(9 replies, posted in SQL queries)

SqlExecute('SELECT id FROM cliente WHERE contacto1 LIKE "%stoopidme%"')


(9 replies, posted in SQL queries)

hey Mathmathou you are allways a life saver, i'm trying to use the "like" function in sql to replace some tables and search buttons hidden in my program, that way i can use this simple line instead of hitting an invisible button to search for an item in a table.
but i'm doing something wrong

The sentence is this:

SqlExecute('SELECT id FROM cliente WHERE contacto1 LIKE '% + frm_assistencia.cl_contacto1.text%'')

i can't seem to make this one work.
i tried using ' and " and everything else...
Don't know where i am failing


(2 replies, posted in Script)

Hello, i know i can use report to print a barcode scanner, my idea is to use a barcode scanner to automaticly do a funcion with myvisual database.
I also know you can have a "when key press" funcion on screen, maybe i can use that and a combination of what's written in the barcode in order to automaticly open a form?


(10 replies, posted in Script)

instead of using the interface made by my visual database, export this to an https website running on apache (example)


(10 replies, posted in Script)

I'm rebooting my database from scratch, due to many bugs and not planning things right, i decided to start from 0.
I was also wondering, is it possible to export this interface to HTTP server?
many thanks


(10 replies, posted in Script)

Hello, is it possible to add a tracking number and a script to look for a website and update the tracking number status automaticly?
Many thanks


(23 replies, posted in General)

you are missing something you forgot:

when you over the mouse on the top menu tools, Save image on database, calendar, tablegrid , you don't have the "hint text" over the new tablegrid tree and google maps thingie.


(15 replies, posted in Script)

That is awsome, would it be too dificult to implement a variable "CopyTo" Folder? that way i could copy to the same folder as, for example: my Record_Count or Customer_name ...
Would that be possible in the future?


(3 replies, posted in General)

would it be possible to use two mysql databases ? or one mysqldatabase and one sql_lite database?


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hi, i want to use two databases , so when i backup the database, i backup the "Data" Database, i am going to use the other database for images, it will soon become too heavy for backups.


(15 replies, posted in Script)

or maybe use a different database just for pictures, is that possible? that way i could backup my regular database, and if the images database fail someday, it would be ok


(15 replies, posted in Script)

thanks, but this will make the database too heavy.
Is there a way to store this locally for each file snaped?


(15 replies, posted in Script)

does it resizes to a thumbnail? or does it show the picture 1:1?
Because i can't make it work, it shows a "white rectangle" with a black line arround it


(15 replies, posted in Script)

is it possible to make tablegrids to show up photo previews?

hi, i want to do a "ok / cancel" popup message box, that allows me to either "cancel a command, or continue with what i am doing.
For example: when i press delete, it asks me if i am sure, i want this on other features of my program.
What's the easiest way to do this ? with a new form? or is there any other way?


(187 replies, posted in General)

could you implement a way to either set a transparency , or make items invisible while inside the editor?
I have a bunch of "windows" on top of each others that turn visible inside the script, but it's annoying to see them in editor.


(2 replies, posted in General)

You are allways helping me Derek! many thanks! That's it!
Many thanks


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi there, is it possible to add breaklines in menus? and adding a submenu to another submenu?
Many thanks


(5 replies, posted in Script)

but will exit close my form?


(5 replies, posted in Script)

hello there. i have a if that does cancel = true, but it doesn't stop the rest of the script from running
Can i use a comand to stop the rest of the script from runing?


(2 replies, posted in Script)

okay, i'll use procedures then smile


(2 replies, posted in Script)

hello, instead of calling a procedure, can i just apply a "click" action?

   assistencia := TMenuItem.Create (Main.MainMenu);
   assistencia.Caption := 'Assistência';
   assistencia.OnClick := main.btnovo.click;


(8 replies, posted in Script)

hey Mathias. just came here to thank you.
I figure it out how to do this , it was easier than i tought. the script is working fine now, i'm almost finished with my database! (Finally) smile


(4 replies, posted in Reports)

Hello, i want to report something from an SQL Table, so i use:

LEFT OUTER JOIN orcamento on orcamento.id_assistencia = assistencia.id

The problem is that i want to show every "orcamento" that has the "assistencia.id" but i don't want to see the ones that have a boolean value = 1
imagine that i have orcamento.boolean , and i want to say to the report that i only want to show orcamento.boolean = 0 , or that i don't want to show boolean = 1 , is this possible with the reports?

Many thanks


(9 replies, posted in General)

one last question dmitry, and sorry to bother you:

Is it possible to disable "allow empty" on the tablegrid? one of the editable options is a "combobox" with a table reference, and it allows me to pick a "blank" id