(3 replies, posted in General)

Hellow Dmitry, thanks for the fast reply.

For the form client it worked my mistake when i select "showForm" instead of "newRecord"

I tried the conde and it works but it dont show the message i want.. hmm

Another question, can we disable the double click on a tablegrid?
So we are forced to select the row on the table and then click a button for the specifyed action??


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hello guys, i need some help.
I have 2 questions.

1st - I have a form that i can add clients, i have some textbox where i can put name, age, etc.
When i find the clients and open the form "edit" the texboxes are filled with the name of the selected client.
When i open the form add a new client the textboxes are filled with the name of the client i eddit.
There is a way to force them to be cleared?

2nd - The form addClient i can text some data, like name, age, etc. but i want some fields not null i have a piece of code but is not working...
What am i doing wrong ??

procedure frmNewClient_Button2_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
      if (frmNewClient.cboxNome.Text = "" )then
             MessageDlg('O campo "Nome" é obrigatório.',mtError,mbOK,0);
             Cancel := True;


I would appreciate some help


(2 replies, posted in General)

DriveSoft wrote:


In the current version is not implemented.

You can check the uniqueness using script, here you can download example:
http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/misc. … download=1

This soluction is very good.
I will try to implement on my database.

Thank you big_smile


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi, my question is this:

I'm making a program with a tablename called Client, but i want to make unique clients.

My colums are:
name, phone, adress and email, can i make like unique key with name or unique phone database??



(2 replies, posted in General)


I'm trying to set a TextBox  with a diferent Height, but when i run the program it came back allways to default Height, there is a way to set the Height??



(9 replies, posted in General)

sonixax wrote:

How can I have Radio buttons on MVDB ?!
Thanks a lot

Don't know about that, but you can use the checkBox, its like the same big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Script)

It workd very good thanks! big_smile

Can you guys create an api or some videos to help ppl how to use more the script funcion? big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Script)

Hello ppl, i'm new with the program, and i'm very interested to learn a bit more.

I want to make a basic program with some input values in DB, but i want to validate myself the input values of some comboBox.

A table called client with a name on it and its not nullable.

then i try to save the record without any values it goes a default message: "NOT NULL: constraint failed..."

with this code i can see if there is any text on the combobox:

procedure frmNewClient_Button2_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
   if frmNewClient.boxNome.Text = ''  then ShowMessage('wrong name');

the problem is, i get my message and the default message.

There is an way to dont show the default message?