(2 replies, posted in Script)

Good to know.

I'll just use the HTTPGet methods.

Thank you, Dmitry.



(2 replies, posted in Script)

I need to pass a few properties to the COM object to have it successfully send SMS messages here in the U.S.A.

I need to pass the following additional values to get Clickatell's API to work correctly:

1.) smsFrom = '19041234567'
2.) smsMO = 1

How can I do this using your implementation and pass these parameters to your SendSMS function.

When I try, MVD reports that there are "Too many actual parameters...".

Thank you


Thanks Dmitry!

That's exactly what I was looking for.


Thanks for your post prahousefamily, but that's not what I want to do.

I need to retrieve an image from a database (storedfile) and save it to disk.



Hello Dmitry,

Do you have any sample code for retrieving an image from a database and saving it to disk so it can be loaded into a gridview?




Do you happen to have a function already done to convert a TDateTime into a string that's already in sqlDate format?

I was trying this to save some time, but this won't work in MVD for some reason and just returns the date string?

Function SQLDate (PassedDate : TDateTime) : String;
Temp, TempSQL : String;
    TempSQL := 'SELECT STR_TO_DATE('''+ DateToStr(PassedDate) + ''',''%m/%d/%Y'');';
    Result := SQLExecute(TempSQL);



Hello Dmitry,

I found another bug for you.

The behavior of the "Find" dialog is a little weird.

When you have the Find dialog up and type in something to search for and press enter, it starts searching for the entered text, but the focus changes to the script window and if you press enter again (normally pressing enter again would continue the search to find the next match) instead it deletes the highlighted text in the script window.  That is very dangerous behavior!

The focus should not end up on the script window while you are doing a search.  It should only highlight the text and move the window to the highlighted text, and return the focus to the "Find Next" button on the Find dialog.  You should have to click on the script window behind the find dialog to have the focus change to make a change to the script text.

Does that make sense to you?


There is also an annoying bug in the script viewer window where if either the "Begin" or "End" of one code block is off the screen when you click on "Begin" or "End", the Begin and End won't be highlighted in turquoise so you can see where the block ends.

It should highlight the entire block and not depend on whether it's all on the screen or not.



I didn't know about your search feature.

You might want to add it to an "Edit" menu so the user can see that it exists.

Thanks Dmitry!



(10 replies, posted in Script)

Why couldn't you simply ask the user if he's sure that he wants to reload the script again before doing it?

You could call it a "Revert" button to allow the user to revert to the saved version of the script.

Or maybe you could make it a registry hack for advanced users to turn it on thru the Windows registry and then let us/me know what the registry setting is to make the button visible in MVD?

This feature is very important to me and is desperately needed!

If you can't do the button, then at least add a code search feature.  This is very basic functionality that's missing from MVD.



Hello Dmitry.

Could you please add a code refresh button to refresh the code and load it again from script.pas.

This would allow us users to use Notepad++ to edit the code and search (and have more structured code) for procedures and functions since my project is almost 9000 lines.

A good place for this would be to the left of the "Support Forum" link on the "Script" view window.

It would GREATLY be appreciated!!! :~)



(3 replies, posted in Script)


Thank you both Dmitry/Jean.

That's exactly what I was looking for



(3 replies, posted in Script)

How is it possible to open an executable file and pass the command line to the program?

For instance:

"C:\Program\Executable.exe CommandLine"

OpenFile() doesn't seem to pass the command line.




(11 replies, posted in General)

How do you call the web.refresh method?

I have tried web.refresh and TControl(Web).Refresh but neither is working.

(My TWebBrowser is named "Web".)



(11 replies, posted in General)


I moved all of the database connection code to the main form and the error no longer happens.

Thank you Dmitry!!!



(11 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry

No, I am connecting to the database manually here, but I don't have any queries there.



(11 replies, posted in General)

Thank you for the quick fix, unfortunately, I am not able to use the new BETA 2.6 because the compiled project crashes when I try to run it with an error message:

Application Error:
Exception EAccessViolation in module Project-Manage.exe at 0051C530.
Access violation at address 0031C530 in module 'Project-Manage.exe'.
Read of address 00000000.

This crash happens with version 2.5 too as I have reported earlier, but the crash does not occur if it's compiled using MVD version 2.4.



(11 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry

How do you force a TWebBrowser refresh?

I can't seem to get the TWebBrowser.refresh and TWebBrowser.Refresh2 (overloaded) methods to work since FastScript doesn't support the type OleVariant.

Could you please post some example code for this?

Thank you



Do you have any plans to support this type of report in the future?



Hello Dmitry,

Thank you for the example, but it looks like that example uses groups, not master/detail reporting.

Do you have any examples for a master/detail report?

Here is what I need to do from the Fastreport manual: https://www.fast-report.com/documentati … etail).htm

...but I need to implement it using script.

Thank you,


Has anyone successfully setup a master/detail report in the MVD Report Designer, FastReports?

If so, can you please post some code examples on how to link the mastersource and masterfields properties VIA code?

Thank you!



(6 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry

I thought that you'd like to know that with the new BETA (2.6) I'm getting the following error (attached) when I try to run my compiled project.


By the way, the following code works:

Sales_Sheet_Add.fld_Percentage.text := FloatToStr(TheResult)

but using TheResult.AsString as above causes the access violation.

~ Mike ~

I am getting the following error when a grid view displays a value that was a variant.

Access violation at address 009C713F in module 'Manage.exe'.  Read of address 00000001.

Here is the code for saving the variant (which works properly):

Procedure CalculatePercentageTotals;
NetAmount, TotalSales, TheResult : Variant;

If (Sales_Sheet_Add.fld_Net.value <> 0) AND (Sales_Sheet_Add.fld_TotalSales.Value <> 0)then


    NetAmount := Sales_Sheet_Add.fld_Net.value;
    TotalSales := Sales_Sheet_Add.fld_TotalSales.value;
    TheResult := (NetAmount / TotalSales);
    Sales_Sheet_Add.fld_Percentage.text := TheResult.AsString


The above code works properly, after closing down the form and loading it again.
The values are correct, but it triggers the above error when it opens for the first time.

After opening it a second time, it all works properly and the percentage is displayed.

Any ideas Dmitry?

