(9 replies, posted in Script)

DriveSoft wrote:

Yes, you should create event "OnClick" of button with action "Save Record", where you can make check.

procedure Form2_Button1_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
    if frmEmployee.edLastName.Text='' then
       ShowMessage('Enter Last Name.');
       Cancel := True;


If you are experiencing difficulties, please, send me your project to support@drive-software.com
I'll try to help you.

thank you. i will send my project if ever i will be needing big help.

i have a question. is it possible to make something like the attached file. something like schedule.


(9 replies, posted in Script)

thank you this is very helpful.

Based from your attached example, I checked the checkbox NOT NULL in Employess(lastname and firstname). In Employee form i clicked OK button and there is an error "NOT NULL constraint failed:employees.lastname." Can there be a message that says "Please enter correct data" or "Enter Last Name/ First name" instead for that error?



(9 replies, posted in Script)

DriveSoft wrote:

what is your goal?

You can't directly enter text to ComboBox for save it in database.
But I think it can be done with a script.

the goal is i will be able to add a name and after it will appear in the dropdown list. thanks..


(9 replies, posted in Script)

I already made a dropdown option. How can i enter data on it? It shows blank data. Thanks.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Thank you...


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi! I'm new to this software and new in DB. I have a question based on the examples provided(Student).

This is the scenario:
1. Go to examples and open Students db.
2. Run the project.
3. Click search.
4. Click Add Student button.
5. If click Cancel, nothing happens as expected.
6. Click Add button, click Cancel, then click Cancel to go to main UI.

Behavior: After step 6, although i did not create new entry still it creates new blank entry. Same thing happened also from the other examples.

Can this be avoided? As i said im new in DB. 
