Thank you Dmitry!

I could´t get it to work, but I will try again now.
Thanks again and have a nice day.

I am sorry it is not a Form its a field from the tables in the TableGrid1,
could I write like this?

     Form1.TableGrid1.dbFilter := ('Skotat.Mangd_Tall > "50"') AND ('Skotat.Plats = "' + Form1.Label1.Caption+'"');

If I want to set two filters on the same TableGrid ?
How do I do I am not to god at this,
       Form1.TableGrid1.dbFilter := ('Form1.Number > "50"') AND ('Form1.Name = "' + Form1.Label1.Caption+'"');

Ok I se, Thank you.

Great ! it's look so easy when you know it,
Thank you

Why can't I change Font color on a Button or a ComboBox

How do i set a filter for a TableGrid with a TextBox or a ComboBox or a Button ?
This does not work,
I am sorry but I an new To my Visual  Database

procedure Form1_ComboBox1_OnCloseUp (Sender: string);
   Form1.TableGrid1.dbFilter := 'Testa_Nr' = Form1.Button3.Caption;