(6 replies, posted in General)



(6 replies, posted in General)

Adam, See revised.

See attached example.


(26 replies, posted in General)

Adam, let me address the SQL statement first. I'll have to take a look at your project later. I might suggest you find some tutorials on SQL. Once you know the syntax of SQL statements, then you just need to be able to apply them inside MVD's SQLExecute command. Here is an online site which provides tutorials and examples of basic SQL statements: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/

The SqlExecute command is simply one big string of an SQL statement inside the parentheses. SQLExecute('Insert.....');  The entire SqlExecute line can actually be on one line, but then it would stretch way past the screen edge. I put line breaks in for readability purposes. It also makes it a little easier for debugging as well.

Since the entire Sql statement is a string, then if you have text string values inside the single quotes, then the strings are placed inside double quotes (quotation marks). Text fields should be inside quotation marks while numeric values typically do not need the quotes.

The Sql Insert command defines the fields you are inserting separated by commas. The actual values being inserted are also separated by commas. That's why you see commas between the field values. If you manually inserted a row, an example might look like this:

Insert into Invoice (Counter1,Counter2,Counter3,Counter4,DBCRvalue,product,PIprice,PIRprice,SIprice,SIRprice) Values ("00001","00002","00003","00004","Purchase","ABC Product",100,40,150,10)

I rewrote the SqlExecute statement to maybe make it a little more understandable and readable to you. It does exactly the same as the one you presented except I formatted it for better understanding of the position of the quotation marks around text fields. Hope this makes sense.

SqlExecute('Insert into Invoice (Counter1,Counter2,Counter3,Counter4,DBCRvalue,product,PIprice,PIRprice,'
       + 'SIprice,SIRprice) Values ('
       + '"' + frmRefund.EdCounter1.Text   + '",'
       + '"' + frmRefund.edCounter2.Text   + '",'
       + '"' + frmRefund.edCounter3.Text   + '",'
       + '"' + frmRefund.edCounter4.Text   + '",'
       + '"' + frmRefund.edDBCR.Text       + '",'
       + '"' + frmRefund.edInvProduct.Text + '",'
       + frmRefund.edPIRpricePI.sqlValue   + ','
       + frmRefund.edPIRprice.sqlValue     + ','
       + frmRefund.edSIRpriceSI.sqlValue   + ','
       + frmRefund.SIRprice.sqlValue       + ')' );

Sorry that I didn't annotate with pictures. Just didn't have time. I'll try to look at your project tomorrow.


(11 replies, posted in General)

Knobby, Derek,  Another view on it. Since dbitemid/sqlValue is the actual record id from the tablegrid, you could just use this value. No need to do the SqlExecute. Either way works though.

if action <> 'NewRecord' then form2.edit1.text := form1.tablegrid1.sqlValue;


(26 replies, posted in General)

Adam, I had a few minutes to take a look at your project updated by Derek. Sorry, I have not had much time to get on the forum these days. The reason you are getting duplicates in the main invoice grids is as follows: The refunds table is a child of the invoice table. Since you are displaying refund fields (Specifically refund number in this case) in the main invoice grids, the tablegrids is doing what it is suppose to do by showing all the child refund data as well as the main invoice data in the grid. If you remove the PIRnum and SIRnum from the respective main invoice grids, then the duplicates will go away.

Thought I would add my two cents worth. Attached is another way and does not require SQL. This is of course considering I understand what you are trying to do. In the attached project, the form fields are assigned to the table fields and they are set to the current date and time before saving. I noticed that there were two dates; one for the date entered and one for date updated. The attached takes care of both.


(3 replies, posted in General)

This should work.

Form1.TabSheet1.Enabled := False;


(15 replies, posted in General)

I updated the project and removed the hard-coded prefixes in the table. I updated the calc fields to prefix the counters for the grids. Actually there is no need to enter prefix in the script. In the invoice form I simply put in the prefix as a label. I'm not sure what the advantage is in having a prefix at all since you identify the transaction with the "Type" field anyway. I assume it's the visual effect knowing what the transaction is when looking at the grid entries.

As far as other redundant data, the purchase info and product info is redundant. You could separate them out into separate tables, much like you have done in your other projects. However, I do recognize that maybe in this particular project it may not be appropriate since once you make the sale then the purchase invoice essentially goes away so actually the data is really not redundant. Just wasn't sure how this project fits in with your overall bigger project.


(15 replies, posted in General)

Adam, I think I have your issues resolved in the attached. The reason your Purchase Invoice counter looked like it skipped a number was because in converting it to a Sale Invoice the purchase Invoice counter still existed.  So the Max() function retrieved the Sale record with the existing Purchase counter. It actually worked as it is suppose to, but not what you intended. It needs to be cleared and that is what I put in the script. I wasn't sure if you intended to insert a new record for a sale or just change the type in the record. Your Refund insert did not work because not all fields values were defined in the statement. Since your counters can be null depending on the type, I also had to modify your Select Max() statement or it would always create an Invoice number of 1 because of the null values embedded in the table for other records types.

I'm not sure I agree with your approach with this particular project. There is a lot of redundant data in the database, especially with all the prefixes stored in every record. It is a very inefficient use of database storage. You would be better served either hard coding them in the script or creating another table with the definitions. Having said that, I do realize you are testing a lot of different scenarios with your overall project, so I won't question the design in this particular project.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Adam, it's fixed. One thing I had to do was set a relationship between the refund and the invoice tables in order to show invoice information on the refund form.


(15 replies, posted in General)

Sorry Adam. I was unavailable last week and did not have an opportunity to check the forum. Don't ever think you are bothering me. I don't mind at all helping people. I'm not always available, but if I can. I will help. I think I fixed your project. One thing to note on this particular project. You really do not need the "type" combobox since you are populating the exact value through script and disabling it on the form. And since it is not a user selected combobox field, you could just display the text field (which is hidden right now). I would remove the combobox and unhide, but disable, the text box for "type" and move it into it's place on the form.


(15 replies, posted in General)

The fix is attached. You were off on the itemindex by 1. It starts with 0. However, in your case you do not need to check itemindex. Also, when changing the value in the combobox, the text value needs to be loaded into the edDBCR text field in order to save the field value in the record. One observation, I would recommend removing the "[Select an Invoice Type]' item in the combobox list. You pretty much control what goes into the combobox when adding a new record. If a user selects that first value and saves the record, the record will disappear from the tablegrids because of the filters.


(7 replies, posted in General)

The inline editing within a tablegrid is basically a brand new feature and still in it's infancy. It's a very nice feature and I'm appreciative having it, but it could use some more work to make it more robust. I was able to code the tabbing with the tab key while editing in a cell. However, leaving a cell with the tab key does not save the contents of newly typed information in a cell, which of course defeats the purpose of tabbing to the next cell. Apparently, MVD only saves the cell info on the ENTER key or mousing out of the cell. There may be a way to do it that has not been exposed to us yet. So Dimity will have to address this. Good idea though.

Adam, After putting in the Begin and End statements, the checkbox logic seems to be working on my end. As far as the doubleclick edit on the passive focus, I could not duplicate your problem. If these are still issues, maybe you can walk through the steps you take to show the problem. Regarding the "Add Particulars", it looks like you are trying to set all the checkboxes to "True" during the Form2 OnShow event. However, when you try to force the setting of the checkbox, MVD will trigger the checkbox OnClick event. So in your case, MVD will execute each of the checkbox events and ultimately result in only the last one being checked.

When added new records, editing etc it seems to be loosing its checkbox logic

One thing that I saw that could be problematic with the checkbox logic is that the "Begin" and "End" statements are missing inside the "IF" statements for each of the checkbox Onclick events. Multiple statements should be inside "Begin" and "End" statements for an "If".

You need to place that statement inside the Form2 OnShow event. And it should be inside an If statement for the button clicked on Form1. Something like this

procedure Form2_OnShow (Sender: string; Action: string);
   If Form1Button = 'Some value' then Form2.CheckBox1.Checked := True;


(5 replies, posted in General)

I think I understand now. You are looking for a way for end users (your clients) to control queries and report output. MVD does not have this type of feature built in, but you could probably build something into your project, which could get quite complex. Or find a third-party user-friendly solution.. If I'm not understanding your requirements, forgive me and I'll let someone else give you some input. Maybe Dimitry can chime in when he gets back.


(15 replies, posted in General)

The Form1Button variable needs to be cleared before leaving frmInvoice.

procedure frmInvoice_OnClose (Sender: string; Action: string);
    Form1Button := '';


(15 replies, posted in General)

You were very close Adam. Since the convert button does a ShowRecord action, then your script for the frmInvoice OnShow should check for "ShowRecord" instead of "NewRecord". I commented your line and put in the fixed line. Technically, the "ShowRecord" check does not need to be in the "If" statement because the Form1button for "Add Sale" already implies a ShowRecord, but it does not hurt to have it there.


(5 replies, posted in General)

MVD does not have a query builder built into it. MVD's Sql Query window does provide assistance with column names and sql functions but it's not a query builder per se. You can use third party products such as Sqlite Studio to write your sql statements for testing and then copy and paste the sql statement into MVD's Sql Query window, but it is not a sql builder either. There are products out there which will visually build your select statements for queries, if that is what you are looking for. Most cost money. One of the freebies out there is Sqleo Visual Query Builder. It will build the select statements for you, including joins, etc with a visual gui. Then you can copy and paste the sql statement into MVD's Sql Query window for tablegrids and reports. You can build queries for most database systems such as MySql. It is java based so it uses jdbc and most are built into the product. However, you will need to download the jdbc driver for sqllite. It works nicely and can come in handy once in a while.


(3 replies, posted in General)

I think Dimitry is on vacation right now. At least that's what it indicates at the top of the forum page. There really is no manual available. It's been asked in this forum in the past. There is an online help page for some assistance on basic things with MVD.


I use the Delphi Basics site for help with functions, etc. Keep in mind that not all are incorporated in MVD.



(5 replies, posted in General)

Here is a sample project using MessageBox. It's not very sophisticated, but it demonstrates the various options.


(5 replies, posted in General)

There is a report band called "Overlay" which I think will satisfy your requirement.


Attached is a project to demonstrate it. I used MVD's sample equipment inventory project. Click on the Report button on the first form.

Just a warning - Report designer will look strange with the overlay expanded to the size you need. You will need to play around with the various objects to fit around the overlay. I suggest that during design mode you increase the size of the paper height of the report to 35 or higher so you will be ale to see objects such as page footer. When you have everything placed properly, then change the paper height back to normal. It's a little weird working with the overlay object, but it' can do what you want. I used a combination of rectangle boxes and line objects to form the grid.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Yes it is possible. In the report designer there is a property for frames. You can place frame borders around any of the objects within the report.
