(2 replies, posted in General)

Thank you for the reply.

Based on the sample database: Country > Region > City

should I make:        itemcode > description > uom         in 3 separate tables united
by relationships?

I will try this  and will give you an image of what I have  done.

Thank you again.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi good evening, I am Jessie and I am currently amaze with your application. I am working on my database for a possible replacement of bin card on my work. I am just wondering whether is it possible for an automatic assigning of value to another field base on the combobox value I selected?

1st Table

id_2ndtable    [2ndtable] - relationship
desc           text
uom            text
qty               text

2nd Table

item_code   text
desc             text
uom              text

For instance I will select id_2ndtable on the 1st table via combobox then it will automatically fill in the details for the desc & uom on 1st table based on the 2nd table value of desc & uom? Hope you understand. Thank you. And more power.