(21 replies, posted in General)

Thanks Brian, this example can be adapted for several programs.


(21 replies, posted in General)

Hello, I saw a topic on the forum that did not get an answer.
This subject concerns birthday dates and may be interesting to apply it to other subjects, in particular to stocks or other archives.
Has an answer been posted?
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
Here is the message in question:
'message for birthday'

Is there a script to show a Birthday Message in a specific date?
I recorded information for 100 employees of a company as well as their spouses and children.
is it possible that a message pops up on his/her birthday, showing that person's name and when I click on his/her name, it refers me to that persons page.
thank you


(9 replies, posted in General)

This forum is there to allow everyone to share and emit new ideas so that novices like me can learn and move forward thanks to the people present here and in particular the "old timers" who are frequently found on most topics.
I thank them enormously for that and it is together that we will be able to progress.
Этот форум создан для того, чтобы каждый мог делиться и излагать новые идеи, чтобы новички вроде меня могли учиться и двигаться вперед благодаря присутствующим здесь людям и, в частности, «старожилам», которых часто можно встретить в большинстве тем.
Я очень благодарен им за это, и только вместе мы сможем добиться прогресса.
Ce forum est là pour permettre à tout le monde de partager et d'émettre de nouvelles idées afin que les novices comme moi puissent apprendrent et avancer grâce aux personnes présentent ici et notamment les "anciens" que l’on retrouve fréquemment sur la plupart des sujets.
Je les remercie énormément pour cela et c'est ensemble que l'on pourra progresser.


(9 replies, posted in General)

This solution works very well. You have to modify the font with an editor, and in the "Replace all" function add the new font and all that in 5 minutes.
For the controls, it is better to display the size during the creation of the program, it takes less time.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Bonjour, que ce soit pour un bouton ou un label se fait par la procédure Onclic:
Adresse du site -->     Openurl ('http://..........');


(5 replies, posted in General)

Ok, thank you for your answers, I will copy the "Font" file in the system but if I distribute my program to a third party it will not have this font. Thanks


(5 replies, posted in General)

Yes indeed this solution works but provided that the police are part of the system.
The one I want to include is a separate font I put in my program and I would like it to be read by MVD but how can I get it recognized since it is not part of Windows.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Good evening, I would like to include a font in the program so that it is an integral part of it, how to recognize it by default in the database.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Bonjour, je me suis fait un petit programme pour aider les enfants, regardez mon exemple.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Hello mathmathou, hello Derek, with MVD I have created projects which for some are quite impressive but I have not noticed any slowness either in loading or compiling it even with very many images.
For me there is no problem.


(12 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Hello, here is an example found on the forum and there are others.


(15 replies, posted in General)

Hello, try this little software that adapts your programs to all screens. It is a software without installation and free.
It is called QuickChangeResolution.


(15 replies, posted in General)

Hello, is it not enough to "Maximize" in the property?


(29 replies, posted in General)

Also works well in Multiselection


(9 replies, posted in Database applications)

Thank you Brian.zaballa


(9 replies, posted in Database applications)

With "Resource Hacker" change the icon like the image below or do as brian.zaballa says.


(48 replies, posted in Russian)

Calculated field labeled "names"
when Noms = 1 then '✓' else ''


(4 replies, posted in FAQ)

Да, это верно для бесплатных изображений. Я модифицирую их с помощью программного обеспечения для редактирования, смягчая края, это требует времени, но результат идеален, поэтому я сохраняю формат PNG.


(4 replies, posted in FAQ)

I adapt the images to the color of my form so it looks like the background is transparent.


(18 replies, posted in General)



(6 replies, posted in General)

Super sparrow, that's what I was looking for. Thank you, he's a chef.


(6 replies, posted in General)

Here is an example of my program


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi sparrow, I have the code to erase all the texts but I would like the "Names" field to remain displayed but I can't.


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi everyone, today I would like to know how I can clear the TextBox (in red) without clearing the "Names" field (in blue) for modifications.


(12 replies, posted in General)

Hi sparrow, your second approach is also good when you want to work directly on a board, I keep the one you offered me previously because it's the one that suits me best. Thanks