(5 replies, posted in Script)

ahah Derek, very nice, i had done the same result but with a scrip that every time i press the key it will click on the search button.

What i mean is that i want to look up other tables inside a table...
maybe it's not possible


(187 replies, posted in General)

hey Dmitry here's some cool ideas that you might think about implementing:

- Scrolling edit box

When the edit box has too much information, it can display it with an automatic scrolling to the left message box, like one of those led signs you see at the shops.
Might be helpful.

- Image with clickable areas

Had this idea when i was at my dentist office, he can click on tooth number 33 and add a note about it.

- Bars and Charts

I know you got report, but how about an internal way to get bars and pie charts?

- Custom menus

I Wish i could just add "print receipt and print label" up there... as long with save and other useful buttons

- Wireless barcode scanner

An option to use the barcode scanner automaticly without the need to have a form open.
THis way i can just scan a code and i can open the form automaticly, or even better , if i need to scan a barcode on the shelf and then the product i can update the location of that produt on a shelf.
This would be awsome


(5 replies, posted in Script)

hey  do you think that i can use calculated fields to join info from a table into a table search?

Hi Guys, i have a table inside a table, i want to use the ID from the first table to retrieve the names from the second table, is that possible?


(5 replies, posted in Script)

i allways forget about calculated fields...

hey guys, i have a form, that has a "from and to" , it's a simple comunication between us tecnicians.
The thing is that both dbitemid's for both combo box goes to a single sql table name , called tecnicians.

if i guild a tablegrid diag i can only show the first "from" name , is there a way i can use the message.id_tecnicos and message.id_tecnicos1 to display the real names on the tablegrid?

Here's the screenshot to my problem:


if i use the "name table" i get the first name only
if i use the id table for the whiteboard i get numbers....


(187 replies, posted in General)

Ahah, thanks!!! smile


(187 replies, posted in General)

Thanks, but quickprint settings doesn't seem to be working with sqlreport
is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?


(5 replies, posted in General)

Found the problem!!!

I had the bad habit from copying the OK button to the Cancel Button, i would then change the icon and change the form to "no action" but i forgot that it  also copies the procedure.
So everytime i click on the cancel button i would start the procedure anyway...



(5 replies, posted in General)

Since this is all in Portuguese let me create an mysql server for you, and make a guide so you can replicate the problem.


(187 replies, posted in General)

Got the Printer thing working perfectly on mine, used an Ini File to configure the printers as well, but i was wondering if there's a way i can print 2 Copies at once.
Many thanks


(5 replies, posted in General)

i will post it from another smaller section, the bug is the same:

procedure frmtipo_btok_onclick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);

     tipo : String;
     existing_tipo_count : Integer;


tipo := frmtipo.bxtipo.text;

     existing_tipo_count := SQLExecute('SELECT COUNT(tipo) FROM tipo WHERE upper(tipo)=upper("'+tipo+'")');

    if existing_tipo_count <> 0 then
        ShowMessage('já existe este "Tipo" em duplicado');
        Cancel := True;

/// this is the part that is giving me trouble, if i press cancel, the message will appear

   if frmtipo.bxtipo.text= '' then
                        Cancel := True;
                        ShowMessage('O Campo "Tipo" tem que ser preenchido.');



(5 replies, posted in General)

Hey guys.

On my script to stop repeated fields from saving, i found that if i try to close the form on "cancel" it will just repeat my warning message tha ti wrote earlier, even if the edit box is empty.

Here's the part of the script that i'm talking about:

   if frmclientes.bxcont1cliente.text = '' then
                        Cancel := True;
                        ShowMessage('O Campo "Contacto (1)" tem que ser preenchido.');

as soon as i click on the button to close the form , the same message: O Campo "Contacto (1)" tem que ser preenchido appears, and it doesn't close the form, i have to use the "x" button on top of the form.
This is a minor inconveniance, but is this a bug or did i do something wrong?


(6 replies, posted in SQL queries)

i manage to get this working if i do this:

frmassistencia.cbmarca.ItemsChecked[0] := true;
   frmassistencia.cbmodelo.dbItemID := Last_insert_id;

(CBMARCA is the partent CB for CBMODELO)

it has a weird side effect tough, it pauses for a second while it checks sql database.


(6 replies, posted in SQL queries)

i am sorry, dbupdate was destroying the connection
But without dbupdate last_insert_id doesn't work


(6 replies, posted in SQL queries)

forget the droppeddown thing,
last_insert_id breaks the following combobox ,

I have 3 combo boxes

CB2 (parent CB1)
and CB3 (partent CB2)

As soon as i select cb2 on last id, cb3 show's every single id on the sql table, meaning that i can choose the wrong id with this bug.



(6 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Funny thing, i have 3 combo boxes on my form, they are all linked together in a cascate.
Every time i added a new item i was unable to select the new item on the cascated combo box without having to deselect it and select the first combo box again...
so... i added this to the code and it solved my problem:

frmassistencia.cbtipo.DroppedDown := true;
frmassistencia.cbtipo.DroppedDown := false;



(6 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Hey guys, i want to use an expression to force a combo box to automaticly choose the last sql query after adding one (of course)

Here's the scenario:

I have a combo box that are linked in a cascate to other combo boxes, they are: Type, Brand and Model.
imagine that i add a new model , so... i select the type... brand... and then i click on the "PLUS" button to add a new model.
As soon as i hit the save button, i can then use on after click to call for an sql expression to find the last entry on sql and define combo box model to it's last dbitem that was just insterted.

Is this possible?


(7 replies, posted in General)

is there a way instead of dbitemid.visible maybe a "selectable" or "enabled" ?


(187 replies, posted in General)

ohhh... very nice


(7 replies, posted in General)

hi, well that's half of the work right here! I can just get the unaviable personell at the end of the list.

the ideal was if the unaviable comboboxes items were unselectable, but i think i can live with that tongue
Many thanks Dmitry you saved the day once again


(187 replies, posted in General)

Hi Dmitry , can you check the possibility to "force" the same set of printers to each button? my Project uses a regular a4 printer to print forms, but a "sticker label printer" to print labels.
I allways have to manually choose between printers each time


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hey guys, is there a way i can Grey Out a single "option" inside a combo box? i have some technicians that are unavaiable, former workers you see? and i am wondering if i can grey them out and better yet, put them at the end of that combo box list if possible.
Many thanks

wow, you must be an awsome programmer, many thanks! smile

This works perfectly, did you just build this up in a jiffy so you can show me an example?! yikes yikes