(3 replies, posted in Script)

thank you it's just what I was looking for.


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Hi, how can I select filenames from my hard disk and store them in a tablegrid, so later i can open a file selecting it from the tablegrid


(5 replies, posted in Script)

Yes this is what I was looking for.
Thank you again.


(5 replies, posted in Script)

I mean the menu bar in the program where we choose the file


(5 replies, posted in Script)

First of all congratulation and thank you for your wonderful software and your god job of support.

Is there a way to create a drop down menu?


(30 replies, posted in General)

wrong expression, it is not a cloud but a server, but what operating system it has I don't know it

Can we use the google drive or pcoud to work with the Mysql and mvd ?


(30 replies, posted in General)

hi there,
I have installed the MySQL Community Server:, I have also an account of a cloud server so can download and upload my files.
I also understand that I must choose the Connnection MySql in the database.
To work the same database more than one user they must have the program in there own pc,
My question is if  there is a video to show as step by step the connection between my pC home and the cloud.


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hi to all,
can I have my database file in a server so many persons can work at the same time ?
What is this MySQL support exactly?
Can you give me an example?


(2 replies, posted in Reports)

Thanks found my error, I forgot the (fx) field fro the SUM.


(2 replies, posted in Reports)

I have a table with some records
I like to create a report from the table
that will print us all the records with the same Name from a TableGrid

I have tried it with Select but I failed.

Can you give me a sample?

* and how can i have the total Sum of a record that show us the salary

(Creating Reports is not easy)


(2 replies, posted in Reports)

I have send you my program


(2 replies, posted in Reports)

I like to print in me Report Form the details of a single customer and my company detail.

So I have a table for my company detail and another table for my customers.
How can I create a Report


(1 replies, posted in Script)

I have Two Tables


The TableA  has the names of the employees and how much they get every month
in TableB how much I must pay for electricity

I have a budget of 1000 Euro

So I like to  now how much I have in the end of the month in my pocket
budget=100 -money for employees  -electricity

How can I write it to get the result?

Thank you in advance


(1 replies, posted in Script)

is there a way to create a οργανιζερ for the office appointments ?

Something to remind you the day and time of a rendezvous


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Ok fixed the problem with my PC, so the progarm is a simply test.

Us you will see There is the TbaleA with twice the field name.
In the first screen the results in the tableGrid are wrong.
I have saved the fields with different names but in the tablegrid there are different names
How can I fix it ?


(3 replies, posted in Script)

I have askek you in the past but I forgot the answer
So In case I have the Tables  Tab1, Tab2, TabSum, Names


  Retation with Table Names

  Relatin with Table Names

  Relation With Table Tab1
  Relation With Table Tab2

So my question is :
In the Form for TabSum ther is a TableGrid witt The LatsName of Tab1 and Tab2 and the Names Of Tba1 and Tab2
The problem is taht the Lastnames are ok written but the names are not ok.
How can I solve it.

Unfortunantely I can not send you my program because I face a problem with my Pc and I'm using a pc of a firend to send you this message



(1 replies, posted in Script)

pressing the button with Action [EXPORT TO EXCEL] but I do not have the MSOffice instelled in my PC but an alternative office suite (Kingsoft office).
So pressing the button  I get a message : Class tot registered, ProgID:"Excel.Aplication".
I understand the this is because the MS EXcel is missing. Is there a way to resolve that and pressing the button to open the office suite I have installed.
Thank you in advance


(1 replies, posted in General)

From the day I have downloaded and execute the new version og MVD 1.5 (16 March) my antivirus (Avast) shows me all the time that there is a virus. Any idea what it is ?


(5 replies, posted in Script)

Sorry, I meant CopyFile

So waht I want to do is:
I have create a button with the following script
  CopyFile('sqlite.db', 'Backup\sqlite.db');

And I need to create a Button to Restore it Back to the current path, and not to the Backup directory.


(5 replies, posted in Script)

I have create a Button for backup using the CopyTo. How can I make the Restore using the CopyTo, I cannot find the CurrentDir in script.


(1 replies, posted in Script)

How can i use with the command SELECT
a check before I insert a record in the table?


(1 replies, posted in Script)

How can I have a message Box with the buttons Yes, No, Cancel?


(2 replies, posted in Script)

send it


(2 replies, posted in Script)

Hi there
I have 3 tables Table1 (FriendsA),  Table2(FriendsB), and Table3(Names)
The table FriendsA and FriendsB do have a common colums by reltionship the table Names.
Until here ok.
When I make save the name frrom the same form the colum FriendsA.names and FriendsB.Name are the same. Is there a way to avoid this?

The other question is:
I can add from a combobox the value to a edit.text
How can I add the value from a edit.text to a combobox and when i make a search it should be visible in the combobox.


(1 replies, posted in Script)

how can I use the calendar like a plan for my Rendezvous - appointments.
What I mean is pressing from the calendar a day it should
show me i a tablegrid the appointment.
Something like outlook calendar
