(5 replies, posted in General)

derek wrote:

I don't really understand why you need to add the year identifier to the Class (for example, 1ComSci3) when you already know the year  from the Form itself (Form1 ComSci3).  It just seems like redundant data.  But if it has to be that way, perhaps a way to approach it would be to use a calculated field that adds the Form year to the Class (see attached).
Other than that, I'd just hold the data in 'Class' table and not bother with a 'Form' table at all.  If you do it this way, you would need to promote one class at a time.

Wow, DEREK you are a genius. Thank you so much. You really saved me. My project only target class, the reason for that. Thank you once again


(5 replies, posted in General)

Good morning MVD lovers.

Please help me with the topic above


(5 replies, posted in General)

derek wrote:

Hi Humblelion,
Perhaps try it like this (please see attached).
Bear in mind that if, for example, you have students in Form1 AND Form2, you need to promote Form2 to Form3 BEFORE you promote Form1 to Form2 (otherwise the 'new' Form2 students will merge with the 'old' Form2 students and then they will ALL get promoted to Form3).
To prevent that happening (I don't know how likely that might be), you might want to use a 'promotion sequence number'  or something like that so you could rollback your changes).

Thank for your quick response.

This is such a great sample but there is one thing i wish to add, that is their classes to say from 1 ComSci 1 to 2 ComSci 1, where the preceeding numbers are their year group. Example 1ComSci1 means the student is in year 1 and is  in Computer Science class 1 and 2ComSci1 means the student is in year 2 and is  in Computer Science class 1.

Therefore once the student is promoted from Form 1 to Form 2 the class should also change from 1ComSci1 to 2ComSci1


(5 replies, posted in General)

I have a project that seeks to promote students from on grade to another and from one class to another.


Say in the Computer Science programme, we have four classes due to students number. So in Form 1 we have  the classes 1 ComSci 1, 1 ComSci 2,  1 ComSci 3 and  1 ComSci 4.

Now when they are promoted the following year, All Form 1 should change to Form 2 and the classes now named  2 ComSci 1,  2 ComSci 2, 2 ComSci 3 and 2 ComSci 4

I want a programme to do that for me

Thsnk you in advance for your immense contribution


(5 replies, posted in Talks about all)

sibprogsistem wrote:

неужели этого бота ни как не заблокировать? весь форум засирает..

Пожалуйста, сохраните мой номер телефона и дайте нам пообщаться. У меня есть контракт для тебя. +233242785546


(10 replies, posted in General)

sibprogsistem wrote:
procedure Form1_Memo1_OnKeyDown (Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean);
  if Key = 13 then begin
  //s := Form1.Memo1.Text;
  //s := ReplaceStr(s,#13#10,'');
  //Form1.Memo1.Text:= s;
  Form1.Memo1.Text:=Form1.Memo1.Text + '/ r / n ';

Thank you so much for the quick reponse. You are my all time favorite. Thank you once again


(10 replies, posted in General)

sibprogsistem wrote:

this is a problem on the side of your SMS messaging service ... usually SMS messages are sent in one line ...
SMSAero can do line break   https://smsaero.ru/blog/post/dobavlena- … oki-v-sms/

Sibprogsistem, please help me create a hotkey for ENTER key such that onclick, it adds /r/n to memo text. Thank you my brother for always assisting me.


(10 replies, posted in General)

sibprogsistem wrote:

как Вы отправляете сообщение?
how do you send the message?

This is the output/result after sending content in Memo


(10 replies, posted in General)

sibprogsistem wrote:

как Вы отправляете сообщение?
how do you send the message?


(10 replies, posted in General)

Hello thezimguy, Derek, Sibprogsistem, Dmitry and all MVD users

I want to add a line break when I press ENTER on the keyboard in Memo field.

In sending an email, even though visually there line breaks when you press ENTER in a Memo field, the text sends without adding the line breaks..

Thank you in advance for your immense support


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hello all MVD users

Is the a way to use or call an external dll file in MVD?

Thank you in advance for your immense contribution


(2 replies, posted in Script)

vovka3003 wrote:
procedure Form1_Memo1_OnChange (Sender: TObject);
  Form1.Label1.Caption :=
  Format('Total: %d sms (%d characters)',
  [(length(Form1.Memo1.Text)-1) div 160 + 1,


Excellent!!! It works like magic. Thank you very much


(2 replies, posted in Script)

Hello MVD users

I want to count the number of characters in a memo. For every 160 characters = 1sms and when greater than 160 characters but less than 320 characters = 2sms and so on. Thank you in advance for your assistance.


(10 replies, posted in General)

lupo1st wrote:

Are you sure that this procedure causes the problem ? You are calling the browser form 'browser.button1.click' - could it be that there is an error in the procedure that the button uses ?

You were right my brother. The problem has to do with the browser form and not the ping. Thank you very much.

Thank you too CDB


(10 replies, posted in General)

lupo1st wrote:

Are you sure that this procedure causes the problem ? You are calling the browser form 'browser.button1.click' - could it be that there is an error in the procedure that the button uses ?

Thank you so much for the information. The browser form work perfectly when you run a url in it. Anyway, I will check that again and get back to you. Thank you once again.


(10 replies, posted in General)

CDB wrote:

Ignore my suggestion above, I've just tried ping('google.com);   in the middle of some code and I get no errors on compilation.

So it looks like a case of commenting out chunks of your 'if ping' statement until you find the culprit.

I'm still surprised mine throws out that error.I just don't know what to do again


(10 replies, posted in General)

CDB wrote:

I've just looked at MVDs Ping function and perhaps you don't have enough parameters.

It shows  Ping(string,boolean,Timeout)   and returns a boolean.

Perhaps you should try :  Ping('google.com', false, Timeout);   False means you aren't raising an exception on error and Timeout has a default of 1ms.

I will give it a try right away and get back to you. Just a minute my brother


(10 replies, posted in General)

CDB wrote:


Is this definitely where the error occurs?

Have you tried commenting out parts of your code? I mean if you were to comment out If PING to the ELSE temporarily, do you still get the error?

Are you missing any semicolons before your call to this procedure?

Thank you CDB for the quick response. If I comment out ping,I dont get that error but I need ping to check internet connection. I will be glad if i could get another method for checking internet connection. Thank you once again


(10 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry, Sibprogsistem, Derek, thezimguy and all MVD users. I really need help on the topic above. Thank you in advance for your constant support.


(10 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitry and all MVD users. Please Help me out

I get this error "Event Handler Must Be a Procedure". Meanwhile the event is a procedure. Check this and help me out

procedure exeat_Button1_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
http: variant;
url,userpassword,username,sms,phone :string;

    If SqlExecute('Select Count(id_students) FROM exeat WHERE exeat.id_students=' + exeat.combobox2.sqlValue) > 0 then
         MessageBox('This student is already on Exeat','Error',MB_OK+MB_ICONERROR);
         Cancel := True;
      if ping('google.com') then
             SQLExecute('INSERT INTO report (exeatfrom, exeatto, purpose, id_students, id_class, action) VALUES('+
             Exeat.DateTimePicker1.sqlDateTime + ', ' + Exeat.DateTimePicker2.sqlDateTime + ', ' +
             Exeat.Memo1.sqlValue + ', ' + Exeat.ComboBox2.sqlValue + ', ' + Exeat.ComboBox1.sqlValue + ', "on Exeat")');

              username := 'hotice@live.com';
              userpassword := 'hot0208914692';
              sms := exeat.Memo3.text;
              phone := exeat.Edit1.text;
              user='+username+'&password='+userpassword+'&message='+sms+'&type=0&sender=SCHOOL NAME&destination='+phone+'';
              browser.Edit1.Text:= url;
          MessageBox('No internet Connection','Error',MB_OK+MB_ICONWARNING);
          Cancel := True;


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Hello Dmitry and all MVD fans

Even in the presence of internet access it takes a multiple clicks for


to respond. Is there a way to address this situation or better still another option.

In advance, I thank you for your assistance.


(6 replies, posted in General)

chanthait wrote:


Can we compress to 1 file ? and we just double click and run it.

Yes, its possible. Download a software called Enigma Virtual Box


(4 replies, posted in General)

CDB wrote:


Are you having a problem trying to calculate the sales value or the quantity sold?

Are you using a calculated column to work out your sales?

Thank you CDV for your response

Sales is determined by subtracting total amount of leftovers subtracted from daily supplies. I want pull the supplies I have made by date and subtract leftover from it to get the daily sales. Thank you


(4 replies, posted in General)

Feliz navidad all MVD users

Supplies are made to customers each day. To calculate daily sales, leftovers is subtracted from supplies at the end of the day. I have been able to do the supplies but the sales is my greatest headache. Thanks in advance for the help


(12 replies, posted in General)

Hi Humbielion,

Adding to what you said here's another resource that can help you with this task:

https://www.raymond.cc/blog/run-program … trl-shift/

Wow so powerful, this performed the magic. Thank you very much