a currency symbol (in this example just to the footer formatting).  Again, it may be something you might want to use.

If I understand what you're wanting to do correctly, I'd use
form1.edit1.text := form1.tablegrid1.columns[0].footer.caption;
You could also use
form1.edit1.value := form1.tablegrid1.columns[0].footer.formulavalue;
There might be other ways.
Please see attached (lines 56-57 in the script).


(8 replies, posted in Script)

Hi There,
Sorry about that - I was trying a couple of things (adding an '=' sign or changing colour when the score is the same - but it may be overkill for what you want) and forgot to reset the data types (see attached).


(8 replies, posted in Script)

Hello There,
I don't know of any 'rank' function but you can do it by script (please see the attached - lines 35-50).
There may be other / better ways but it seems to work.
Hope this helps,

It works okay for me (I tried it with the Phone Book and the Equipment Inventory applications).

Hi Thezimguy,
Is this the sort of thing you're wanting?
Please see attached.

Sorry EH - just seen you've already replied to this and it looks like we're doing it in much the same way.  D


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Lejoso,
Yes, you can use comboboxes instead of fields - the logic is the same.
But when you use comboboxes, you need a second table (I have called it 'types') where you enter the type of 'proc'.
Because you have 3 Procs, you have to define the relationship between the 2 tables 3 times.  And then you also need to create two extra calculated fields to hold the description of Proc2 and Proc3 so that you can see it in the tablegrid.
Please have a look at the attachment and I'm sure you'll be able to follow what I've done.


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Lejoso,
I think doing it with a calculated field is probably the easiest and most data-efficient, but there are other ways as well.
Please have a look at the attached example and see if it helps.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Welcome to MVD!
Here's a link to a good reference:
http://myvisualdatabase.com/download/Bo … tabase.pdf
When you are ready to write your application and you have any specific questions, just ask in this forum and I'm sure somebody will be able to help you out.


(187 replies, posted in General)

Hello Thezimguy,
Please find attached a couple of ways of copying records (and I'm sure there are many more too).
In the 1st example, I simply use different forms (one for 'add' and one for 'copy row as new');  I deliberately choose not to copy one of the fields to prevent duplicate rows (although it's easy enough to trap it before saving).
In the 2nd example, the approach is a lot more flexible;  the user uses a reserved key sequence and decides whether to copy a field value or not.  In this example, enter == in any of the fields to copy its corresponding value from the row highlighted in the tablegrid.
Hopefully this gives you some more ideas.