(3 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Derek,

Thanks a bunch for the code to change time format.

However, for the second question, I believe you misunderstood me.

I am not asking about hint in the TableGrid. I am asking about the intellisense hint during coding the script in the IDE.

How can I know what properties/methods are available to work with TableGrid. The IDE showns the methods and properties form the TableGrid, but when we wtire Form1.Tablegrid1.Columns[i,j]. , nothing is shown in intellisense.

Anyways  is there detailed documentation available (other than your book and manual) for Tablegrid?



I have chosen the time format hh:mm tt  while entering record. However, when records are shown in Tablegrid, it shows seconds as well.

I want to get rid of the seconds in table grid.

Another main problem is intelliSense.
Intellisense hints are provided if we put  . after form, and TableGrid, but when we wrote . Cells [i, j]
and put .   , No help or intellisense is shown , which is most important for us sad

How can I know all the properties/methods for each control and specifically cells in TableGrid sad


(0 replies, posted in Script)


I want to implement a network client to communicate with a remote TCP server.

It would be very kind of you to provide some help.
