(13 replies, posted in General)

Thanks Dmitry

Exactly what I needed. I've upgraded to 6.3 as well and changed the code to "Application.User.id" all working now as I want.

My project is now nearly complete apart from one thing.....
Is there a way to disable header sorting on a tablegrid? So if a user clicks on a column nothing is resorted.


(13 replies, posted in General)

I've attached my original example.

In simple terms what I want is to take the logged in user and fill in the amended by field on the customers form.

The example has one user setup - admin with password admin.


(13 replies, posted in General)

Thanks Dmitriy,

When you say current version you mean 6.2?

The only other thing is I’m new to using objects in MVD scripts. How would I go about say storing the logged in user straight after logging in so that I reference throughout the script for the database? Any examples appreciated.



(13 replies, posted in General)

Yes exactly the main problem was that I had nothing to refer to!
Your example will work for me though I probably use a variable to hold the logged in user.
I tested with the two users you added and all looked ok.
Multiple logins will happen but unlikely they will sign in at the same time to the split second!

I do remember reading that Dmitry saying that in a future version we would be able to design the login form ourselves to make something less generic and more custom. Hopefully this will help in my quest to find out how to refer to the username field on the login form. Perhaps he'll read this and comment?



(13 replies, posted in General)

I couldn't really upload the actual project as it has private customer data in it. What I've done is create a mini example of what I'm trying to do (attached zipped file).

Login with admin & admin and the "Amended by" field on form1 needs to be prefilled with the logged in user.


(13 replies, posted in General)

Hi Derek,

Thanks for the example. I had a very similar piece of code in my project before I implemented the new features from v6.1.

What I really need to know is how the reference the field on the new login form. I see how to use the code but as no one can see this form I don't know the field name for the combo box.

I hope this makes sense? May need the authors help on this one.


(13 replies, posted in General)

I've implemented the users & roles introduced in V6.1 into my project but have a question about using the logged in username.

What I need to do is prefill a combobox on a form with the current logged in user. How do I achieve this?


(4 replies, posted in General)

Thanks Derek.

So easy a solution I managed to miss it smile

That just leaves one problem. The column widths on the tablegrid aren't correct for me. I know you can resize manually but is there a way to autosize the column width to the data in them? Either in the tablegrid option or do I need some programming?


(4 replies, posted in General)

I have a project I'm working on where the main information is displayed in a table grid. What I need to do is to sort this grid on multiple fields. I can see how to sort on one field but not multiple. What I need to do is sort on three fields?

Any examples welcome.