(18 replies, posted in General)

thank you so much for your help
I can't enter the project, What is the password for the login page?

and also what if you forget the password? is there any way that if you forget the password, you can sett another password?



(18 replies, posted in General)

Thanks for your time
this sample is like my project.


(18 replies, posted in General)

thanks for the script but it shows an error for this line:

if frmLogin.edPassword.Text = DecriptRC5( GetStrIni('USER','Password'), 'Enigma') then

Can you please attach a sample?
thank you so much for your help


(18 replies, posted in General)

thank you for your reply
that's exactly what I like o do, but I don't know how to store the password in database or in the configuration file.
How can I do that?


(18 replies, posted in General)

In my project I have used a password to enter the main form but the user can't change that password set another password.
Is there any way for a user to set his own password for a project.
my script is like this:

procedure frmLogin_bLogin_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
    if frmLogin.edPassword.Text = '1' then
    end else MessageDlg('Wrong Password', mtError, mbOk, 0); // Displays a red 'X', header is: Error;


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hi everyone
please someone tell me how to search with a checkbox without the need for using a button with search action.
What I mean is that as soon as I tick a checkbox, the results are shown on a tablegrid without pressing the search button.
I have a sample that works fine but I can't make heads or tails about how it works. please guide me through it because when I use the SQL query in this sample with the exact script for a button in my own project, it does not work like it and I have to click on the search button to show the records.


(1 replies, posted in General)

Hi everyone
I the attached a sample project.
when I enter some children for one person, then in the search form, auto number counts wrong.
in this sample there is one person and 4 children. how can I make the search form only shows one number instead of 4

and there is another problem in the tablegrid. when I record  a new person, all the children from the previous records are also shown in the table grid

please someone help me because I don,t know what is wrong with my project.
thank you


(0 replies, posted in Script)

Hi everyone
Is there any script that change the date to Hijri date?
For example When you enter  a Gregorian date it changes to Solar Hijri Date which is used for Asian countries.
thank you


(21 replies, posted in General)

Is there an script to show a Birthday Message in a specific date?
I recorded information for 100 employees of a company as well as their spouses and children.
is it possible that a message pops up on his/her  birthday, showing that person's name and when I click on his/her name, it refers me to that persons page.
thank you


(5 replies, posted in General)

thank you domebil for your nice script and thank you Derek for your help
I know about page control / tab sheet functionality and used it in my form but the information that should be included are a lot more than a form and some page controls.
For example all the personal info should be included in one form
all the information regarding marriage and spouses should be included in another form
and finally all the information regarding children should be included in the third form
So I desperately need to combine 3 different forms together
Is there any way to connect them using scripts or buttons or etc?
thank you


(6 replies, posted in General)

I used the following script instead of " else if" and it worked fine. Thank you

procedure Form1_CheckBox1_OnClick (Sender: TObject);
      form1.color:= clBtnFace;

   form1.CheckBox1.Checked = True then
       form1.CheckBox2.Checked := False;
      form1.color := clBlue;


  procedure Form1_CheckBox2_OnClick (Sender: TObject);
      form1.color:= clBtnFace;

   form1.CheckBox2.Checked = True then
       form1.CheckBox1.Checked := False;
      form1.color := clFuchsia;


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi Derek
I did that too but still another error appears for the line "   else if "
please attach a sample because every time I correct this script another error pops up


(5 replies, posted in General)

Is there anyway to record all the textboxes in two different forms for a single person?
What I'm trying to do is that I need to record lots of information for each personnel and I cant fit all the textboxes in one form so I need two different forms ( one for personal info and the other for his spouse info)
I have attached a sample (2 forms , each with a textbox) please show me how to combine the forms together
thank you all


(6 replies, posted in General)

thanks for your reply but when I run this script I got an error for this line
"   if form1.CheckBox1.Checked := True then "

could you please attach a sample for your script
for example when the personnel is male the form changes to blue and if personnel is female the from turns to pink?
thank you so much


(7 replies, posted in Script)

thanks for your fast reply
unfortunately I got error for this script.
can you please attach a sample?


(7 replies, posted in Script)

Is there a scrip that a textbox should only consist of 10 digits and if you insert more or less than 10 digits, it shows an error?
What I want to do is to record personnel number for each employee


(6 replies, posted in General)

Is there an script to change the color of a form based on sex?
What I want to do is to insert 2 check-boxes (Male / Female) in a form and when I check the male, the female box disables  and the form turn to blue and visa versa.
thank you


(1 replies, posted in General)

Do you have any programs for developing android applications?


(11 replies, posted in General)

is there any way that there are 3 pictures (Stage Plan in this case) in the project and when you choose picture 1 using a combobox, the other 2 pictures are not shown and the arrow shows the specified position in the Picture 1?
I'm using version 1.45

I have made a project like the "Student Project" from your samples
I entered lots of data (in this case students' names and other info) in my project
I want to add another textbox for example Brother's Name to this project
but when I do this, It displays an error for the already entered entries (No Such column as: Brothers' Name)
Is there any way to add an additional textbox without deleting the already saved data?


(6 replies, posted in General)

is it possible that after clicking on the reset button, a message box is shown that says "Are you Sure?"


(5 replies, posted in General)

Is your script supported in Version 1.45?
could you possibly make an example for this version?


(5 replies, posted in General)

in the phone book sample when you want to show a record in a tablegrid, for example first name, last name and phone number
if a person has two phone numbers, 2 records are shown in the tablegrid with the same first name and last name
is there any way that the first column of the tablegrid has only one row (First name) and the second column also has one row (Last name) but the third column has two or three rows (2 or 3 different phone numbers)???


(1 replies, posted in General)

In my project there is a TableGrid with 5 to 10 rows.
when I want to show the rows in Report Designer, only the first row is shown.
is there any script that shows each row in a separate line in the Report Designer ?


(1 replies, posted in General)

In my project there are two checkboxes. one is "junior" and the other is "senior" and when one of them is clicked, the other becomes disabled.
in the report designer when I click on one of them, it writes only 1 when it is enabled and 0 when it is disabled
the question is:
is there any way that whichever I click, in the report designer instead of 1 and 0, it writes junior or senior?
I know that using ComboBox is easier but in my project I need to use checkboxes.
can you fix this problem in the attached project?