(7 replies, posted in General)

You have to create at least the same tables in MVD to work with the existing database-tables. There is no direct import to MVD


(10 replies, posted in General)

Are you sure that this procedure causes the problem ? You are calling the browser form 'browser.button1.click' - could it be that there is an error in the procedure that the button uses ?


(2 replies, posted in General)

You must enable scripts ... click on the script button and you will see the events tab again...


(17 replies, posted in General)

Testing 6.3 beta i have a problem with Tablegrid_OnCellClick  ... it worked fin in 6.2 but doesn't work in 6.3 beta.

could you please check it ???



Ahhh, okay i see...

Thank you for the reply... but it would be nice if changing the month from januar to december would also change the month...

Have a nice day


I am using a datetimepicker with the Format MMM, yyyy and the updown property.
Clicking on the up and down arrows only changes the Month but not the year - and yes i have clicked it up and down countless times... ;-)

Anyone having an idea... ???

Drivesoft ???

BR Maik


(7 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Hi, you have to add "," in your query after each line. Except for the last line


it is a totally wrong date in the report...

to make it a bit clearer:

I am creating a report by report sql - Button.

I need the Datetimepicker Date formatted as MMMM to be passed to the Report.

Any Idea ??

Hi there,

i'm stuck on how to pass the datetimepicker value to the report. Using the Variables Datetimepicker in the report gives me a totally wrong date!

Could someone please help me out ...

Thank you



(15 replies, posted in General)

Hi AD1408,

what he means ist that the record_count is empty... so there is no chance of getting a position.

For moving up or down you should probably use the treeview.moverow procedure...



(3 replies, posted in General)

Sorry for my late reply but i was a little busy

My question was a little misleading sorry for that.

I was wondering if i could change the parent_id in the treeviewcomponent during runtime so i can assign a different Sorting order by using two different Parent_id's.

let's say Parent_id1 is the sortorder where every Person is a basicnode, and Parent_id2 is the sortorder where every Person is shown in the order to which departement (departement is the basicnode) they belong.

Standard view Parent_id1


Switched view by changing the Parent_id to Parent_id2

   - Person1
   - Person2
   - Person3

Hope this is more clear

Thank you


(3 replies, posted in General)

Is it possible to use the functions dbsql and dbsqlexecute with treeview ?

i'd like to assign a different parent_id during runtime ... is that possible?



(2 replies, posted in General)

Thank you, that was what i was thinking About. Maybe there is a Chance you can implement something like this or maybe the better way in MVD.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi folks,

anyone has an idea on how to get a notification when the clipboard changes?


(1 replies, posted in General)

Thank you for the answer. I saw this too and try now to get things working...


Thank you for the answer. I already saw this and i'm trying to get things to work...


(187 replies, posted in General)

Hi Drivesoft, great work.

Is there a chance that you could add the possibility to call DLL's ???

Thank you



(1 replies, posted in General)

I wan*t to use winscard.dll to connect to a pcsc Card Reader. Has someone an Idea on how to call the dll-functions??

I Need the UID to identify my customers...

Thank you


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Found a Solution  using Stringlist... ;-)

Thank you for your support...


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Dear Friends,

lets say i have a several records containing a date which is is assigned to a certain Course id.

e.g.  2.4.2018, 3

I want these dates to be the column header depending on the course id i chose

if i chose course 3 the Headers should be 2.4.2018   8.4.2018

I'm stuck... probably i just have a problem to see the wood, although im standing right in the middle of the forrest...

Anyone has an idea for a Script...???

Thank you


(4 replies, posted in Reports)

Solved it... Thank you for the Support...


(4 replies, posted in Reports)

Dear Drivesoft,

I have tried AllowSplit, but it didn't work.

As this is a non public Project i would like to send it to you via E-Mail. Is there a Mail where i can send it.

Thank you


(4 replies, posted in Reports)

Hi there,

thank you so far for your support in other questions i had.

Now i want to print my collected data in a dbcross. Sometimes the Data is longer than the page so i need to insert a pagebreak. I tried severeal settings, but nothing worked.

My dbcross is placed in the master data band. So i want a pagebreak after lets say 30 Lines. How can i achieve that ???

Thank you for your help

Can you post an example...???

I have tried the following

procedure frxReportOnStartReport(Sender: TfrxComponent);
report : tfrxdataset;   
     Report:=sqlexecute('select * from Funkzellen where Print="false"');

It didn't work out as the where - clause didn't work out...

or is there a different function to filter the data in the Report??


(1 replies, posted in Reports)


does anyone have an idea on how to print the footer or any other band only on the last page, if for example the data reported is longer than one page??

Thanks for any help...
