Thank you
1 2019-07-09 14:05:46
Re: Database For Beginners (Book) (10 replies, posted in General)
2 2019-07-09 12:56:33
Re: Database For Beginners (Book) (10 replies, posted in General)
Hello Dmitry, you have the DOC or ODT version, I would like to translate it into Portuguese, for my use and I also make it available here.
3 2017-01-09 01:22:16
Re: License code (8 replies, posted in Talks about all)
Yes, activated, working.
Thank you Dmitry.
5 2017-01-07 00:46:12
Re: License code (8 replies, posted in Talks about all)
6 2017-01-06 01:04:12
Re: License code (8 replies, posted in Talks about all)
No problem, Dmitry, I was on vacation, my email is gilberto@schiavinatto.com.
7 2017-01-05 23:14:11
Topic: License code (8 replies, posted in Talks about all)
Hi Dmitry, I bought the update of version 3, but until now I did not receive the license code, I could check in your database if I received my payment via payproglobal.com.
8 2016-09-07 19:34:24
Topic: Print Table Grid manual search result and classification of some field (1 replies, posted in Reports)
What is the procedure for printing a result of tableGrid pequisa and a field manual classification.
When you use the [EXPORT TO EXCEL] the result is perfect, but when it is used [REPORT] or [SQL REPORT] not the output obeys the TableGrid.
I can not use Excel output, the applicant has not, use the LibreOffice Calc and PDF.
9 2016-09-02 02:28:20
Topic: Set the Form open position (1 replies, posted in General)
It is possible to set the position of the opening of Form2, in relation to Form1, and Form3 relative to Form2 as image?
10 2016-08-25 23:35:55
Re: Actin button [Report], how to use ? You do not have the manual ... (3 replies, posted in Reports)
Hi Dmitri, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the version I'm using (2.6 Beta), the link to the example reported in the response, the action button is "Report (SQL)." I need guidance on how to use the "Report" option (see images).
11 2016-08-22 17:59:03
Topic: Actin button [Report], how to use ? You do not have the manual ... (3 replies, posted in Reports)
What is the secret to the reports below, list the TableGrid1 data equal to "Export To Excel?
None of them list the data!
12 2016-08-19 18:27:02
Topic: Open in Excel, the MVD uses it to generate the file, or read only. (1 replies, posted in Reports)
Hi Dmitry in Action for the button, selecting Select actionfor on the button, Open in Excel, if you do not have Office installed, it does not work! OK.
My doubts the MVD need Excel to generate information or only for viewing?
If only to see the LibreOffice also open .xlsx, the MVD has option to indicate the path of the reading file would be practical, since LibreOffice in this growing global use.
Open in Excel, o MVD usa para gerar o arquivo, ou somente leitura.
Hi, Dmitry ,em Action for the button, ao selecionar Select on actionfor the button, Open in Excel, se não ter o Office instalado, ele não funciona! OK.
Minha duvida o MVD necessita do Excel para gerar a informação ou só para a visualização?
Se for só para visualizar o LibreOffice também abre xlsx, se o MVD tiver opção de indicar o caminho do arquivo de leitura ficaria pratico, visto que o LibreOffice esta em crescente uso mundial.
13 2016-08-12 01:16:08
Topic: ComboBox in Report SQL (1 replies, posted in Reports)
Na tablegrid a informação esta Ok, se gerar saida por Excel, também Ok, mas gerar Report com SQL não consegui acertar a informação do ComboBox ? O que falta no SQL ?
E ao acionar o Botão "REPORT SQL" da Error: Please, select record in grid.
In the table grid information this right, to generate output for Excel also OK, but generate with SQL Report could not hit the ComboBox information? What is missing in SQL?
And the trigger button "REPORT SQL" of Error: Please, select record in the grid !!!!!
14 2016-08-11 03:48:20
Re: Report output to LibreOffice Calc (2 replies, posted in Reports)
I agree, but the button would be faster (PDF would be good).
15 2016-08-07 00:39:07
Topic: Report output to LibreOffice Calc (2 replies, posted in Reports)
In "Button / Action / Select an action for the button" is output to "Open in Excel".(I'm not)
There is expected to have "Open in Calc" LibreOffice, or .txt or .PDF ?
16 2016-08-03 20:39:16
Re: TableGrid / Settings / Filter / DATE = blank (3 replies, posted in Script)
O que esta faltando?
what is missing?
17 2016-08-02 23:51:23
Topic: TableGrid / Settings / Filter / DATE = blank (3 replies, posted in Script)
Em TableGrid / Settings, como definir Filter para selecionar somente campo DATE em branco (sem data preenchida).
In Table Grid / Settings, setting Filter to select only white DATE field (not filled date).
18 2016-05-28 23:01:47
Topic: FastReport" with "relatório.fr3" desired already open. (1 replies, posted in Reports)
There is a possibility with the command "Action for the button" in selection "Open report designer ..." already open "FastReport" with "relatório.fr3" desired already open.
Há possibilidade com o comando "Action for the button" na seleção "Open report designer..." já abrir o "FastReport" com o "relatório.fr3" desejado já aberto.
19 2016-05-23 01:13:24
Re: How to solve "Application Error" (8 replies, posted in General)
Dmitry, Ok thanks you.
Do you use any application to find the error?
Você usa algum aplicativo para encontrar o erro?
20 2016-05-23 00:58:52
Topic: Edit file "tables.ini" (1 replies, posted in General)
No loss of information if you edit the file "tables.ini" duplicating a table (and renaming), only to make deletions and / or additions of required fields?
- Editar arquivo "tables.ini"
Há perda de informação se editar o arquivo "tables.ini" duplicando uma tabela (e renomeando), para só fazer exclusões e/ou inclusões de campos necessários?
21 2016-05-18 02:40:39
Re: How to solve "Application Error" (8 replies, posted in General)
and follows the file.
22 2016-05-18 02:38:27
Re: How to solve "Application Error" (8 replies, posted in General)
Hi, Dmitry
It took me to the return, the unstable application be the subject (sometimes did not work ..), now I had a problem again, see image and follows the file.
Do you use any application to find the error?
23 2016-05-16 01:12:41
Re: How to solve "Application Error" (8 replies, posted in General)
Hi Dmitry, following project ..
24 2016-05-16 00:09:37
Re: Save and Open another form with the same button (2 replies, posted in General)
Ok Derek, thank you ..
25 2016-05-15 23:40:43
Topic: How to solve "Application Error" (8 replies, posted in General)
Occurred after cut a table...
The data are test.