I know that the function group_concat () when used in a calculated field returns a string on fields that are say currency. Is there a similar function or work around that keeps the data as currency. Using group_concat I find I can not produce a report in Fast Reports that will return a total using the standard [SUM(<Report."Cost">,MasterData1)] with Cost being the original currency field. Any help would be appreciated.


(4 replies, posted in General)

I think this question has been asked before but I can't find the answer. So, is it possible to define the screen position of a second or third form in relation to Form1. For example I need to have Form2 when shown, in the bottom left hand side of Form1 so that the data (on Form1) is still visible. Any help greatly appreciated.


(1 replies, posted in Script)

Hi, a little help please. Is it possible to insert variable data (this is not data from a textbox) into a table using SQLExecute. If so how is it formatted. I have tried
SQLExecute('INSERT INTO Tablename(Field,Field) VALUES("'+variable+'"."'+variable+'")'); and various combinations with out any luck. Any advice would be appreciated.


(1 replies, posted in Script)


I'm using a SQL query to setup a tablegrid and like to know how to include footers like SUM using script. Thanks for any advice.


(1 replies, posted in Script)


In a SQL statement I can use strftime("%d/%m/%Y",MyDate) for the date is there one for time.



(5 replies, posted in Script)

Yes that's what I need. Thanks for the answer.



(5 replies, posted in Script)


My question is, if you had say 5 records with the same date, is it possible to group them together and display them on the same row, different columns  in a table grid. If so, what would the script be. Thanks for any advice.



(1 replies, posted in General)

I'm using V2.5 and when I try to start a new project I have no Events listing for any object on the form in the object inspector, what have done wrong?


(1 replies, posted in Script)

Hi Dmitry,

Is it possible to use an array to change the caption of say 31 labels on a form. I'm trying to design a service application for trucks so when the user picks a month from a month calendar that month's days are displayed in a calendar type format on the form along with trucks requiring service. Also, is the use of images the only way in MVD to have lines and squares on a form. Thank you for your advice.



(2 replies, posted in Script)


I'm loading a tablegrid using scrip. The table has a number of DATE fields and when loaded into the grid the format is YY/MM/DD. But I need it as DD/MM/YY with no time. Can you help please.

Thanks Terry


(2 replies, posted in Script)


Thanks, understand where is was going wrong. You have saved me a lot of time and frustration.


(2 replies, posted in Script)

Hi, and thanks for the last reply.
I'm trying to write a scrip that will load table data into a grid after the form shows . The data required is based a SQL search based on the user input from a InPutBox() . Any ideas and thanks for great application.


(2 replies, posted in SQL queries)


I'm new to MVD but enjoying the learning curve. I'm trying to write a script that generates a report. No problem with a simple SQL statement. But I'm having trouble when I try use data from an input box as part of the search requirements. SELECT * FROM Flights WHERE fltTripID = data from the input box. Can you help please.
Thanks Terry