Привет, Андрей,
Возможно, некоторые из них помогают - это часть старого проекта. Я всегда стараюсь использовать стандартный MVD и держать скрипт маленьким; в этом примере я делаю это с повторяющимися формами. Я уверен, что есть другие способы.
Извините, что это на английском языке, и я надеюсь, вы сможете это понять.
Пользователи и пароли, которые я создал, - это
101 - london
201 - berlin
301 - rome
001 - moscow
Только пользователь 001 может видеть все и создавать отделы и пользователей.
С Уважением,


(12 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Vasco, Hi Mathias,
Sorry, I thought you wanted it all working off a single search field.
If you want one search field for each item, can you do it like this (see attached?).


(12 replies, posted in Script)

Perhaps you can do it a bit like this (see attached).


(12 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Vasco,
I would do it like this, but they may be other ways too.


(14 replies, posted in Russian)

Привет, Вертиби,
Если вы хотите использовать существующий флажок, это один из способов, которым вы могли бы попробовать, но есть и другие.
Опять же, сценарий просто упрощает работу конечного пользователя.
Надеюсь, это поможет,


(14 replies, posted in Russian)

Помогает ли вам подобное?
Сценарий не нужен - он просто делает фильтр автоматическим.
Я уверен, что есть и другие способы.
С Уважением,

Hi Sibprogsistem,
Это то, что тебе надо?
С Уважением,

Sorry Dmitry - didn't see you'd already replied with the same solution..

Hello Ahmadrazaullah,
Defining a field as 'text' doesn't prevent non alpha characters from being entered, it just means that numbers are also treated as text.
To prevent numbers from being entered DURING input, I would use a small script (please see attached).
You could also check for it when saving the form or when leaving the field - it really depends on what suits your application best.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi Heriberto,
Rather than use Resource Hacker to override the standard 'About' page, I think I might simply amend the menu structure to point to a different form.
Take a look at the attachment and see if this approach does what you want (the image and link to a web-site are just to demonstrate how it can work).

Если две таблицы связаны более одного раза, вам нужно использовать вычисленные поля для отображения имен.
См. Пример (извините, но это на английском языке).


(13 replies, posted in General)

This comes at it from a slightly different direction.
I give a basic weighting to key elements of  'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'numbers' and 'symbols' and keep a running total of which element has been used and which hasn't (I haven't scripted to look for whether an element is used more than once but you could code for it and presumably reflect it in the weighting). 
I then incrementally increase the running total based on the overall length of the password (length still has to be taken into account, imho).
I then make any deductions based on issues such as detected patterns, repeated sequences etc (again, it's up to you what you want to try and trap).
But the weighting and the calculation  - indeed, the whole topic of what constitutes a 'good' password, is totally arbitrary.
I've left the character count and the running score visible on the form to make testing easier.


(10 replies, posted in Russian)

Отвечает ли это на ваш первый вопрос?

Эй Адзити,
Способ сделать что-то подобное без скрипта - нажмите на флажки, чтобы увидеть разные варианты.
Возможно, это тоже полезно для вас.


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Adam,
As I understand it, Dmitry's password strength app DOES evaluate all the criteria and not just length.  The length of any password is calculated and then it's strength is rated depending on whether instances of 'lowercase', 'uppercase', 'numbers' and 'special characters' occur within that password length.
For example, Dmitry takes a password that has a length of 9 and grades it 'very strong' if it has instances of 'lowercase', 'uppercase', 'numbers' and 'special characters', downgrades it to 'strong' if it doesn't use 'special characters, downgrades it further to 'medium' if it doesn't use 'numbers' etc etc.
In incorporating 'repeating characters' and 'patterns' (see attached), I've simply downgraded the rating by 2 levels, but it's arbitrary and you could set it to whatever level you decide on.

Привет Adiziktdy,,
возможно, это проще


(8 replies, posted in General)

Hi TC,
I was able to recreate your errors by adding new fields to the search, new columns to the tablegrid etc etc.
Then I started removing objects from the Form, one by one, and then tried (and succeeded) in recreating the error. 
When I removed the 'Edit Customer' button (which WAS Button4), everything started working as you'd expect.
But if I re-used Button4 for the Customer Edit, the problem returned.
So I simply added a completely new button (Button7) as the Edit Customer button and didn't encounter any further issues.
I vaguely remember having a similar problem ages ago after I'd made a load of changes to various objects on a form - but to be fair, it's very unusual and MVD is normally rock-solid on things like that.
Just to mention - I changed a few things on your form as part of testing (new search fields, new columns, incremental searches etc) so you'll probably want to change them back.  Should have put them back to how they were but I forgot - mea culpa - LOL!


(8 replies, posted in General)

Can you have a look at the attached and see if you still get the 'access violation' error?


(7 replies, posted in General)

I wonder if you haven't created any 'events' that link an 'object' to procedures in your script (sorry for the terminology!).

1.  When you use scripting, you will see an 'events tab' for each object (a form, a button, a grid, a field, a label etc etc)
2.  In this example, if you want to create an 'on show' event for Form1, you need to click (3 times) on the specific event
3.  This will automatically created a 'Form1_OnShow' entry against that event and link you to the scripting screen.
In other words, you can't just go into the script and write some code without making sure that the link is in place, otherwise it will never run.
So, in your example, you'll need to create events for frmResults_OnShow and frmResults_dtTestDate_OnChange.
Please have a look at the attached screenshot which might make things clearer.
Hope that helps,


(7 replies, posted in General)

MVD doesn't have radio buttons as 'standard' but you could use checkboxes (or pictures of radio buttons).  But you'd then have to write a couple of lines of script to make sure that they are mutually exclusive (not that that's a problem but I try to use standard MVD where possible).
The other option is to pick your time interval from a combobox and use it in the calculated field calculation (please see attached).
Let me know if anything's not clear.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hi TCSplinters,
There are a couple of ways to do this but for me, the easiest is to use a calculated field.
Please see attached and let me know if anything's not clear.

Привет, Алексей

Я в порядке с Google Translator

Задача 1.
Вы получите эту ошибку, когда frm_bewohner.dtp1 пуст, и вы попытаетесь сохранить запись bewohner. Вы должны добавить запись в kuebernahme одновременно. Чтобы исправить сообщение об ошибке, я установил frm_bewohner.dtp1 = 'default checked' и оставил его видимым, чтобы вы могли видеть.

Проблема 2.
Исходный расчет был удален - я думаю, что это был я! Извини за это.
Я надеюсь, это поможет вам.


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Adam,
Rather than try to decide whether some passwords (in your example - '2222222') are weak, medium or strong), I'd possibly put some password rules in place that simply wouldn't allow it in the first place.
I've added a couple of examples in the script of Dmitry's Password Strength Meter program - one that doesn't allow for more than 2 repeating identical characters and one that doesn't allow for a basic pattern (ie 1212 or abab or xyxy).  You could add quite few extra ones depending on how far you want to take it.
However, I imagine it would be easy enough to take what I've done and translate it into the 'weak', 'medium' or 'strong' categories.
Hope this helps,

Привет, Алексей,
Извините, но мой русский очень плохой - так по-английски.....
I have added some new fields to tbl_zahlungen so it saves the number of occupants, preisperson and selbstbeteiligung AT THE TIME OF INVOICING.  So any future changes to  these variables do not affect old invoices.
I show these new fields on frm_zahlungen so that the user can understand the calculation.
I hope this helps,

Привет, Алексей,
Возможно, вы можете сделать это так?