(12 replies, posted in Script)

Hello Dmitri,

Thank's for  helped
I modify again and found what i  want.... ;-)
I followed your example with 'ROUND' and that's OK now THX again !


(12 replies, posted in Script)

I want to create report but my result was wrong with this ....!!!
You can't have 307.31 with 32.09 in tablegrid on report...
...3 days on this application but no solution....


(12 replies, posted in Script)

DriveSoft wrote:

maybe it's due to rounding, please open record with prix: 32,09
and you will see value: 32,085

In table grid you got rounded value.

oooookkkk !!! thx but how can i get result  ' 307.32 € ' wih tablegrid ?
Do you know how because with excel my result is 307.32 € with 32.085 rounded 32.09. thx


(12 replies, posted in Script)

i loose 0.01 €....i don't know why
There is a problem for me !


(12 replies, posted in Script)

i loose 0.01 €....i don't know why
There is a problem for me !


(12 replies, posted in Script)

DriveSoft wrote:

Where exactly error in your project? Please let me know more details.

When i calculate sum with footer , it's not exactly .
Have you seen my picture ?


(12 replies, posted in Script)

DriveSoft wrote:


I don't have access to download the file.


And Thx for your help


(12 replies, posted in Script)

Hi All,

Take a look to my picture please and if you can tell me how can i do !

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B33rv … 05LTkFHaEU

Thx a lot

DriveSoft wrote:

Please download latest beta version 1.52
https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1roiqthyx7hx … 2.zip?dl=0

Yes it's ok thx

hi again Dmitry

I have an error at this line :

see error.jpg


(2 replies, posted in General)

hello Dmitry !!

Very nice !!
thank you for quick answer.


(2 replies, posted in General)

All i want to know is in my question :

is it possible to have the columns extended in the tablegrid when i am maximizing my form ?
because columns in my tablegrid are not extended.
Do you know how to....?



(14 replies, posted in General)

Hello JB
I'm sorry in advance for others i will explain in french language juste for this session.

Bonjour JB
Alors voilà .., je suis technicien en informatique et contrôle 3 serveurs ....nos licences office ne sont pas renouvelées et je voulais me pencher sur les differentes base créées avec access.
Dans une base .mdb est stockée tous les rens perso et les noms  plus grade des gens. Dans une autre, on retrouve la gestion de solde donc numéro compte qui s'en suit mais avec mot de passe mais aussi la relation avec la 1ere .mdb pour récupérer nom prénom grade date d'entrée en service etc.... Je me retrouve avec non pas 7 mais 14 .mdb......ces relations sont pour ce que j'ai vu pour la plupart en cascade.... Dans la première base mdb on part sur 17 tables juste pour une ..... Il m'en reste encore 13 après .....le projet est gros pour moi....je me suis lancé sur du SQL MS2014 express et vs 2013 express pour le design mais MVDB présente une facilité d'exécution qui me plaît et me satisfait emplement .... Merci pour le conseil et oui je vais détailler tout cela sur feuille + scotch et retranscrire ensuite....
Merci encore JB et bonne soirée

Sorry again for all users who read me ....


(14 replies, posted in General)

Hello tcoton

I thinked about that...i have a hard work to do that...
Thx you .
PS : i have actually 14 .mdb....aarrff

Have a good day


(14 replies, posted in General)

I'm so sorry ... Can't stay anymore
See you next day


(14 replies, posted in General)

In BASE.mdb i've got 17 tables ans first_aid.mdb 10 tables.........

.....i'm a lucky guy ....i joke


(14 replies, posted in General)

DriveSoft wrote:

hm..., but separate databases can't have relationships, only tables in a database can have relationships.

but in BASE.mdb i can see tbNAME who have employees and their fonctions ok !! and  first_aid.mdb  i can see blood group and relation with BASE.mdb for tbNAME... did you understand that..



(14 replies, posted in General)

DriveSoft wrote:

Do you mean, you have 7 tables  in the database?

no.... 7 databases with relationship created with Microsoft Access
This 7 are used by different users as Medical commander,  leaders in their offices etc....


(14 replies, posted in General)

DriveSoft wrote:

Unfortunately I did not understand.

What do you mean "7 access db" ?

Hello Dmitri yes i have 7 Microsoft Access database with relationship   !!!
or if you want 7 database create with Microsoft Access .......


(14 replies, posted in General)

Hello Dmitri and all,
I've got 7 access db with relationship to modify in mvdb if it's possible....
My first contain rank (i'm military), name, date of birth, location, phone etc...
2nd - compagny, section,job etc...
3rd and others are alert,  infirmary , etc.....
Just one question please
How can i do this....??
Do i use 7 db and exe with MVDB too ... or just create another db with " DB Browser for Sqlite "for exemple and use 'Script' in SQL ??
Thx all in advance ,

                                       -- s.k.nx --

PS: Sorry for my bad English , i'm French !!!


(3 replies, posted in FAQ)

DriveSoft wrote:

Next and Previous buttons for navigation


Thx a lot Dmitry !!!


(3 replies, posted in General)

DriveSoft wrote:


Added your question in FAQ
http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/viewt … 7827#p7827

I'm so sorry thx Dimitry !


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hi all,
Can someone tell me if there is any way to add Next and Previous button in this new version 1.51 by script or else ???
How can i do this please ?

Thx all ,