(6 replies, posted in Reports)

OK. Thank you very much. I have MySQL on XAMPP, I'll play around when I have spare time.

I prefer using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP because MySQL and SQLite support it natively. Maybe the time zone should be set during sqlite.db creation in order for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to work correctly?

Можно добавить возможность загрузки кастомного значка (иконки) конечного .EXE файла, или, ещё лучше, каждой формы.


(6 replies, posted in Reports)

Your suggested method [(datetime('now','localtime'))] works with SQLite, but does not work with MySQL.
However, in the latest beta you provided CURRENT_TIMESTAMP indeed works fine (I've run just a few tests).
Thank you for your great support.
How do I mark this topic as SOLVED?

ADD: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP stores the date/time in GMT instead of local time. I've read that this is best practice and conversion to local time should be done during SELECT. I don't see if this can be done without scripting in MVD (yet?).
ADD2: According to W3Schools: "The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), LOCALTIME(), and LOCALTIMESTAMP() functions are synonyms for the NOW() function". If I understand correctly, this function should return local time instead of GMT, correct?

DriveSoft wrote:

Для подобных сред разработок обычно используется Shift+Click

Извиняюсь - не знал.


(6 replies, posted in Reports)

OK, I'll try.
Thanks for quick reply.

Не плохо было бы в редакторе форм добавить возможность выделения мышкой нескольких объектов, для перемещения группой. Реализованный метод Shift+Click интуитивно не понятен, т. к. Shift+Click  подразумевает выбор от...до. Может стоит хотя бы заменить на Ctrl+Click и добавить возможность выделения обводом (rectangle select или selection box, прямоугольеик выделения, не уверен как правильнее), как в Windows Explorer?


(6 replies, posted in Reports)

Hello. First of all congratulations on such a wonderful product! A great and lightweight alternative to MSAccess. I've been playing around with it all evening yesterday (downloaded the latest version).
I am having an issue with the database (SQLite, haven't tried MySQL yet).
I am creating a table with a field of DATETIME type and I tried to set a default value to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.  This does not appear to work for some reason. A workaround I found is to use a hidden DateTimePicker object in a form, but it is not the correct way.
Am I doing something wrong?