(1 replies, posted in Script)

How Create Or Use Function  repeat ()  For String in  mvd  ?


(1 replies, posted in General)

How to fix check Symbol in calendar  comeback beautiful like old version ?



(3 replies, posted in Script)

Thank You  jean.brezhonek & derek For answer and Example Code Can help solve a lot of problems. In addition, once I get the sample, I can learn more from the internet to be an example for the MVD Community as follows:


Open Code

procedure Form1_OnKeyDown (Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean);
    if  (ctrl) and (key = 107 ) Then Form1.Label1.Font.Size :=   Form1.Label1.Font.Size + 1;
    if  (ctrl) and (key = 109 ) Then Form1.Label1.Font.Size :=   Form1.Label1.Font.Size - 1;
    if  (ctrl) and (key = 96 ) Then Form1.Label1.Font.Size :=   18 ;

Link reference http://cherrytree.at/misc/vk.htm

Virtual-Key Codes
The following table shows the symbolic constant names, decimal values, and mouse or keyboard equivalents for the virtual-key codes used by the system. The codes are listed in numeric order.

| Symbolic constant name | Value (decimal) | Mouse or keyboard equivalent                                 |
| ---------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| VK_LBUTTON             | 1               | Left mouse button                                            |
| VK_RBUTTON             | 2               | Right mouse button                                           |
| VK_CANCEL              | 3               | Control-break processing                                     |
| VK_MBUTTON             | 4               | Middle mouse button (three-button mouse)                     |
| VK_XBUTTON1            | 5               | **Windows 2000:** X1 mouse button                            |
| VK_XBUTTON2            | 6               | **Windows 2000:** X2 mouse button                            |
| —                      | 7               | Undefined                                                    |
| VK_BACK                | 8               | BACKSPACE key                                                |
| VK_TAB                 | 9               | TAB key                                                      |
| —                      | 10–11           | Reserved                                                     |
| VK_CLEAR               | 12              | CLEAR key                                                    |
| VK_RETURN              | 13              | ENTER key                                                    |
| —                      | 14–15           | Undefined                                                    |
| VK_SHIFT               | 16              | SHIFT key                                                    |
| VK_CONTROL             | 17              | CTRL key                                                     |
| VK_MENU                | 18              | ALT key                                                      |
| VK_PAUSE               | 19              | PAUSE key                                                    |
| VK_CAPITAL             | 20              | CAPS LOCK key                                                |
| VK_KANA                | 21              | IME Kana mode                                                |
| VK_HANGUEL             | 21              | IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility; use **VK_HANGUL**) |
| VK_HANGUL              | 21              | IME Hangul mode                                              |
| —                      | 22              | Undefined                                                    |
| VK_JUNJA               | 23              | IME Junja mode                                               |
| VK_FINAL               | 24              | IME final mode                                               |
| VK_HANJA               | 25              | IME Hanja mode                                               |
| VK_KANJI               | 25              | IME Kanji mode                                               |
| —                      | 26              | Undefined                                                    |
| VK_ESCAPE              | 27              | ESC key                                                      |
| VK_CONVERT             | 28              | IME convert                                                  |
| VK_NONCONVERT          | 29              | IME nonconvert                                               |
| VK_ACCEPT              | 30              | IME accept                                                   |
| VK_MODECHANGE          | 31              | IME mode change request                                      |
| VK_SPACE               | 32              | SPACEBAR                                                     |
| VK_PRIOR               | 33              | PAGE UP key                                                  |
| VK_NEXT                | 34              | PAGE DOWN key                                                |
| VK_END                 | 35              | END key                                                      |
| VK_HOME                | 36              | HOME key                                                     |
| VK_LEFT                | 37              | LEFT ARROW key                                               |
| VK_UP                  | 38              | UP ARROW key                                                 |
| VK_RIGHT               | 39              | RIGHT ARROW key                                              |
| VK_DOWN                | 40              | DOWN ARROW key                                               |
| VK_SELECT              | 41              | SELECT key                                                   |
| VK_PRINT               | 42              | PRINT key                                                    |
| VK_EXECUTE             | 43              | EXECUTE key                                                  |
| VK_SNAPSHOT            | 44              | PRINT SCREEN key                                             |
| VK_INSERT              | 45              | INS key                                                      |
| VK_DELETE              | 46              | DEL key                                                      |
| VK_HELP                | 47              | HELP key                                                     |
|                        | 48              | 0 key                                                        |
|                        | 49              | 1 key                                                        |
|                        | 50              | 2 key                                                        |
|                        | 51              | 3 key                                                        |
|                        | 52              | 4 key                                                        |
|                        | 53              | 5 key                                                        |
|                        | 54              | 6 key                                                        |
|                        | 55              | 7 key                                                        |
|                        | 56              | 8 key                                                        |
|                        | 57              | 9 key                                                        |
| —                      | 58–64           | Undefined                                                    |
|                        | 65              | A key                                                        |
|                        | 66              | B key                                                        |
|                        | 67              | C key                                                        |
|                        | 68              | D key                                                        |
|                        | 69              | E key                                                        |
|                        | 70              | F key                                                        |
|                        | 71              | G key                                                        |
|                        | 72              | H key                                                        |
|                        | 73              | I key                                                        |
|                        | 74              | J key                                                        |
|                        | 75              | K key                                                        |
|                        | 76              | L key                                                        |
|                        | 77              | M key                                                        |
|                        | 78              | N key                                                        |
|                        | 79              | O key                                                        |
|                        | 80              | P key                                                        |
|                        | 81              | Q key                                                        |
|                        | 82              | R key                                                        |
|                        | 83              | S key                                                        |
|                        | 84              | T key                                                        |
|                        | 85              | U key                                                        |
|                        | 86              | V key                                                        |
|                        | 87              | W key                                                        |
|                        | 88              | X key                                                        |
|                        | 89              | Y key                                                        |
|                        | 90              | Z key                                                        |
| VK_LWIN                | 91              | Left Windows key (Microsoft® Natural® keyboard)              |
| VK_RWIN                | 92              | Right Windows key (Natural keyboard)                         |
| VK_APPS                | 93              | Applications key (Natural keyboard)                          |
| —                      | 94              | Reserved                                                     |
| VK_SLEEP               | 95              | Computer Sleep key                                           |
| VK_NUMPAD0             | 96              | Numeric keypad 0 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD1             | 97              | Numeric keypad 1 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD2             | 98              | Numeric keypad 2 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD3             | 99              | Numeric keypad 3 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD4             | 100             | Numeric keypad 4 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD5             | 101             | Numeric keypad 5 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD6             | 102             | Numeric keypad 6 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD7             | 103             | Numeric keypad 7 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD8             | 104             | Numeric keypad 8 key                                         |
| VK_NUMPAD9             | 105             | Numeric keypad 9 key                                         |
| VK_MULTIPLY            | 106             | Multiply key                                                 |
| VK_ADD                 | 107             | Add key                                                      |
| VK_SEPARATOR           | 108             | Separator key                                                |
| VK_SUBTRACT            | 109             | Subtract key                                                 |
| VK_DECIMAL             | 110             | Decimal key                                                  |
| VK_DIVIDE              | 111             | Divide key                                                   |
| VK_F1                  | 112             | F1 key                                                       |
| VK_F2                  | 113             | F2 key                                                       |
| VK_F3                  | 114             | F3 key                                                       |
| VK_F4                  | 115             | F4 key                                                       |
| VK_F5                  | 116             | F5 key                                                       |
| VK_F6                  | 117             | F6 key                                                       |
| VK_F7                  | 118             | F7 key                                                       |
| VK_F8                  | 119             | F8 key                                                       |
| VK_F9                  | 120             | F9 key                                                       |
| VK_F10                 | 121             | F10 key                                                      |
| VK_F11                 | 122             | F11 key                                                      |
| VK_F12                 | 123             | F12 key                                                      |
| VK_F13                 | 124             | F13 key                                                      |
| VK_F14                 | 125             | F14 key                                                      |
| VK_F15                 | 126             | F15 key                                                      |
| VK_F16                 | 127             | F16 key                                                      |
| VK_F17                 | 128H            | F17 key                                                      |
| VK_F18                 | 129H            | F18 key                                                      |
| VK_F19                 | 130H            | F19 key                                                      |
| VK_F20                 | 131H            | F20 key                                                      |
| VK_F21                 | 132H            | F21 key                                                      |
| VK_F22                 | 133H            | F22 key                                                      |
| VK_F23                 | 134H            | F23 key                                                      |
| VK_F24                 | 135H            | F24 key                                                      |
| —                      | 136–143         | Unassigned                                                   |
| VK_NUMLOCK             | 144             | NUM LOCK key                                                 |
| VK_SCROLL              | 145             | SCROLL LOCK key                                              |
|                        | 146–150         | OEM specific                                                 |
| —                      | 151–159         | Unassigned                                                   |
| VK_LSHIFT              | 160             | Left SHIFT key                                               |
| VK_RSHIFT              | 161             | Right SHIFT key                                              |
| VK_LCONTROL            | 162             | Left CONTROL key                                             |
| VK_RCONTROL            | 163             | Right CONTROL key                                            |
| VK_LMENU               | 164             | Left MENU key                                                |
| VK_RMENU               | 165             | Right MENU key                                               |
| VK_BROWSER_BACK        | 166             | **Windows 2000:** Browser Back key                           |
| VK_BROWSER_FORWARD     | 167             | **Windows 2000:** Browser Forward key                        |
| VK_BROWSER_REFRESH     | 168             | **Windows 2000:** Browser Refresh key                        |
| VK_BROWSER_STOP        | 169             | **Windows 2000:** Browser Stop key                           |
| VK_BROWSER_SEARCH      | 170             | **Windows 2000:** Browser Search key                         |
| VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES   | 171             | **Windows 2000:** Browser Favorites key                      |
| VK_BROWSER_HOME        | 172             | **Windows 2000:** Browser Start and Home key                 |
| VK_VOLUME_MUTE         | 173             | **Windows 2000:** Volume Mute key                            |
| VK_VOLUME_DOWN         | 174             | **Windows 2000:** Volume Down key                            |
| VK_VOLUME_UP           | 175             | **Windows 2000:** Volume Up key                              |
| VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK    | 176             | **Windows 2000:** Next Track key                             |
| VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK    | 177             | **Windows 2000:** Previous Track key                         |
| VK_MEDIA_STOP          | 178             | **Windows 2000:** Stop Media key                             |
| VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE    | 179             | **Windows 2000:** Play/Pause Media key                       |
| VK_LAUNCH_MAIL         | 180             | **Windows 2000:** Start Mail key                             |
| VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT | 181             | **Windows 2000:** Select Media key                           |
| VK_LAUNCH_APP1         | 182             | **Windows 2000:** Start Application 1 key                    |
| VK_LAUNCH_APP2         | 183             | **Windows 2000:** Start Application 2 key                    |
| —                      | 184-185         | Reserved                                                     |
| VK_OEM_1               | 186             | **Windows 2000:** For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key |
| VK_OEM_PLUS            | 187             | **Windows 2000:** For any country/region, the '+' key        |
| VK_OEM_COMMA           | 188             | **Windows 2000:** For any country/region, the ',' key        |
| VK_OEM_MINUS           | 189             | **Windows 2000:** For any country/region, the '-' key        |
| VK_OEM_PERIOD          | 190             | **Windows 2000:** For any country/region, the '.' key        |
| VK_OEM_2               | 191             | **Windows 2000:** For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key |
| VK_OEM_3               | 192             | **Windows 2000:** For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key |
| —                      | 193–215         | Reserved                                                     |
| —                      | 216–218         | Unassigned                                                   |
| VK_OEM_4               | 219             | **Windows 2000:** For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key |
| VK_OEM_5               | 220             | **Windows 2000:** For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key |
| VK_OEM_6               | 221             | **Windows 2000:** For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key |
| VK_OEM_7               | 222             | **Windows 2000:** For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key |
| VK_OEM_8               | 223             |                                                              |
| —                      | 224             | Reserved                                                     |
|                        | 225             | OEM specific                                                 |
| VK_OEM_102             | 226             | **Windows 2000:** Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard |
|                        | 227–228         | OEM specific                                                 |
| VK_PROCESSKEY          | 229             | **Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000:** IME PROCESS key |
|                        | 230             | OEM specific                                                 |
| VK_PACKET              | 231             | **Windows 2000:** Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The VK_PACKET key is the low word of a 32-bit Virtual Key value used for non-keyboard input methods. For more information, see Remark in **KEYBDINPUT**, **SendInput**, **WM_KEYDOWN**, and **WM_KEYUP** |
| —                      | 232             | Unassigned                                                   |
|                        | 233–245         | OEM specific                                                 |
| VK_ATTN                | 246             | Attn key                                                     |
| VK_CRSEL               | 247             | CrSel key                                                    |
| VK_EXSEL               | 248             | ExSel key                                                    |
| VK_EREOF               | 249             | Erase EOF key                                                |
| VK_PLAY                | 250             | Play key                                                     |
| VK_ZOOM                | 251             | Zoom key                                                     |
| VK_NONAME              | 252             | Reserved for future use                                      |
| VK_PA1                 | 253             | PA1 key                                                      |
| VK_OEM_CLEAR           | 254             | Clear key                                                    |


(3 replies, posted in Script)

How To Create Custom Hotkeys  in form

New Record = ctrl+n

Open Form = shift+ctrl+alt+f1

help me please


+ Multiple Converter File By Folder+Sub Folder

Open Code

apppath : string;
procedure Form1_TableGrid1_OnChange (Sender: TObject);
procedure Form1_Button3_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
i : integer ;
    SelectDirectory('Saveto Excel Files','',Form1.Edit2.Text,True,True);
    IF Form1.TableGrid1.RowCount > 0 Then
        For i := 0 To Form1.TableGrid1.RowCount -1 Do
            Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[3,i] :=
            ExtractFileName(Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[1,i])+Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[2,i] ;
            Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[4,i] := 'Wait';
procedure Form1_Button2_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
sl : TStringlist ;
i  : Integer ;
    SelectDirectory('Source Excel Files','',Form1.Edit1.Text,True,True);
    IF  Form1.Edit1.Text <> '' Then
        sl := Tstringlist.create;
        sl.text := GetFilesList(Form1.Edit1.Text ,'*.xls*',true);
        For i := 0 To sl.count - 1 DO
        sqlexecute('insert into converter_list (source) values ("'+
procedure Form1_ComboBox1_OnChange (Sender: TObject);
i : integer ;
    Form1.Edit3.Text := SQLExecute('SELECT description FROM converter_type WHERE id = '+ IntToStr(Form1.ComboBox1.dbItemID) ) ;
    Form1.Edit4.Text := SQLExecute('SELECT value FROM converter_type WHERE id = '+ IntToStr(Form1.ComboBox1.dbItemID) ) ;
    Form1.Edit5.Text := SQLExecute('SELECT extension FROM converter_type WHERE id = '+ IntToStr(Form1.ComboBox1.dbItemID) ) ;
    For i:= 0 To Form1.TableGrid1.RowCount - 1 Do
        Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[2,i] :=  Form1.Edit5.Text ;
procedure Form1_Button4_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
    Form1.Edit1.Clear ;
    Form1.Edit2.Clear ;
    Form1.Edit3.Clear ;
    Form1.Edit4.Clear ;
    Form1.Edit5.Clear ;
    Form1.ComboBox1.ItemIndex := -1 ;
    SQLExecute('DELETE FROM converter_list') ;
    Form1.TableGrid1.dbUpdate ;
procedure Form1_Button1_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
ExcelFile : Variant;
WorkBook  : Variant;
WorkSheet : Variant;
i : integer ;
    IF Form1.TableGrid1.RowCount >0 Then
        For i := 0 To Form1.TableGrid1.RowCount - 1 Do
            Form1.TableGrid1.ScrollToRow(i) ;
            Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[4,i] := 'Process' ;
            ExcelFile :=  CreateOleObject('Excel.Application');
            WorkBook  :=  ExcelFile.WorkBooks.Open( Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[1,i] );
            WorkSheet :=  WorkBook.WorkSheets.Item['Sheet1'];
            WorkBook.SaveAs(Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[3,i], StrToInt(Form1.Edit4.Text) ) ;
            Form1.TableGrid1.Cells[4,i] := 'OK' ;
    OpenFile(Form1.Edit2.Text );
    apppath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName);


XlFileFormat enumeration (Excel) Link
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office … fileformat

| Name                              | Value     | Description                               | Extension                |
| :-------------------------------- | :-------- | :---------------------------------------- | :----------------------- |
| **xlAddIn**                       | 18        | Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In            | *.xla                    |
| **xlAddIn8**                      | 18        | Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In            | *.xla                    |
| **xlCSV**                         | 6         | CSV                                       | *.csv                    |
| **xlCSVMac**                      | 22        | Macintosh CSV                             | *.csv                    |
| **xlCSVMSDOS**                    | 24        | MSDOS CSV                                 | *.csv                    |
| **xlCSVUTF8**                     | 62        | UTF8 CSV                                  | *.csv                    |
| **xlCSVWindows**                  | 23        | Windows CSV                               | *.csv                    |
| **xlCurrentPlatformText**         | -4158     | Current Platform Text                     | *.txt                    |
| **xlDBF2**                        | 7         | Dbase 2 format                            | *.dbf                    |
| **xlDBF3**                        | 8         | Dbase 3 format                            | *.dbf                    |
| **xlDBF4**                        | 11        | Dbase 4 format                            | *.dbf                    |
| **xlDIF**                         | 9         | Data Interchange format                   | *.dif                    |
| **xlExcel12**                     | 50        | Excel Binary Workbook                     | *.xlsb                   |
| **xlExcel2**                      | 16        | Excel version 2.0 (1987)                  | *.xls                    |
| **xlExcel2FarEast**               | 27        | Excel version 2.0 far east (1987)         | *.xls                    |
| **xlExcel3**                      | 29        | Excel version 3.0 (1990)                  | *.xls                    |
| **xlExcel4**                      | 33        | Excel version 4.0 (1992)                  | *.xls                    |
| **xlExcel4Workbook**              | 35        | Excel version 4.0. Workbook format (1992) | *.xlw                    |
| **xlExcel5**                      | 39        | Excel version 5.0 (1994)                  | *.xls                    |
| **xlExcel7**                      | 39        | Excel 95 (version 7.0)                    | *.xls                    |
| **xlExcel8**                      | 56        | Excel 97-2003 Workbook                    | *.xls                    |
| **xlExcel9795**                   | 43        | Excel version 95 and 97                   | *.xls                    |
| **xlHtml**                        | 44        | HTML format                               | *.htm; *.html            |
| **xlIntlAddIn**                   | 26        | International Add-In                      | No file extension        |
| **xlIntlMacro**                   | 25        | International Macro                       | No file extension        |
| **xlOpenDocumentSpreadsheet**     | 60        | OpenDocument Spreadsheet                  | *.ods                    |
| **xlOpenXMLAddIn**                | 55        | Open XML Add-In                           | *.xlam                   |
| **xlOpenXMLStrictWorkbook**       | 61 (&H3D) | Strict Open XML file                      | *.xlsx                   |
| **xlOpenXMLTemplate**             | 54        | Open XML Template                         | *.xltx                   |
| **xlOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled** | 53        | Open XML Template Macro Enabled           | *.xltm                   |
| **xlOpenXMLWorkbook**             | 51        | Open XML Workbook                         | *.xlsx                   |
| **xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled** | 52        | Open XML Workbook Macro Enabled           | *.xlsm                   |
| **xlSYLK**                        | 2         | Symbolic Link format                      | *.slk                    |
| **xlTemplate**                    | 17        | Excel Template format                     | *.xlt                    |
| **xlTemplate8**                   | 17        | Template 8                                | *.xlt                    |
| **xlTextMac**                     | 19        | Macintosh Text                            | *.txt                    |
| **xlTextMSDOS**                   | 21        | MSDOS Text                                | *.txt                    |
| **xlTextPrinter**                 | 36        | Printer Text                              | *.prn                    |
| **xlTextWindows**                 | 20        | Windows Text                              | *.txt                    |
| **xlUnicodeText**                 | 42        | Unicode Text                              | No file extension; *.txt |
| **xlWebArchive**                  | 45        | Web Archive                               | *.mht; *.mhtml           |
| **xlWJ2WD1**                      | 14        | Japanese 1-2-3                            | *.wj2                    |
| **xlWJ3**                         | 40        | Japanese 1-2-3                            | *.wj3                    |
| **xlWJ3FJ3**                      | 41        | Japanese 1-2-3 format                     | *.wj3                    |
| **xlWK1**                         | 5         | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk1                    |
| **xlWK1ALL**                      | 31        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk1                    |
| **xlWK1FMT**                      | 30        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk1                    |
| **xlWK3**                         | 15        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk3                    |
| **xlWK3FM3**                      | 32        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk3                    |
| **xlWK4**                         | 38        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk4                    |
| **xlWKS**                         | 4         | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wks                    |
| **xlWorkbookDefault**             | 51        | Workbook default                          | *.xlsx                   |
| **xlWorkbookNormal**              | -4143     | Workbook normal                           | *.xls                    |
| **xlWorks2FarEast**               | 28        | Microsoft Works 2.0 far east format       | *.wks                    |
| **xlWQ1**                         | 34        | Quattro Pro format                        | *.wq1                    |
| **xlXMLSpreadsheet**              | 46        | XML Spreadsheet                           | *.xml                    |


(1 replies, posted in FAQ)


apppath : string;
procedure Form1_Button1_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
ExcelFile : Variant;
WorkBook  : Variant;
WorkSheet : Variant;
    ExcelFile :=  CreateOleObject('Excel.Application');
    WorkBook  :=  ExcelFile.WorkBooks.Open(apppath+'xxx.xlsx');
    WorkSheet :=  WorkBook.WorkSheets.Item['Sheet1'];
    WorkBook.SaveAs(apppath+'xxx.xlsx'+'.csv', 62) ;
    apppath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName);

// XlFileFormat enumeration (Excel)
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.xlfileformat
// | Name                              | Value     | Description                               | Extension                |
// | :-------------------------------- | :-------- | :---------------------------------------- | :----------------------- |
// | **xlAddIn**                       | 18        | Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In            | *.xla                    |
// | **xlAddIn8**                      | 18        | Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In            | *.xla                    |
// | **xlCSV**                         | 6         | CSV                                       | *.csv                    |
// | **xlCSVMac**                      | 22        | Macintosh CSV                             | *.csv                    |
// | **xlCSVMSDOS**                    | 24        | MSDOS CSV                                 | *.csv                    |
// | **xlCSVUTF8**                     | 62        | UTF8 CSV                                  | *.csv                    |
// | **xlCSVWindows**                  | 23        | Windows CSV                               | *.csv                    |
// | **xlCurrentPlatformText**         | -4158     | Current Platform Text                     | *.txt                    |
// | **xlDBF2**                        | 7         | Dbase 2 format                            | *.dbf                    |
// | **xlDBF3**                        | 8         | Dbase 3 format                            | *.dbf                    |
// | **xlDBF4**                        | 11        | Dbase 4 format                            | *.dbf                    |
// | **xlDIF**                         | 9         | Data Interchange format                   | *.dif                    |
// | **xlExcel12**                     | 50        | Excel Binary Workbook                     | *.xlsb                   |
// | **xlExcel2**                      | 16        | Excel version 2.0 (1987)                  | *.xls                    |
// | **xlExcel2FarEast**               | 27        | Excel version 2.0 far east (1987)         | *.xls                    |
// | **xlExcel3**                      | 29        | Excel version 3.0 (1990)                  | *.xls                    |
// | **xlExcel4**                      | 33        | Excel version 4.0 (1992)                  | *.xls                    |
// | **xlExcel4Workbook**              | 35        | Excel version 4.0. Workbook format (1992) | *.xlw                    |
// | **xlExcel5**                      | 39        | Excel version 5.0 (1994)                  | *.xls                    |
// | **xlExcel7**                      | 39        | Excel 95 (version 7.0)                    | *.xls                    |
// | **xlExcel8**                      | 56        | Excel 97-2003 Workbook                    | *.xls                    |
// | **xlExcel9795**                   | 43        | Excel version 95 and 97                   | *.xls                    |
// | **xlHtml**                        | 44        | HTML format                               | *.htm; *.html            |
// | **xlIntlAddIn**                   | 26        | International Add-In                      | No file extension        |
// | **xlIntlMacro**                   | 25        | International Macro                       | No file extension        |
// | **xlOpenDocumentSpreadsheet**     | 60        | OpenDocument Spreadsheet                  | *.ods                    |
// | **xlOpenXMLAddIn**                | 55        | Open XML Add-In                           | *.xlam                   |
// | **xlOpenXMLStrictWorkbook**       | 61 (&H3D) | Strict Open XML file                      | *.xlsx                   |
// | **xlOpenXMLTemplate**             | 54        | Open XML Template                         | *.xltx                   |
// | **xlOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled** | 53        | Open XML Template Macro Enabled           | *.xltm                   |
// | **xlOpenXMLWorkbook**             | 51        | Open XML Workbook                         | *.xlsx                   |
// | **xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled** | 52        | Open XML Workbook Macro Enabled           | *.xlsm                   |
// | **xlSYLK**                        | 2         | Symbolic Link format                      | *.slk                    |
// | **xlTemplate**                    | 17        | Excel Template format                     | *.xlt                    |
// | **xlTemplate8**                   | 17        | Template 8                                | *.xlt                    |
// | **xlTextMac**                     | 19        | Macintosh Text                            | *.txt                    |
// | **xlTextMSDOS**                   | 21        | MSDOS Text                                | *.txt                    |
// | **xlTextPrinter**                 | 36        | Printer Text                              | *.prn                    |
// | **xlTextWindows**                 | 20        | Windows Text                              | *.txt                    |
// | **xlUnicodeText**                 | 42        | Unicode Text                              | No file extension; *.txt |
// | **xlWebArchive**                  | 45        | Web Archive                               | *.mht; *.mhtml           |
// | **xlWJ2WD1**                      | 14        | Japanese 1-2-3                            | *.wj2                    |
// | **xlWJ3**                         | 40        | Japanese 1-2-3                            | *.wj3                    |
// | **xlWJ3FJ3**                      | 41        | Japanese 1-2-3 format                     | *.wj3                    |
// | **xlWK1**                         | 5         | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk1                    |
// | **xlWK1ALL**                      | 31        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk1                    |
// | **xlWK1FMT**                      | 30        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk1                    |
// | **xlWK3**                         | 15        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk3                    |
// | **xlWK3FM3**                      | 32        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk3                    |
// | **xlWK4**                         | 38        | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wk4                    |
// | **xlWKS**                         | 4         | Lotus 1-2-3 format                        | *.wks                    |
// | **xlWorkbookDefault**             | 51        | Workbook default                          | *.xlsx                   |
// | **xlWorkbookNormal**              | -4143     | Workbook normal                           | *.xls                    |
// | **xlWorks2FarEast**               | 28        | Microsoft Works 2.0 far east format       | *.wks                    |
// | **xlWQ1**                         | 34        | Quattro Pro format                        | *.wq1                    |
// | **xlXMLSpreadsheet**              | 46        | XML Spreadsheet                           | *.xml                    |



(6 replies, posted in General)

function ExportToCSV
how to set
- text Qualifier ?
- Separator by tab ?
- Format value date,datetime or float,integer ?


(3 replies, posted in Script)

i read document in component tablegrid have

Columns[i].Options   >>> coImageForIcon

What is It and How to use ?

http://myvisualdatabase.com/help_en/scr … egrid.html


(0 replies, posted in General)

Font From https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+1F510


(2 replies, posted in Script)

Easy Try Layout popular Dashboard Admin Layout


Open Code

splitter00 : Tsplitter ;
procedure Form1_Panel4_OnClick (Sender: TObject);
    Form1.PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 2 ;
    Form1.Panel2.Color := clwhite ;
    Form1.Panel3.COlor := clwhite ;
    Form1.Panel4.COlor := $0092C200 ;
procedure Form1_Panel3_OnClick (Sender: TObject);
    Form1.PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 1 ;
    Form1.Panel2.Color := clwhite ;
    Form1.Panel3.COlor := $0092C200 ;
    Form1.Panel4.COlor := Clwhite ;
procedure Form1_Panel2_OnClick (Sender: TObject);
    Form1.PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0 ;
    Form1.Panel2.Color := $0092C200 ;
    Form1.Panel3.COlor := Clwhite ;
    Form1.Panel4.COlor := Clwhite ;
    Form1.Panel1.Align := AlLeft ;
    splitter00 := Tsplitter.Create(Form1) ;
    splitter00.parent := Form1 ;
    splitter00.Align := alleft ;
    splitter00.Left := 100 ;
    splitter00.Width:= 5 ;
    Form1.PageControl1.Align := AlClient ;
    Form1.PageControl1.Pages[0].TabVisible := false;
    Form1.PageControl1.Pages[1].TabVisible := false;
    Form1.PageControl1.Pages[2].TabVisible := false;


(3 replies, posted in General)

Not Effect GroupBox
1. input color in property
2. and edit script


(3 replies, posted in General)

Not Effect PageControl
1. input color in property
2. and edit script



(3 replies, posted in General)

Not Effect
1. input color in property
2. and edit script



(1 replies, posted in Script)

How To  input text and pan to , Zoom to location on  Map Component ?
search location  Increase accuracy like google map  before marker on map record in database


(0 replies, posted in General)

in mvd can connect database by input parameter in form Type TCP
if Type SSH  How to edit form connect  ?


(1 replies, posted in General)

when edit field "datetime" in tablegrid time not show ?
when design checkbok icon correct it beautiful  but compile not beautiful ?




(1 replies, posted in General)

defaultchecked  = True
kind = DateTime

when design  it  OK  it check but when compile DateTimePicker  havn't check

Bug ?


(5 replies, posted in Script)

Thank You mathmathou

mathmathou Thank you very much for the answer
I hope this MVD will add this Multi-threading feature.
This benefit will reduce time and can be used to process more than 1 event in a single procedure.
Additional questions if SQLite cannot do Multi-threading in MVD (must use Transaction Script instead)
And if it is MySQL, can be Multi-threading in MVD?


(5 replies, posted in Script)

In Normal Script Procedure
start step1 finish
start step2 finish
start step3 finish

How To Edit Script  step1,step2,step3 start  in same time


when use menu import for select  csv file
Help  Add auto matching Column name In CSV File To Table  !



(1 replies, posted in Script)

MVD Can Merge Header Or Cell  In TableGrid?
Help Me Please


(6 replies, posted in General)

Good Export Script
Help Add Export Script
- SQL Insert Script


(6 replies, posted in General)

- Help Add Auto Function beautiful Formatting Pascal Syntax


(9 replies, posted in General)


How to Find Out BIOS, Motherboard and CPU info from Command Line

https://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-fi … mand-line/


If you want to get info about your system’s BIOS, then type this command

wmic bios get name,serialnumber,version

This will tells you the name if your BIOS, current version and it’s serial number if there is any.

wmic csproduct get name,identifyingnumber,uuid


Use MVD Function Read Value Registry