(13 replies, posted in General)


I have some forms that I fill in with english and greek text. Each time I need to change the input language I must press Alt+Shift on my keyboard which is time consuming.

What script can I use so that it:

1. Automatically changes the input language when entering a particular field while inputing data


2. Makes a button on the form change the input language on my keaboard

Thank you


(8 replies, posted in General)

Ok i found it.

A begin end. statement wasmissing.

Your instructions were correct and everything is workin fine.

Thank you for your help.




(8 replies, posted in General)

I forgot to mention that the code runs even with this error message but when I click on the button to reset the dropdown lists nothing happens.

Thank you


(8 replies, posted in General)

I tried your code but I get an error "Begin expected at 7:1"

I understand that I have to change "Form1" to the name of my form and
"ComboBox1" to the name of my dropdown list

Can you please help?



(8 replies, posted in General)

Greeting to all,

I have build an application to log my orders. It has several drop down menus.
I need to program a new button that will automatically erase the values that have been selected in the drop down menus. Can someone help me with an example of such a code?

For example I have 2 drop down menus.
One for selecting the car manufacturer and one for selecting the model.
Once I have made my selections I usually search my orders database for all matching entries.
After that I need to clean the previous selections in the drop down lists for my next search. How can I do this?

Thank you

Hi to all,

I made an application on my desktop computer that has a high resolution. I then ran the application on my laptop that has a lower screen resolution. The problem that I had on my laptop was that I could not see the whole form as I had designed it on my desktop. I could not navigate to the right of the form to click on the buttons I had designed there. I could only see and use a part of the form e.g. 75%. The rest of the form was not shown nor could I navigate to that hidden part. Any suggestions?
How can the forms auto resize based on the screen resolution.
Also can someone suggest a good book for programming with examples?

Thanks to all